Introduction to IMG Semester Two Week Seven - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introduction to IMG Semester Two Week Seven


The Berlin Republic (post-1990, more especially mid-1990s onwards) ... Forty years (1959-1989) of economic security contrast this with the Weimar Republic: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Introduction to IMG Semester Two Week Seven

Introduction to IMGSemester Two Week Seven
  • The FRG - Achievements and Failures at last, a
    successful German state?

Germany Today Post-Unification
The Berlin Republic and the old FRG Continuity?
  • Unification in 1990 proceded according to article
    23 of the Grundgesetz (Basic Law)
  • Grundgesetz supposed to be provisional but
    remains for United Germany
  • West German institutions (Bundestag, Bundesrat,
    Bundesbank, Bundeswehr) adopted by the former GDR
  • West German political culture largely dominant
    liberal democracy, Marktwirtschaft, Nazi past
  • The FRG proven the better state?

The Berlin Republic and the old FRG
  • The Berlin Republic (post-1990, more especially
    mid-1990s onwards)
  • More assertive in foreign policy
  • More assertive in EU policy
  • But still a civilian power
  • But now called upon to take larger responsibility
    in world affairs Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan,

Nostalgia for the FRG
  • Ja, und ein wenig traurig bin ich, wenn ich
    daran denke, daß es den faden, kleinen,
    ungeliebten, praktischen Staat Bundesrepublik
    Deutschland, in dem ich groß geworden bin,
    künftig nicht mehr geben wird
  • Patrick Süskind (author)

Reassessment of the FRG
  • This nostalgia for the old FRG implies a
    reassessment of the pre-1990 West Germany
  • Seen as dull, uninspiring, not having confronted
    the Nazi past, obsessed with economic success
    (the Wirtschaftswunder), conservative, spiessig
    this was the assessment of the West German Left
  • A half-sovereign nation, americanised,
    lacking ambition, provincial this was the
    assessment of the West German Right

So time to Reassess
  • We can now historicise the FRG
  • Assess what it achieved and what it failed to
  • Come to a more balanced view about this period in
    German history a forty year period (1949-1989)
    in which there were no wars, no political
    instability, no rampant inflation, no mass

What did the FRG get wrong?
  • The Wirtschaftswunder?
  • Too much focus on economic success, especially in
    the 1950s and 1960s
  • The emergence of a consumer-obsessed society
  • The emergence of a work-obsessed society
  • The emergence of a society in which success is
    defined by purely material terms

The Nazi Past
  • Wirtschaftswunder allowed people not to focus too
    much on the Nazi past
  • Or, if they did, they often worried more about
    what they had suffered bombing, expulsion, loss
    of Heimat than on German crimes
  • Continuity of personnel at the highest levels of
    politics, economy and even the legal system
  • This went right into the late 1960s and 1970s

Discrimination against Foreigner Workers
  • From the late 1950s, Gastarbeiter begin to come
    from Italy, Spain and Greece and later from
    Turkey. Anwerbestopp in 1973.
  • Reluctance to be a Einwanderungsland
  • Social and political discrimination against
    Gastarbeiter - particularly Turks
  • Only recently have the naturalisation laws been
    changed to make it easier for Turks to take up
    German passports and to vote

Terrorism and the States Reaction
  • In the 1970s, and especially in the late 1970s,
    the FRG faced the problem of terrorism
  • The Rote Armee Fraktion
  • Disillusionment of West German youth following
    1968 and the student protests
  • Murders, kidnappings and damage to property
  • But state overreaction Berufsverbot,
    surveillance (Die Verlorene Ehre der Katharina
    Blum), and strong police action also the
    Springer Verlag newspapers

But what about the FRGs achievements?
  • The reassessment of the FRG stresses the

  • After National Socialism, a democratic order

The Grundgesetz
  • I. Die Grundrechte
  • Artikel 1(1) Die Würde des Menschen ist
    unantastbar. Sie zu achten und zu schützen ist
    Verpflichtung aller staatlichen Gewalt.(2) Das
    Deutsche Volk bekennt sich darum zu
    unverletzlichen und unveräußerlichen
    Menschenrechten als Grundlage jeder menschlichen
    Gemeinschaft, des Friedens und der Gerechtigkeit
    in der Welt.

Economic Security
  • Forty years (1959-1989) of economic security
    contrast this with the Weimar Republic

Coming to terms with the Nazi Past
  • From the late 1960s, especially from the
    mid-1980s, greater emphasis on the Nazi past
  • In schools, public debates, and politics
  • Richard von Weizsäcker, May 8 1945, on fortieth
    anniversary of the end of war
  • Wir gedenken heute in Trauer aller Toten des
    Krieges und der Gewaltherrschaft. Wir gedenken
    insbesondere der sechs Millionen Juden, die in
    deutschen Konzentrationslagern ermordet wurden.
  • Wir gedenken aller Völker, die im Krieg gelitten
    haben, vor allem der unsäglich vielen Bürger der
    Sowjetunion und der Polen, die ihr Leben verloren
  • Wir gedenken der ermordeten Sinti und Roma, der
    getöteten Homosexuellen, der umgebrachten
    Geisteskranken, der Menschen, die um ihrer
    religiösen oder politischen Überzeugung willen
    sterben mußten.
  • Wir gedenken der erschossenen Geiseln. Wir denken
    an die Opfer des Widerstandes in allen von uns
    besetzten Staaten. Als Deutsche ehren wir das
    Andenken der Opfer des deutschen Widerstandes,
    des bürgerlichen, des militärischen und
    glaubensbegründeten, des Widerstandes in der
    Arbeiterschaft und bei Gewerkschaften, des
    Widerstandes der Kommunisten.

Environmentalism and Pacificism
  • The Buergerbewegungen grass-roots democracy
  • The Green party
  • German Pacificism

Peaceful Unification
  • In 1870, the first German unification came about
    after a war against France
  • In 1989/90

Deutschland Quiz
  • Click on icon below
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