Building Organizations, Coalitions, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Building Organizations, Coalitions,


9/3/06 US Camp. to End Israeli Occup. Conf. ... Republican Party, Real Estate Developers, etc. Primary Targets: Cong. Rep., Church Board, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Building Organizations, Coalitions,

Building Organizations, Coalitions,
CampaignsA Workshop for Member Groups of the
U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupationby
Hany KhalilOrganizing Coordinator, United for
Peace and Justice
  • Power Analysis
  • Campaign Planning
  • Recruitment
  • Leadership Development
  • Coalition-Building

CoreElements of Power
To win our goals, a powerful movement for a just
Palestinian/Israeli peace must be effective in
all the core elements of power listed below. The
movement is currently strong in the red areas but
much weaker in the green areas. This workshop
will concentrate on tools for strengthening our
work in the green areas.
Effective Organizational Structures
Developed Leadership
Large Membership Base Among Core Constituencies
Resources, Infrastructure
Persuasive Narratives
Broad Alliances
Political Consciousness
Effective Strategy Tactics
Strategic Campaigns
Campaign Planning What Leverage do we Have Over
  • Common illusions about power
  • Overestimating our power Well win because
  • Justice or truth are on our side
  • Public opinion is on our side
  • We speak for large numbers of people
  • Underestimating our power We cant win because
  • Cant beat city hall, large corporations, etc.
  • What counts Ability to bring direct pressure on
  • Applying power in an issue campaign Our ability
    to win demands depends on
  • Can we deprive opponents of something they
    want/hurt them?
  • Rent strike Deprive landlord of rent
  • Influence the outcome of elections
  • Consumer boycott Deprive company of profits by
    depriving them of customers
  • Deprive of desired economic subsidy
  • Deprive of good reputation by exposing corruption
    in media
  • Strike/disruptive power Deprive company of
    profits by withdrawing labor prevent normal
    functioning of
  • Can we give opponents something they want?
  • Ex. Can influence votes of key voters

Elements of an Effective Campaign Plan
  1. Goals
  2. Long-term Major changes you eventually hope to
    win and toward which the campaign is a first
  3. Intermediate Campaign/Issue Goals Main goals you
    hope to win in this campaign. Should alter the
    relations of power and win improvements in
    peoples lives.
  4. Short-term Campaign/Issue Goals Specific,
    incremental victories/steps that allow you to
    attract supporters, motivate your membership,
    make your target take you seriously, and weaken
    the opposition.
  5. Target/Decision-Maker The person and/or body who
    has the power to make the decision and/or take
    the action, i.e. give you what you want.
  6. Power Analysis An analysis of the various forces
    exercising influence over the decision-maker and
    where they line up with respect to your goals,
    including constituents, allies, and opponents.
  7. Campaign Strategy The overall approach to
    building and exercising the power to compel the
    target to accept your demands.
  8. Tactics Steps in carrying out your campaign
    strategy. Specific things constituents and allies
    do to make targets feel their power to give them
    goals. Target should not want it done and will
    make concessions to stop it
  9. Organizational Considerations Resources your
    group will put into the campaign, organizational
    gains you want to come out of the campaign, and
    internal problems requiring solution.
  10. Time Frame The time period from the beginning of
    the campaign to the end.
  11. Tactical Plan A timeline of key campaign
    tactics, major activities, and/or events.

Their Goals/Demands
Our Goals/Demands
Primary Targets Cong. Rep., Church
Board, Weapons Manufacturer
Decisive Influence to Make or Influence Decisions
Opposition Republican Party, Real Estate
Developers, etc.
Active Participant in Making Decisions
Vertical Axis Level of Power
Secondary Targets Banks, Members of Faith
Decision-Maker Responds
Political Groups Comm. Org., Unions
Community Institutions Churches, Block Clubs,
Taken Into Account
Source Anthony Thigpenn, SCOPE
Horizontal Axis Opposing Agendas
Community Residents
Not Taken Into Account
Strong Support
Strong Support
Inclined Toward
Active Support
Active Support
Inclined Toward
YCME/Jobs Programs funded to address a real
need 2. Set precedent in Corps giving back in
return for subsidies 3. Set precedent on how
regional policies should be done
TRICKLE DOWN AGENDA 1. 90 million-plus in
Subsidies as business incentives 2. Token
resources given to communities in need
10 Decision Maker
8 Active Participant
6 Taken into Account
4 Gets Attention
Source Anthony Thigpenn, SCOPE
2 Not on Radar
Campaign Strategy Chart
Campaign Goals
Organizational Considerations
Our Side Constituents Allies
Targets Opponents
1. Resources Invested
1. Constituents
1. Primary targets
1. Long-term
2. Organizational goals
2. Allies
2. Secondary targets
2. Intermediate
3. Opponents
3. Problems to Solve
3. Short-term
Modification of strategy chart in Kim Bobo, et.
al., Organizing for Social Change
Why must we build a membership base?
  • Organizations with membership recruitment focus

Organizations that do not build a membership base
The 4 Core Layers of an Organizations Base
When making decisions about campaigns, message,
tactics, priorities, etc., organizers should
always ask Will this help us build our base?
Would other approaches be more effective? Organize
rs should give attention to building all four
layers of a membership base. Groups should
institute processes to constantly bring and
develop people from lower levels of involvement
and leadership into higher levels of activity.
Often, our work does little to expand involvement
in the outer layers or move people into higher
levels of involvement.
Organizing Core The people who put the most
hours in on a weekly basis. Activists People
you can get to come to meetings or marches, make
calls to targets, volunteer regularly, on a
weekly or monthly basis, who identify with the
organization. Supporters People who may donate
or participate in an activity once every 6-12
months. Periphery People who take very little
action but who may know and like your work.
Organizing Core
Base-building Mapping Constituencies, Networks
  • Most activists unconsciously think of people they
    want to organize as isolated individuals. In
    fact, most people who join political movements do
    so because someone in their everyday social
    networks encouraged them to do so. Effective
    recruitment identifies existing social networks,
    approaches people in their everyday life spaces,
    and focuses recruitment efforts on influential
    people within those networks.
  • One reason we often dont expand our ranks is
    because activists dont consciously recruit
    people outside their own social circles.

Conception of people as isolated individuals
Conception of people as part of social networks
Recruitment Effectiveness/Success Factors
  • Tapping into existing social networks
  • Accurate mapping of social networks and natural
  • Targeting of natural leaders
  • Effectiveness of the Organizer
  • Effective credentialing
  • Listens
  • Language, appearance, etc. appropriate to that
  • Inspires trust, confidence, sincerity, sense of
    urgency, and excitement
  • Dynamic presentation (delivery)
  • Tailoring based on clues
  • Effective crunch
  • Rigorous follow-up
  • Effective record-keeping
  • Contacting Sufficient Numbers of People (Critical
  • Regular, frequent, systematic, one-on-one contact
  • Contact strategies that match constituency
  • Execution of tactics
  • Concentrated efforts
  • Campaign activities/materials that give
    opportunities to raise groups visibility
  • Echo chamber in media
  • Cutting Issue/Campaign in Dynamic Compelling
  • Issue/framing appeals to constituencys
    self-interest, values, relationships, and vision
  • Having/articulating Goals/Demands which have
    VALUE to constituency
  • Using language and images target constituency
    understands and is moved by
  • Building on good sense contradicting dominant
  • Campaign strategy/tactics that are within
    experience of your constituency and will allow
    you to win
  • Convincing examples that organizing is effective
    approach to changing conditions
  • Recruiting to an activity, not a meeting

Modification of tool developed by Anthony
Thigpenn, SCOPE http//
Components of a successful recruitment meeting
  1. Get in the Door
  2. Listen Build relationship/trust/legitimize
  3. Listen ID Issues/Self-interest
  4. Agitate to Peoples Self-interest
  5. Make people angry Is that fair?
  6. Lay out vision/demands, need to organize, plan
    to win
  7. Must counter fear, cynicism, isolation, low
  8. The crunch Get commitment to group and specific
  9. Rigorous Follow-up

Why must organizations develop leaders?
  • Organizations with strong leadership development
  • Increased control of organization by members
  • Increased ability to project power of group and
    by uniting consituencies
  • Retention of members beyond one campaign
  • Expanded ability to carry out all organizing
    tasks, cohesion within organization
  • Improved decision-making
  • Organization/movement more stable by renewing
    replenishing leadership
  • Leadership structure more transparent,
  • Consistent with values/mission to spread and
    share power
  • Organizations with poor leadership development
  • Staff or few leaders makes decisions
  • Not as powerful as could be
  • Lose members after initial campaign
  • Limited organizing capacity, power
  • Poor decision-making
  • Organizations weakened when staff/leaders
    overstretched or leave
  • Contradict values/mission to spread and share

Organizers find and create opportunities for
others to become leaders
The Process of Developing Leaders
  • Model leadership
  • Assess leaders level/strengths, what they want
    to get out of participation, make a plan to take
    them to the next level
  • Give measurable, specific assignments through
    which others can develop. A good assignment
  • Meets the organizations needs
  • Stretches the person
  • Is manageable for that person
  • Brings satisfaction or reward
  • Provide systematic, formal training, using
    popular education as much as possible
  • Agitate, inspire, show how the small task fits
    into the campaign, the whole
  • Provide experienced person to advise and help, if
  • Follow up on assignments and hold people
    accountable. Raise expectations of themselves and
    what they can do. Push where necessary. Check-in
  • Give one-on-one and public recognition
  • Re-assess where the person is at

Effective Coalitions
  1. Action-oriented around local campaigns Unity of
    action, diversity of analysis
  2. Focus level of unity on the cutting edge issue or
    demand that can unite the broadest possible set
    of constituencies while drawing a clear dividing
    line with our opponents agenda.
  3. Focus on expansion Combine committed cores with
    broad range of constituencies/social networks
    beyond most active, conscious groups
  4. Focus on areas of unity, not division. But
    struggle where necessary
  5. Draw upon groups strengths
  6. Groups build coalition as a whole, not just work
    to set the line or build their organizations
  7. Groups raise/make financial contributions

  1. Excess time spent debating language/message
  2. Lack of concern with reaching potential recruits
    and allies
  3. Mobilization-driven, not campaign-driven
  4. Minimal investment in outreach, planning
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