Value and Pricing Message to the Seller - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Value and Pricing Message to the Seller


You decide whether or not to take an offered price ... everyone get along, restore some semblance of justice, avoid more riots, keep ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Value and Pricing Message to the Seller

Value and Pricing Message to the Seller
  • You always choose the price
  • You decide whether or not to take an offered
  • You decide whether, when, and how much to change
    or adjust the price

My Job as Your Agent
  • To do extensive research and apply my experience
    and expertise to determine a price that a
    qualified buyer is likely to pay in the current
  • To use tools and skills to market the property
    and get qualified buyers in the house
  • To represent you to negotiate the highest price
    and best terms
  • To represent you through the myriad of other
    negotiations and difficulties and ensure that all
    parties do their jobs to get the sale closed.

Pricing Message to the Seller
  • Have you ever been frustrated that a seller
    relisted with another agent after youve worked
    conscientiously for 6 months?
  • I couldnt get the sellers to agree to my price.
    Then they go and list with another agent at my
    price and it sells in a week.

You dont have a price
  • You have a price recommendation

Only the Seller has a price
  • When your price recommendation disagrees with
    their expectation, they get edgy.
  • When you start talking about your price the
    seller can take it as a competition over whose
    price is RIGHT
  • Create a cooperative, not a competitive,
    relationship with your client

This is my job
  • To market your property
  • To attract qualified buyers
  • To attract agents that have qualified buyers who
    will pay you the highest possible price.

Regarding the price
  • My job is to research all the possible
    information that affects your price, analyze the
    information, show it to you, and make the best
    possible pricing recommendation.

Then you can choose
  • You can choose to take my recommendation or
    choose a different price.
  • The price is always in your hands, not mine
  • So I will make a recommendation based on facts
  • Ill advise you, give you the best information
    and recommendation possible.
  • The decision on pricing is always completely
  • Does that make sense? (DONT TALK!)

The Close
  • Whether you choose to put the house on the market
    at the price the market indicates, or you choose
    something higher or lower, I will put my entire
    marketing effort to work, and no one will work
    harder, or smarter, or get you more money.

You Gotta Give a Little to Get a Little
  • This pricing message is just acknowledging the
  • The seller has complete control over priceafter
    all, whos been making the payments? You or the
  • When you put the responsibility where it belongs,
    IN THE SELLERS HANDS, you have much more

  • This approach must accompany a clear, strong plan
    for marketing the property to get the highest
    possible price.

Personality Types and Pricing
  • Engineer or Accountant? Mother to All or Party
  • Knowing a little about your seller will help
    you convey your message so that they understand

Clues to Personality Types
  • On the phone, are they
  • Formal?
  • Relaxed?
  • Cautious?
  • Guilty of TMI

Their Home
  • Do they have an excel spread sheet of every
    repair and improvement since they bought the
  • Are they name dropping their decorator, their
    furniture, their window treatments and their
    cabinet pulls?
  • Are there photos of every moment of every childs
    life, something cooking in a crockpot, and fish,
    gerbils, hamsters, dogs, cats, and hermit crabs?
  • Is absolutely everything EXACTLY where it
  • Can you see the floor anywhere in there?

What those clues might mean
  • Ds are in a hurry and do not want a thousand
    details. Get to the point. Give them the
    upside, the downside, and shut up. Know your
    data, but give them the big picture, cost and
  • Be on time
  • Talk in short sentences, and talk fast
  • Theyll go into a coma or throw you out the door
    if you give them every detail.
  • They want to know what you ll do, how fast you
    can do it and how much you can reduce the hassle

The Cs
  • Cs must have every detail. They are often
    engineers or accountants, and they not only need
    those details, they need to process all that
    information. Dont embellish, dont over sell,
    just know your facts, and give them the time they
    need. They are cautious by nature and pushing
    them will not be productive. Respect their need
    for detail, and they will be clients for life

Is are Fun
  • Its all about them, so dont bore them with
    anything else.
  • Their homes have glitz and glam, and they live to
    impress, so be sure to appreciate them and their
  • They can be competitivewant to have the best
    house that sells fastest and at the best price
  • They want to have fu-un selling their house
  • Be perky, but not quite as perky as them
  • They can be great refer-ers!

Ss are all about feelings
  • They can be emotional, concerned about how a move
    will affect their family
  • They really really really dont like conflict
  • They might value comfort over style and have a
    hard time understanding great showing condition
    because their 6 kids and 4 dogs and a couple of
    cats rule the roost.

Be a chameleon
  • Play the DISC game with your family
  • Go online and test yourself
  • Understanding the needs and fears of each
    personality type will give you a better
    understanding of how to communicate clearly and
    effectively not only with your clients, but your
    family and friends as well
  • Focus on the other person always

  • Be prepared for the objections sellers use.
  • Their JOB is objections
  • yours is knowing how to handle them!

Market Determines Value
  • I bring the market, the market brings the price

Market determines Value
  • I dont tell you what your home is worth.
    Instead, the market determines value, just like
    the automobile market, the oil market, the shoe
    market Together you and I determine the price
    you want to offer to the market

Market determines Value
  • When we list your home, we are saying to the
  • This is what we have to sell, and this is what
    we want for it.
  • Then, when buyers look at the house, the market
    tells us pretty quickly what they think of what
    we have, and what we want for it.

Need the money
  • I know you need the money, but, unfortunately, I
    am not Santa Claus, I am not a magician. I cant
    re-create the market for you.
  • I cant give you that money. I would if I
    could, but I cant.
  • If you bought Microsoft at 50 a share in
    November, and its selling for 45 today, how
    much would you get for it today?

Over improvement
  • Improvements are Bells and Whistles which may
    speed up the sale, but wont necessarily bring a
    higher dollar.

Over improvement
  • If youd known you were going to move, would you
    have invested in those improvements?

Setting up the CMA
  • Let me show you what our research has
    discovered, then we can talk about your feelings
    on price

Lets be Honest
  • It doesnt do me any good to list the home at a
    price where its not going to sell. All that
    will happen is youll continue to make
    (1,000)-a-month payments for the next three or
    four months. The listing will expire and thatll
    just leave a bad taste in your mouth for me and
    for the real estate industry. I am going to tell
    you the truth and all I ask of you is that we
    have a bilateral agreement to tell each other
    what we think, always.

Explaining Market Fluctuations
  • As you can see, Mr./Mrs. Seller, if you
    purchased your home 8 years ago, youll be able
    to sell it for more than you paid. However, if
    you bought it within the last 2 years,
    unfortunately the market has softened and youll
    not be able to sell it for as much as you paid.
    And if you bought it 5 years ago, youll be
    selling it for the same price you paid. Can you
    see how this information can help you to price
    your home so that it will sell in todays market?

YOU decide
  • You decide the listing price you decide how easy
    or difficult youre going to make it for us to
    show you decide whether or not youre going to
    put it in good condition you decide whether you
    are going to be cooperative on financing options
    and closing costs. I dont decide any of that,
    and neither does the buyer or the buyers agent.
    Youre 100 in control.

  • Additionally, I cant make the buyer pay what you
    might want, any more than I can make you take
    what the buyer offers. You are in control, you
    have the final say over the sale of the house,
    so how marketable do you want to make your
  • (DO NOT TALK!)

80 of marketing is price
  • Mr./Mrs. Seller, were doing 80 of the marketing
    of your home right now as we discuss price. We
    could put it on the market at 20,000-30,000
    over market, spend 10,000 marketing it, rent
    airplanes to fly banners all over the city, but
    it would do no good because its overpriced. You
    attract attention and buyers by pricing correctly
    at the outset. Thats why 80 of marketability
    is being done while we have this discussion.
    Does that make sense?
  • (DONT TALK!)

Declining Market Never Chase the Market
  • Mr./Mrs. Seller, as you can see, the market is
    declining at a rate of approximately __ per
    month and has done so for the last (6) months.
    One thing you need to do is place your home in
    front of the declining trend. In fact, in this
    type of market, you NEVER want to price your home
    higher than the last sale. Instead, you want to
    price it just under the last sale so you can be
    ahead of the market. If you dont then you get
    in a situation where you are chasing the market
    down, and thats one thing you never want to get
    caught doing. You dont want to be behind the
    market, do you?

Setting Expectations
  • How many showings are properties taking before
    receiving an offer?
  • Prepare the seller for a market review in 30 days
    or 15 showings, whichever comes first. Set that
    30 day appointment at your listing appointment.
  • Consider writing a price reduction into the
    listing agreement
  • Translate price objections from the start

Distressed Properties
  • If you dont know what you are doing, find
    someone who does or go get yourself educated!
  • Saving someone from foreclosure is like walking
    on shifting sand, but its a privilege and a duty
    for professionals.
  • Helping someone in need is the surest way to feel

From my sellers
  • There are at least 2 people in this world that
    you would die for
  • At least 15 people in this world love you in some
  • The only reason someone would hate you is because
    they want to be just like you
  • Every single night, someone thinks about you
    before they go to sleep
  • You mean the world to someone
  • You are special and unique
  • Someone you dont even know exists loves you
  • When you make the biggest mistake ever, something
    good comes from it
  • When you think the world has turned its back on
    you, take another look
  • Always remember the compliments you receive.
    Forget the rude remarks
  • Happiness keeps you sweet
  • Trials keep you strong
  • Sorrow keeps you human
  • Failures keep you humble
  • Success keeps you glowing
  • God keeps you going

  • Worry looks around
  • Sorry looks back
  • Faith looks up

New Preamble to the Constitution
  • Attributed to Mitchell Kaye from Georgia

We the sensible people
  • In an attempt to help everyone get along, restore
    some semblance of justice, avoid more riots, keep
    our nation safe, promote positive behavior, and
    secure the blessings of debt-free liberty to
    ourselves and our great-great-great-grandchildren,
    hereby try one more time to ordain and establish
    some common sense guidelines for the terminally
    whinny, guilt-ridden, and delusional.

We hold these truths to be self-evident
  • That a whole lot of people are confused by the
    Bill of Rights, and they require a bill of

Article 1
  • You do not have the right to a new car, big
    screen TV, or any other form of wealth.

  • More power to you if you can legally acquire
    them, but no one is guaranteeing anything.

Article 2
  • You do not have the right to never be offended.

  • This country is based on freedom, and means
    freedom for everyone not just YOU! You may
    leave the room, turn the channel, express a
    different opinion, etc
  • But the world is full of idiots, and probably
    always will be.

Article 3
  • You do not have the right to be free from harm

  • If you stick a screwdriver in your eye, learn to
    be more careful
  • Do not expect the tool manufacturer to make you
    and all your relatives independently wealthy

Article 5
  • You do not have the right to physically harm
    other people

  • If you kidnap, intentionally maim, or harm
    someone, dont be surprised if the rest of us
    want to see you incarcerated indefinitely

Article 5
  • You do not have the right to the possessions of

  • If you rob, cheat or coerce away goods or
    services of other citizens, dont be surprised if
    the rest of us get together and lock you in a
    place where you still wont have the right to a
    big screen TV

Article 6
  • You do not have the right to a job

  • All of us sure want to help you to have a job,
    and will gladly help you along in hard times, but
    we expect you to take advantage of the
    opportunities of education and vocational
    training laid before you to make yourself useful.

Article 7
  • You do not have the right to happiness

  • Being an American means you have the right to
    PURSUE happiness, which, by the way, is a lot
    easier if you are unencumbered by an
    overabundance of laws created by those of you who
    were confused by the Bill of Rights
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