Title: Stress, Depression, and Suicide
2I. Stress
- The bodys response to physical or mental demands
or pressures
II. Stressor
- Physical or mental demands that cause stress
3III. Eustress
- A healthful response to a stressor that produces
positive results.
IV. Distress
- A harmful response to a stressor that produces
negative results.
4V. Stress Chemicals
- Adrenaline- Hormone that causes a rush of
energy in times of excitement. - Endorphin - Chemical released by the brain
that reduces pain.
5VI. Sources of stress
- Daily hassles Day-to-day stressors of
normal living. - Family
- Schedule
- Peer relationships
- Criticism
- Losing belongings
- Life Crises An emotionally significant
change in a persons life. - Separation/divorce
- Death in family
6VII. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Condition resulting from a traumatic event
causing extreme distress.
7VIII. General Adaptation Syndrome
1) Alarm - Quick physical warning to stressor.
Fight or flight. 2) Resistance -
Starts when body fights or flees. Body
works to resist threatening
stressor. 3) Exhaustion - Bodys defenses
against stress are used up. Unable to
fight or flee.
8IX. Psychosomatic Illness
- Physical disorder caused by stress,
- rather than by disease or injury of
- the body.
9X. Handling stress in your life.
- Recognize your reactions.
- Maintain physical health. 1)
Nutrition 2) Physical activity - Relax.
- Nurture social support networks.
- Manage your time.
- Allow for setbacks
10XI. Grief Process
- Denial person does not want to accept what
happened. - Anger angry with the world or God.
- Bargaining makes deals with others or God.
- Depression reality sets in.
- Acceptance person accepts loss.
11XII. Depression
- Feeling of sadness, worthlessness, helplessness,
or isolation.
12XIII. Signs of potential suicide
- Talking about suicide
- Writing about suicide
- Being depressed for a long time
- Losing interest in friends, school, hobbies,
sports, etc.. - Giving away favorite possessions
- Behaving irrationally
- Carrying pills or a weapon