2Jesus we enthrone you
Jesus, we enthrone you We proclaim you are
King Standing here, in the midst of us We raise
you up with our praise. And as we worship build
your throne And as we worship build your
throne And as we worship build your throne Come,
Lord Jesus, and take your place.
3 We are one Body Though we are many We
are one body We are one body in Christ Though
we are many We are one body We are one body, in
4Chorus One faith in the Lord Jesus
Christ Binding us together in one cause One
hope in the One God One Father over all.
Definition The church is a gathering of people
who profess faith in the risen Jesus and his
message who, through the power of the Holy
Spirit, live a life of loving service to all
6Matthew 2820 I am with you always, yes, to the
end of time. The gift of the Holy Spirit at
Pentecost was the fulfillment of this promise.
7Scripture Reading Matthew 105-14
8- Learning Points
- Jesus calls us to live a life of loving
- service to all people.
- 2. Jesus calls us to proclaim the Kingdom of
God. - Charity begins at home.
- affirming each other, participate in group
discussion and class activities, meaningful
interaction, sharing ideas, etc. - 4. Participate in church ministries.
9Ministries within the Church
Catechesis Liturgy Home Catechesis RCIA/RCIY Chari
smatic Prayer Group Youth Council Youth
Facilitators Choir
10Ministries within the Church
St. Vincent De Paul Wardens Eucharistic
Ministers Lectors Art Ministry Family Life
Ministry Altar Servers
11Group discussion Facilitated by YFs
Last weeks journal writing Am I ready
to proceed? What are my anxieties or fears?
What is expected of me? What is my mission? Am
I ready to commit my time, talent, energy? Will
I answer Jesus call positively? What ministry
am I inclined to join? What are my gifts that I
can use to help build a ministry?