Title: DDI DataDriven Instruction
1DDIData-Driven Instruction
May you live in a time of change.
- Dr. Cal Stanley, Dr. Michelle Tubbs, and Tammy
Stephens - 4/8/08
2Our Focus
- Selecting an interoperable system
- Getting data in and out of the data warehouse
system - Conferring with colleagues about data
- Research based teaching strategies
- Ongoing support
3Choosing an Electronic Learning Assessment
- School Interoperability Framework (SIF)
http//www.sifinfo.org/ - Data Warehouse
- Web-Based
- Central Server/ASP
- District/Site Server
- Client/Workstation
4Choosing an Electronic Learning Assessment
- Data Analysis and Reporting System
- Curriculum Management System
- Instruction and Practice System
- Assessment and Diagnostics System
- Learning Communities
- Social Networking
- Wikis
- Blogs
- Bookmarking
- Video Observation
- You can actually enter into some serious
dialogue, not only across curriculum at one
school site, but also across school sites within
a district if true collaboration exists. . .
6DDI Questions
- How can effective implementation of DDI increase
student engagement and student achievement? - How can formative assessment strategies be
embedded in a content lesson? - How can summative assessments become celebrations
of content mastery? - What can we learn from the results of high
stakes testing?
7Data Driven Instruction What is it!?
8Data Driven Instruction
- Data have become the foundation of the
contemporary design of educational
accountability. - NCLBs reauthorization mandates the reporting of
school and student data at incomparable levels. - DDI is a method of collecting student data in
such a way that administrators, teachers, parents
and students can accurately asses student
learning. - Decisions are then made based on the data in
order to improve instructional systems to
continually promote student achievement.
9Data Driven Instruction
10Formative Assessment
- Real time data
- Reveals vertical content mastery
- Reveals grade level mastery
11How do you collect real time data?
- Implement checks for understanding throughout
the content lesson. - Important step in the teaching and learning
process - Allows access to the background knowledge that
students bring into the classroom - Illuminates exactly what students understand
about the lesson - I am looking at daily work. I look at exit
tickets, their daily guided practice, the whole
class checks for understanding, TPS. When I am
looking at their work, that is how I know if
they are getting it or not and what I then need
to do next. (p. 93)
12Why uncover and confront student misconceptions?
- Misconceptions can interfere with student
learning - Elementary students misunderstanding that an
equal sign in mathematics indicates an operation,
rather than a relation (Ginsburg, 1982) - Science students misconception that larger
objects are heavier than smaller ones (Schauble,
1996) - K-3 students beliefs that Native Americans who
lived in tepees did so because they were poor and
could not afford a house (Brophy Alleman, 2002)
13Checks for Understanding Are
- Ongoing assessments, reviews and observations in
the classroom - They are used to improve instruction and provide
student feedback - One math teacher strategically altered her
instruction based on her interaction with her
coach from the university. (p.93)
14Strategies used to check for understanding
- Fist of Five
- Think-Pair-Share
- Activity before concept (ABC)
- Quick Check
- Active learning
- Questioning techniques
- Student reflections
15Deming Cycle
16Teaching Model
Monash UniversityMelbourne, Australia http//www.
17Summative Assessment
- Typically evaluate the effectiveness of
instructional delivery at a pre-determined time - Used to judge student competency after an
instructional phase is complete - We identify key strands our students are weak in
and our teachers then review those strands . . .
not necessarily to re teach, more to loop the
weak strands into the current unit. (p.93)
18Creating Assessments That Teach
- Learning targets/learning logs
- Student reflection/rubric
- Error analysis
19High Stakes Testing
- Cumulative testing
- Gauges mastery of course or grade-level standards
- Snapshot of mastery, not the complete photo
- Just as simple as the phrasing of my questions
for my quizzes or my tests they are very
similar to the way they would be asked in a
regular state test because they need to
familiarize themselves with it an feel
comfortable with it particularly our ELL
learners. (p.96)
20Teaching Cycle
21Professional Development Offered
- Formative Assessment
- How to Collect Data in Real Time
Strategies/protocols for checking for
understanding - Interpreting and Reacting to Formative Data
Shifting Content Delivery in Real Time - Tracking Content Mastery Data Mining Software
22Professional Development Offered
- Summative Assessment
- Creating Assessments that Teach Celebrating
Content Mastery - Error Analysis Student Self-Reflection of
Learning Targets - Tracking Content Mastery Data Mining Software
23Professional Development Offered
- High Stakes Testing
- Building Learning Communities
- Developing a Culture for Student Success Failure
is a part of learning! - Data Trends What do they really tell us?
24Contact Information
- Dr. Cal Stanleycstanley_at_pima.edu
- Tammy Stephenststephens_at_thestephensgroup.com
- Dr. Michelle Tubbsmtubbs1_at_lmu.edu
25No Child Left Behind
- Elementary and Secondary Act
- 1965 part of Lyndon Johnsons war on Poverty
- 1983 A Nation At Risk
- 1989 Bush 41 proposed America 2000 Act
- Bill Clinton continued that with the Goals 2000
Act - 2001 Bush 43 brought forth NCLB, the only act
passed within the last 8 years that was truly