FY08 Title II, Part D - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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FY08 Title II, Part D


Digital cameras. Document cameras. Probes graphing calculators, etc. ... the gap between current realities in the school system and research/best practices ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: FY08 Title II, Part D

FY08 Title II, Part D Enhancing Education Through
TechnologyCompetitive Grants
Teachers Teamwork TechnologyT3 Quick
  • 76 grants will be awarded.
  • 119 schools are eligible to apply.
  • Up to 98,518.00 per award.
  • Applications are due Feb. 15th.
  • Schools notified on April 3rd.

T3 Purpose
  • To address a statewide need to improve
    instruction to meet the needs of 21st century
    learners impact student achievement.

Method of Distribution
  • In order to ensure an equitable distribution of
    assistance across rural and urban districts
    according to the demonstrated need of those local
    educational agencies serving the areas, the
    following weighted method of distribution was

Each eligible school is responsible for its grant
application, but the LEA is responsible for sign
off and submission.
Each eligible School/LEA is allowed to make an
application to
  • Help a team (Library Media Specialist, building
    administrator, and at least four classroom
    teachers) address the ISTE NETS-S, the AASL
    Learning Standards, and the Georgia Performance
  • The Media Center and the four grant classrooms
    must be connected in some manner (by common
    curriculum area, grade level, common teacher
    planning teams, etc.) and it must be clearly
    defined in the grant proposal.
  • Provide extensive professional development for
    the leadership team over a two year period of

Equipment Expectations
  • Provide the Media Center and each designated
    classroom with the following equipment
  • Mounted interactive whiteboard and portable
    interactive device w/ installation.
  • Mounted LCD projector.
  • Teacher laptop or tablet.
  • Student response/voting system (2-one for the
    Media Center and one to share in classrooms).
  • 4 Digital cameras
  • Digital video camera (Media Center)
  • 2 Laser printers
  • 500 GB Network Attached Storage

Equipment Expectations
  • Laptop/Tablet charging/storage cart (2-one for
    the Media Center and one to share in classrooms)
  • A minimum of 5 student laptops/tablets per Media
    Center/classroom or a total of 25
  • The School/LEA may combine the classroom laptops
    or tablets to make a moveable wireless car that
    is to be used solely by the designated grant
    classrooms on a shared basis.
  • The LEA must provide an appropriate number of
    wireless access points to support the laptop cart
    with one access point per every 8 laptops
  • 10 Podcasting capable MP3 players w/ Microphone
    Charge Pack (to be housed in the Media Center)
  • Productivity Software Licenses
  • Video editing software
  • Audio enhanced system (Media Center)

If funded, Schools/LEAs must agree to the
  • Provide electrical wiring to the point of
    installation for the mounted interactive
    whiteboard and LCD projector.
  • Provide adequate access points for the teacher
    and student laptops.
  • Require the leadership team to complete the
    professional learning offered through the local
  • Participate in a designated outside evaluation of
    the program utilizing Title IID Competitive grant

Grant provides up to 98,518.00
  • Professional Learning - 24,630 (25)
  • Required 14,400 for professional learning
    provided by local ETTCs
  • To ensure a consistent delivery of content
  • To foster a statewide learning community centered
    around establishing and maintaining 21st Century
    learning environments
  • 1,200 per person for the first year of the grant
    (08-09 school year)
  • 1,200 per person for the second year of the
    grant (09-10 school year)
  • All professional development funds will be paid
    to the ETTC during the 08-09 school year
  • 5 PLUs may be earned per year by each grant team
    member completing the sequence.

  • Required 5,000 for onsite support provided by
    the local ETTC
  • To contract with the local ETTC to serve as
    instructional technical coaches for at least
    100 hours of onsite instructional support and
    onsite technical support for the project.
  • The coaching services will be charged at 50/hr.
  • It is recommended that the LEA receive 80 hours
    of instructional coaching and 20 hours of
    technical coaching. However, the 100 hours may be
    used as needed as long as the LEA meets the 100
    hours of coaching support with its local ETTC.
  • Required 5,230 for other professional learning
  • To be spent at the discretion of the LEA
  • To support the Media Center, the grant
    classrooms, and the grant teachers at the
    eligible school
  • Recommended expenditures
  • Attendance at GaETC or other state/national
  • Involve additional participants in the
    professional learning

Year 1 Professional Development
Year 2 Professional Development
Please note that there will be additional events
and activities in which successful applicants
will be required to participate. Some of these
will include, but are not limited to, GaETC or
other professional conferences, professional
development offerings, targeted
assistance/training, external evaluation, on-site
visits, and data collection requests, as well as
other necessary program components.
  • Evaluation - 2,000
  • Required 2,000 for outside evaluator
  • To be designated by GaDOE
  • School/LEA will be billed
  • All applicants will be required to
  • Provide documentation on key outcomes and
    promising practices
  • Complete data collection on participating
    students and classrooms
  • Submit a performance report that evaluates at
    least annually the following
  • The recipients progress in achieving the
    objections in its approved application
  • The effectiveness of the project in meeting the
    purposes of the program and
  • The effect of the project on participants being
    served by the project.

Equipment 71,888
  • Required 71,888 to equip the Media Center and
    a minimum of four classrooms with the following
    21st century teaching and learning tools
  • Mounted interactive whiteboard and portable
    interactive device
  • Mounted LCD projector
  • Teacher laptop or tablet
  • Student response/voting system (2-one for the
    Media Center and one to share in classrooms)
  • Laptop/Tablet charging/storage cart (2-one for
    the Media Center and one to share in classrooms)
  • A minimum of 5 student laptops/tablets per Media
    Center/classroom or a total of 25
  • The LEA must provide an appropriate number of
    wireless access points to support the laptop cart
  • There should be one access point for every 8
    laptops on the cart

  • 4 Digital cameras
  • Digital video camera (Media Center)
  • 2 Laser printers
  • Productivity Software Licenses
  • 500 GB Network Attached Storage
  • Video editing software
  • 10 Podcasting capable MP3 players w/ Microphone
    Charge Pack
  • Audio enhanced system (Media Center)
  • Awarded Schools/LEAs will select the equipment as
    long as it is based on the minimum hardware
    specifications in Appendix B
  • All hardware purchases are to be made in
    conjunction with an ETTC

  • If the cost of equipping the Media Center and
    four designated grant classrooms is less than
    71,888, remaining funds may be used to
  • bring additional classrooms into the grant
  • may be diverted to additional student equipment
  • If the school already has 21st century equipment
    in the five grant areas, additional 21st century
    tools such as the ones listed below may be
    purchased for those areas providing a waiver is
    obtained from GaDOE

  • Remaining Funds may also be used to purchase
  • Wireless access points for the designated grant
    classrooms and/or wireless access points to
    accommodate the charging cart. (Wireless hardware
    purchases must be approved by the partnering
    ETTC. )
  • Additional hardware and software, if appropriate
    for the content area and grade levels of the
    designated grant classrooms
  • If the awarded School/LEA already has established
    equipment as described in the grant, funds must
    be used to
  • Document that the equipment meets the
  • If necessary, bring the technology up to meet the
    minimum specifications as outlined in Appendix B
    of the grant guidance.

  • If the Schools/LEAs choose equipment for which
    cost exceeds available grant funds, it will be
    the LEAs responsibility to provide the
    additional funds needed to purchase the required
  • The LEA should work collaboratively with their
    ETTC to fully utilize their e-Rate funding to
    systemically support building the infrastructure
    and capacity to encourage the laptop/tablet usage
    for instructional purposes

Grant Timelines
  • Grant proposals must be uploaded to Georgias
    Consolidated Application website by 500 P.M. on
    FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2008
  • Each grant will be read and scored by five
    trained grant readers
  • The highest and lowest scores will be thrown out
    and the middle three scores will be averaged to
    determine the final score.
  • If the LEA did not receive the FY07 Title II-D
    ITEE Competitive Grant, three (3) points will be
    added to the average score of each application
    received from eligible schools within that LEA.
  • The GaDOE will ask the State Board of Education
    to approve the 76 awards on April 3, 2008
  • The funding period will be April 3, 2008 - June
    30, 2008, with a carry over period from July 1,
    2008 - June 30, 2009

  • The implementation period for this grant is for
    the 2008-09 and 2009-2010 school years
  • Professional development
  • On-going instructional/technical support
  • Budget
  • April 3, 2008 May 15, 2008 work with ETTC to
    develop Schools/LEAs budget
  • Upload budget to GaDOEs Consolidated
    Applications no later than May 15, 2008
  • Equipment
  • Purchased no later than June 15, 2008
  • Delivered no later than July 15, 2008
  • Installed no later than the beginning of the
    2008-09 school year

This grant is designed to address a statewide
need to improve instruction to meet the needs of
the 21st Century learner impact overall student
achievement by...
  • assisting every student regardless of race,
    ethnicity, income, geographical location, or
    disability in becoming technologically literate
    by the end of the eighth grade
  • encouraging the effective integration of
    technology resources and systems through
    professional development and curriculum
    development to promote research-based
    instructional methods that can be widely
  • increasing the LEAs capacity to design and
    implement program evaluation

Allowable Activities may include
  • Establishing or expanding initiatives,
    particularly initiatives involving public-private
    partnerships, designed to increase accessibility
    to technology for students and teachers, with
    special emphasis on accessibility for high-need
  • Adapting or expanding applications of technology
    to enable teachers to increase student academic
    achievement, including technology literacy
  • Through the use of teaching practices that are
    based on the review of relevant research and
    designed to prepare students to meet the Georgia
    Performance Standards, particularly in reading
    and math
  • By the development and use of innovative
    distance-learning strategies to deliver
    specialized or rigorous academic courses and
    curricula to areas that would not otherwise have
    access to such courses and curricula

  • Using technology to connect teachers with parents
    and students in order to
  • Promote meaningful parental involvement
  • Foster communication among students, parents, and
    teachers about curricula, assignments, and
  • Help parents understand the technology being
    utilized in their childrens education so that
    they can reinforce at home the instruction
    received at school
  • Using technology to address the identified needs
    in the Schools/LEAs CLIP
  • Preparing the Media Specialist and four or more
    teachers in schools as technology leaders who can
    serve as instructional coaches and mentors
    focusing on technology integration

  • Acquiring, adapting, expanding, implementing,
    repairing, and maintaining existing and new
    applications of technology to support school
    reform efforts and to improve student
    achievement, including technology literacy
  • Acquiring connectivity linkages, resources, and
    services (e.g., hardware and software, other
    electronically delivered learning materials,
    etc.) for use by students and school personnel to
    improve academic achievement
  • NOTE--based upon the curriculum area or areas
    being served, applicants will be required to
    describe within the grant application the
    evaluation method(s) that will be used to
    demonstrate their students technology literacy

Allowable Expenditures
  • Only costs associated with implementing the GaDOE
    Title II Grant will be approved
  • Allowable costs for professional development
  • Fees
  • Stipends
  • Substitute pay
  • Travel costs for attending professional learning
    activities and conferences
  • Travel for required meetings
  • Student technology assessment fees
  • Online classes
  • Appropriate teacher and classroom hardware and

  • Allowable costs for equipment
  • Interactive whiteboards
  • Portable interactive devicesstudent
    response/voting systems
  • LCD projectors
  • Student laptops/tablets
  • Laptop carts/lockers with wireless access points
  • Podcasting capable MP3 players with microphones
  • Network printers
  • Digital cameras
  • Document cameras
  • Probes graphing calculators, etc.
  • Please refer to Appendix B to find minimum
    specifications for hardware/software

Non-Allowable Expenditures
  • Grant funds cannot be used to
  • Supplant existing positions, programs, or
    services (i.e., salaried positions)
  • Purchase computers for a computer lab
  • Purchase software, equipment or services for
    classrooms outside of the grant classrooms
  • Purchase furniture, desks, chairs or other
    classroom equipment that is not instructional
    technology in nature
  • Grant funds cannot be
  • Obligated before the grant period
  • Paid prior to any services being rendered

Please refer to pages 10-12 in the Grant Guidance
to discuss the required grant application
  • Required narrative sections
  • Proposal Format (10 points)
  • Section A Project Personnel (15 points)
  • Section B Critical Academic Needs in Core Area
    (10 points)
  • Section C Critical Technology Need s (10
  • Section D Current Instructional Context Needs
    Assessment (10 points)
  • Section E System Support for Grant (10 points)
  • Section F Local Implementation Plan (30 points)
  • Section G Evaluation Plan (10 points)
  • Section H Dissemination Plan (10 points)

Proposal Format (10 points), Page 10
  • The proposal document should be in the following
    format and contain the following Appendices
  • The document should have the correct name format
    ABC County_XYZ ElemSchool
  • All components should be contained in ONE AND
    ONLY ONE PDF document
  • The narrative should not exceed more than 20
  • The document should begin with the cover sheet
    (Appendix C)

Proposal Format (10 points)
  • Each document page should contain a header with
    the name of the grant, district name, and school
  • The footer should contain page number and the
  • All grant proposals should use Times New Roman
    font, with font size of 10, and be single spaced
  • The left and right margins should each be one

Proposal Format (10 points)
  • The document should also contain the
  • Appendix D Assurance Form
  • Appendix E Private School Form
  • Appendix F ETTC sign-off Form containing the
    Directors signature
  • Appendix H System Letter of Commitment
    containing the signatures of all team members

Project Personnel (15 points), Page 10
  • The purpose of this section is to explain
  • why the personnel are uniquely
  • capable/qualified to assume these roles
  • Evidence that a complete team of project
    personnel has been assembled
  • Evidence that all team members have knowledge of
    the grant application and what it says
  • Letter of Commitment signed by each Media
    Specialist, building admin, and teachers
  • Team members involved in writing the grant,
  • Team members engaged in the grant plan
  • Team members share the grant goals and

Project Personnel (15 points)
  • The academic background of proposed project
    personnel, especially in the areas of
  • Curriculum/instruction (particularly in the
    identified academic need area)
  • Instructional technology
  • School improvement
  • Educational leadership
  • The professional experience of proposed project
    personnel, especially in the areas of
  • designing and delivering high-quality
    professional development
  • Managing grant programs
  • Collaborating with external partners for the
    purposes of school improvement

Project Personnel (15 points)
  • Evidence of past successes that can be attributed
    to proposed project personnel, especially in the
    areas of
  • School improvement
  • Professional development
  • Program management
  • Evidence of how the grant teachers are connected
  • Common curriculum
  • Common grade level
  • Common planning time to build capacity for a
    learning community among the grant teachers

Critical Academic Needs in Core Area (10 points),
Page 10
  • Describe the current academic and technology
    literacy needs that will be addressed by this
  • Clearly define and document the academic need in
    core academic area(s) using well-established data
    sources and trend data over time
  • Document academic needs that are critical
  • Below state averages
  • Preventing schools from making AYP
  • Keeping schools on Needs Improvement lists
  • Document academic needs in terms consistent with
  • Georgias Performance Standards
  • The NETS-S
  • The AASL Learning Standards

Critical Technology Needs (10 points),Page 10
  • Describe the Schools/LEAs need for technology
    enhanced environments
  • Outline technology budgets/expenditures over the
    past three years to show your high need for
    technology funding

Current Instructional Context Needs Assessment
(10 points), Page 11
  • Describe the current instructional and technical
    context of the school giving a complete and
    credible portrait of the teachers
  • Content knowledge
  • Current instructional practices
  • Technology access
  • Technology use
  • Compare it to where the school would like to be
    in the future by
  • Analyzing the gap between current realities in
    the school system and research/best practices
  • Establishing a concrete action plan to move the
    system forward

Current Instructional Context Needs Assessment
(10 points)
  • Determine what the school needs to move in the
    desired direction
  • Evidence that grant goals are aligned to the
    LEAS school improvement plan (CLIP)
  • Clearly state how this grant will help them move
    toward their goals
  • A commitment by the applicant to address
  • Specific learning goals
  • Georgia Performance Standards
  • Authentic, engaging instruction for their
  • Evidence that the School/LEA has aligned the
    grant goals to the Georgia Department of
    Educations Keys to Quality Unlocking
    Continuous Improvement resources

System Support for Grant (10 points), Page 11
  • Describe the willingness of project staff
    (Library Media Specialist, building
    administrator, and teachers) to engage in
  • Student-centered cultural change
  • Instruction focused on engaging students in
    authentic tasks and technology deployment
  • Describe what types of specific system supports
    are currently in place that will
  • Assist them in fully implementing the grant
  • Help the grant teachers and the grant program

System Support for Grant (10 points)
  • Describe how the LEA will provide the necessary
  • Wireless access points.
  • Electrical wiring for the interactive whiteboard
    and projector.
  • A discussion of in-kind contributions is
    appropriate in this section.

Local Implementation Plan (30 points),Page 11
  • The purpose of this section is to
  • Establish how the School/LEA will use the
    required equipment in the grant classrooms and
    the Media Center.
  • Establish how the grant activities will align
    with the
  • Implementation of the schools CLIP.
  • Use of the Keys to Quality Unlocking Continuous
    Improvement resources.
  • Georgia Performance Standards
  • NETS-S
  • AASL Learning Standards
  • Research and best-practice models of
    inquiry-based, project-based, or engaged learning

Local Implementation Plan (30 points)Page 11
  • Describe the types of activities that will happen
    in the classrooms and the Media Center
  • Specify how the instructional/classroom and/or
    Media Center activities will change to encourage
    participants to work collaboratively as a team
  • Specify how the instructional activities will
    provide rigor and motivation to the students
  • Specify specific curriculum resources, including
    software and online resources that will be made
    available to the grant teachers and students
  • Describe specific curriculum resources, including
    software and online resources that will be made
    available the grant team and students

Evaluation Plan (10 points)Page 11
  • The purpose of this section is to
  • Outline how they will evaluate progress toward
  • Research-based instructional practices.
  • Effective use of technology for teaching and
  • Improving students technology literacy and
    academic performance in critical need areas.
  • A description of the steps and process for
    assessing success in implementing the funded
  • A description of specific measures to evaluate
    the extent to which the project increases the
    integration of technology into instructional

Evaluation Plan (10 points) Page 11
  • A description of the specific criteria used to
    measure the impact of the project on student
  • At a minimum, CRCT or EOCT data submitted for
    2007-2008, 2008-2009, and 2009-2010 for the
    participating teachers/classrooms.
  • A description of the evaluation method(s) that
    will be used to demonstrate their students
    technology literacy.
  • A timeline for completing the implementation of
    the project and the evaluation steps.

Dissemination Plan (10 points) Page 12
  • This section will include an explanation of
  • What schools/LEAs expect to learn from
    participating in this grant.
  • How they will use this information/increased
    capacity locally in the future.
  • How they will share what they have learned with
  • Evidence of targeting specific audiences.
  • Plans to develop specific, usable products that
    would be useful to others.

Dissemination Plan (10 points) Page 12
  • Disseminating information that will
  • Improve student achievement.
  • Use technology.
  • Benefit a broad audience and a variety of
  • High probability that others would respond to the
    Schools/LEAs dissemination plan.

Budget Forms
  • Budget forms will not be a component of the
    competitive proposal.
  • Schools/LEAs can indicate how each required
    activity will be funded in the Local
    Implementation Plan.
  • Budgets will be required after awards are made
    and completed through the Consolidated
    Application Web Site.

Other Scoring Components
  • 115 points awarded for narrative sections.
  • Up to 10 points for overall quality of
    application and if applicant has the capacity for
    high-quality implementation and data collection.
  • 125 points possible.

GaDOE and the review team reserve the right to
interview proposed LEA project personnel to
verify application information. Competitive
points will be aligned with the narrative
Contact Information
FY08 Title II, Part D Enhancing Education
Through Technology(Ed Tech) Competitive Grants
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