Title: SACSAF and the rebirth of CPPT
1SACSAF and the rebirth of CPPT
- presented by Sue Spence
- August 2002
2The students are in the library for the third
day in a row. Theyre looking at the same books.
In factJohn is still working on the same
Sarah has abandoned the questions altogether and
just wants to do this bit because its what
shes found.
3The teacher is feeling frustrated again. The
students dont really want her to show them how
to research the topic, they want to work on
presentation. She can see that they arent
succeeding and that an extension of time is
needed the work isnt getting done.
4The teacher librarian is exasperated as she
watches yet another student copy out irrelevant
material from an encyclopedia, while several of
the class simply dive for the photocopier. Case,
Jane and Hewett, Sharlene. Lets do a project.
Access No.2 November 1987
How has this scenario changed?!
5Essential Learnings (SA)
6Overarching Learning Outcomes (WA)
New Basics (Qld)
Across Curriculum Perspectives (ACT)
EsseNTial Learnings
generic skills (Vic)
Essential Learnings (SA)
Broad Learning outcomes (NSW)
Essential Learnings (Tas)
7(No Transcript)
9Information Skills
Information literacy
are Thinking Skills
Learning for the Future.1st ed.1993.
10SACSAF requirements
- Teach and assess key ideas to achieve specific
outcomes in each Learning Area - Ensure Essential Learnings are taught explicitly
- Document our practice within the framework
- Map student progress and report to school
11How do we do all this?!
- learner-centred processes
- negotiating their learning and assessment
activities - posing, exploring and answering questions
- actively engaging in the examination of issues
and discovery learning - analysing and challenging issues through dynamic
debate - working on individualised education programs and
goals - collaborating with learners and educators
- demonstrating initiative, curiosity, creativity
- experimenting with ideas and possibilities
- using a wide range of processes to gather and
present new information.
12How do we do all this?!
- provide authentic contexts
- in community and field experiences
- interacting respectfully with various cultures
and views - in virtual learning experiences
- forging local and international learning
partnerships - taking positive local and global social and civic
action - working with community groups to solve problems
and devise solutions - using community and global resources
- devising solutions to local and global issues
- demonstrating enterprising attributes.
13Collaborative Programming, Planning Teaching
- TLs work with classroom teachers to design and
teach assignments that - encourage student initiative and problem-solving
- require analysis, synthesis evaluation of
information - create new understandings/knowledge products
- begin with and value what students already know
- facilitate collaborative learning
- develop their questioning skills
- make explicit to students how they are learning
- challenge students to unlearn ideas in order to
form new understandings
14How it can be done
15- How would you, as a student, feel if given this
assignment? - What else would you need to know?
- What do you see as the purpose of this
assignment? - How could you re-shape it to make the task/topic
more - authentic
- engaging
- incorporate Elearrnings
- Select a region of France to research in the
library. - You can either
- Prepare a slideshow on this region
- or
- Create a travel brochure for the region
16Redesigning assignments
- Change the audience
- Personalise the question
- Vary the format.
- Include local content
- Change the level of student personal involvement
Using Blooms taxonomy to set questions
tm Divergent thinking model http//www.sacsa.sa.ed
u.au/index_fsrc.asp?tEL go to Thinking and
scroll down
17More keys to success
- Bibliography
- Process not just product
- Make effective searching on information
technology part of the assignment outcomes - Clearly state requirements, time-line and
assessment criteria - Build in choice flexibility for different
levels - Monitor progress, use checkpoints
- Plan ahead!!
- Work with your Teacher Librarian!
18Explicit teaching and assessment
- Inspiration graphic organisers
- http//www.sdcoe.k12.ca.us/score/actbank/torganiz.
htm - MS Word outline
- Isearch log
- Lesson plans
- http//www.edna.edu.au/go/browse/38303A7593Acros
scurr3Acrosslessresulttab - http//school.discovery.com/lessonplans/
- http//www.education-world.com/
- Web quests
- http//webquest.sdsu.edu/webquest.html
- http//ozline.com/learning/index.htm
- Assessment rubrics
- http//coe.ilstu.edu/jabraun/braun/professional/ru
brics/whinrub.html - http//school.discovery.com/schrockguide/assess.ht
19How do TLs provide scaffolds for teaching and
- making resources accessible (e.g. Amlib,
selection, publicising resources services)
- print or online templates, guides (e.g. welcome
packs research templates, brochures, pathfinders)
20Staff PD
- Dont think you have to create fresh materials to
do this use what is already available - rblonline http//rblonline.tripod.com/
- New learning tools 4 U
- http//www.adelaidehs.sa.edu.au/ahsintranet/Teache
rs/qtp/qtp.htm - EdNA http//www.edna.edu.au/schools.html
- Ask your friendly TL to find it for you!