Title: Untitled
1The Strategic Importance of Online and Blended
Prof. Burks Oakley II Professor Emeritus,
University of Illinois Board of Directors, Sloan
2Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
- The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation was established in
1934 by Alfred P. Sloan, Jr., then-President and
Chief Executive Officer of General Motors. - As a non-profit philanthropic organization, the
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation makes grants in the
areas of science and technology, economic
performance, the quality of American life, and
critical national issues.
3Sloan Foundation Program
- In 1992, Ralph Gomory and Frank Mayadas started a
program called Learning Outside the Classroom. - Our goal is to make high quality learning,
education and training, available anytime and
anywhere, for all Americans motivated to seek
4Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
- Championed the approach termed Asynchronous
Learning Networks (ALN) for offering online
courses - Instructor-led class, typically based on academic
semesters - Relatively low development costs
- Students use computers and the Internet to
interact with course materials, other students,
and the instructor - Minimal requirements for bandwidth and computing
5Sloan Foundation ALN
- Asynchronous Learning Networks ALN
- Anytime, anyplace asynchronous
- Over 3.5 million students across the US (or over
20 of all students) at degree-granting
institutions are enrolled in at least one course
fully online. - A steadily increasing majority of chief academic
officers believe that ALN is at least as
effective as traditional classroom education.
See http//www.sloan-c.org/publications/survey/
6Sloan Foundation Funding
- Since 1993, there has been a progression from
- Stage 1 individual online courses
- Stage 2 entire certificate and degree programs
delivered online - Stage 3 scale-up to large numbers of
enrollments through multiple online degrees and
certificates - Grants to support community building and
knowledge dissemination major support to the
Sloan Consortium
7Sloan Foundation Funding
- Since 1993, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation has
provided 75 million in grants to approximately
110 academic institutions to advance online
education. - Direct program support
- Community building
- Sloan Consortium
8Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Sloan Consortium
9Sloan Community Building
- The Sloan Consortium (Sloan-C) was created in
1999 to help move the field of online learning
forward. - Sloan-C is a community of institutions and
faculty who engage in ALN and share their
practices and experiences - its theme is Quality
with Scale and Breadth.
10Sloan-C Quality Framework
- Emphasis on quality and the five pillars
- Access
- Learning effectiveness
- Student satisfaction
- Faculty satisfaction
- Cost effectiveness
- Effective practices
based on the pillars
Westminster College Fulton, MO
11Elements of Quality
14(No Transcript)
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16Sloan-C Annual Surveys
172007 Annual Survey
- Almost 3.5 million students were taking at least
one online course during the fall 2006 term a
nearly 10 percent increase over the number
reported the previous year. - The 9.7 percent growth rate for online
enrollments far exceeds the 1.5 percent growth of
the overall higher education student population. - Nearly twenty percent of all U.S. higher
education students were taking at least one
online course in the fall of 2006.
182007 Annual Survey
- Community colleges have the highest growth rates
and account for over one-half of all online
enrollments for the last five years. - All types of institutions cite improved student
access as their top reason for offering online
courses and programs. - A large majority (69 percent) of academic leaders
believe that student demand for online learning
is still growing.
19Strategic Importance
20Strategic Importance
21Conferences Workshops
- Annual Conference
- Orlando, Florida
- 7-9 November 2007
- Blended Learning Workshop
- Chicago, Illinois
- 6-8 April 2008
- Emerging Technology Applications for Online
Learning - Carefree, Arizona
- 7-9 May 2008
23(No Transcript)
24Univ. of Illinois at Springfield
2007 Sloan-C Award for Excellence
in Institution-Wide Online Programming
Ralph Gomory, Shari McCurdy, Frank Mayadas 7
November 2007 Orlando, Florida
25Sloan-C Listserv
- Example of recent discussion topics
- Faculty development
- New technologies, such as podcasting
- Student evaluation
- News
- Learning methods
- Policy issues
26Sloan-C Online Workshops
- Provided 24 workshops in 2007
- Will provide 30 in 2008
- Each about one week in length
- From beginners to more advanced
- Registration fee supports the workshops
- Faculty and staff can earn a Sloan-C certificate
in online teaching - Over 1000 participants this year
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31Virtual Worlds Initiative
- Realistic, student-centered combined asynchronous
and synchronous learning experiences. Hypothesis
create high quality learning in a virtual
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33Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
- Has provided grant funding for circumstances
where ALN can make a special and unique
contribution. - Sloan Semester in 2005 institutions provided
free online classes to students affected by
Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. - The Sloan Foundation received special recognition
from Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco of
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35Xavier University
36Wednesday, August 31st
- 845 am Conference call with John Bourne (Exec.
Director, Sloan-C), Bruce Chaloux (Director, SREB
Electronic Campus), Ray Schroeder, Frank Mayadas,
and Burks Oakley to plan Sloan-C response in
collaboration with SREB - 1002 am Draft proposal submitted to Sloan
Foundation requesting 1M to provide stipends to
institutions providing free online courses to
students impacted by Katrina
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38Sloan Semester Results
- Online catalog listed 1,322 courses from 158
institutions in 38 states - Applications were processed from 1,725 students
- 4,256 course seat requests, leading to 2,827
enrollments by SloanSemester students - 5,385 enrollments by native students
- 8,212 total enrollments
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40Summary of ALN Today
- ALN is the preferred method of online teaching
today. - This approach has been adopted by a wide range of
institutions. - There are industry-specific programs (e.g.,
telecommunications, electric power). - Estimated to be 3,000 online degree and
certificate programs available nationally.
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42Blended Learning
- The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation also is supporting
initiatives in blended learning. - Direct program support
- U Mass campuses, Stevens Institute of Technology,
University of Central Florida and Estrella
Mountain Community College - Community building
- Fifth Annual Blended Learning Workshop
- Chicago, Illinois 6-8 April 2008
43Course Definition
Blended Course
Online Learning Activities
Face-to-Face Learning Activities
44Blended Learning Definition
- Courses that integrate online with traditional
face-to-face class activities in a planned,
pedagogically valuable manner and where a
portion (institutionally defined) of face-to-face
time is replaced by online activity.
From the Sloan-C Workshops on Blended Learning
45Fundamental Concept
- Students spend less time sitting in class and
more time working individually and
collaboratively on assignments, projects, and
other learning activities. - Faculty spend less time lecturing in class and
more time reviewing and evaluating student work
and guiding and interacting with students.
46Blended Program Definition
Blended Degree Program
Blended Courses
Online Courses
Face-to-Face Courses
47Blended Learning Resources
48Blended the Sloan-C Pillars
- Access Increased course and program access,
on-campus services - Learning effectiveness Course re-design takes
advantage of best of both worlds - Cost effectiveness low-cost local marketing,
effective use of space, less commuting expenses - Student satisfaction students retain
affiliation with campus, enjoy using technology,
spend less time commuting - Faculty satisfaction control of curriculum,
increased professional development
49Benefits of Blending
- Strengthens local position of institution
- Specific workforce preparation
- Uses classroom space more effectively
- Reduces commuting time
- More programs available (not all programs can be
fully online) - Local advertising is less costly
- Blended pedagogy may be the best of both worlds
50Strategic Option for Presidents
- The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation is interested in
activities that will increase visibility of
online and blended learning as strategic options
for college and university presidents and
chancellors as they think ahead. - One project involves NASULGC (National Assoc. of
State Universities and Land Grant Colleges). - Another project involves the League for
Innovation in the Community College. - Yet another is directed to presidents of HBCUs.
51Looking Ahead
- Online courses will account for 50 of all
college enrollments. - Blended courses will account for the remaining
50. - Online course and faculty sharing will be
widespread. - Industry-specific online programs will dominate
(e.g., petroleum, nursing, auto production).
- Tremendous progress since 1993.
- Partial success.
- Continuing need for initiative.
- Sharing knowledge and resources is key to driving
the field forward. - Common assessment framework based on the
Sloan-C pillars.
access, learning effectiveness, student
satisfaction, faculty satisfaction, cost
53The Strategic Importance of Online and Blended
Prof. Burks Oakley II http//www.burksoakley.com/