Web Graphics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Web Graphics


vector ... Vector Graphics... Are most suitable for line art, flat-colour drawings and ... A vector graphics markup language recommended by the W3C (World Wide ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Web Graphics

Web Graphics
  • Nick Foxall

Graphics on Computers
  • Any image displayed on a computer screen is an
    array of small square dots of colour, called
  • There are two types of image representation used
    for computer graphics
  • bitmaps
  • vector graphics.
  • screen can now include almost any device,
    including mobile phones, PDAs, and flat panel TVs

Graphics on Computers Bitmaps
  • Bitmaps
  • A bitmapped image consists of an array of colour
    values, one for each pixel in the image.

Graphics on Computers Bitmaps
  • Bitmaps
  • are most suitable for images with continually
    varying tones, such as photographs.

Graphics on Computers Vectors
  • Vector Graphics
  • Created from the mathematical description of a
    picture, defined from a collection of geometrical
    shapes, together with stroke and fill information.

Graphics on Computers Vectors
  • Vector Graphics
  • Are most suitable for line art, flat-colour
    drawings and patterns, and cartoon-style images

Bitmaps vs. Vectors
  • Comparison

Vector Graphic
Bitmaps vs. Vectors
Vector Graphic
Resolution and device dependent scales to the
size of the output device Larger file size
Resolution and device independent scalable
(theoretically to any size) Smaller file size
Graphics for the web
Vector Graphic
Used on the web
Not used on the web (Except for SVG,and within
Flash SWF)
Graphics on Screen
  • RGB
  • The colour of a pixel on any display is made up
    of proportions of the three additive primaries
    red, green and blue.
  • The RGB colour model represents any colour by
    three numbers, specifying the relative
    proportions of red, green and blue.
  • With 24-bit colour (one byte for each of R, G and
    B) about 16.7 million different colours can be

Graphics on Screen Colour Space
  • Colour Space
  • Colour spaces are a general mechanism for
    representing colours as a finite sequence of
    numerical values. They depend on the precise
    values used for red, green and blue.
  • sRGB is a standardized colour space recognised by
    the World Wide Web Consortium for use in web
  • colorsync

RGB in Photoshop
  • Always work on colour images for the web (and
    video) in RGB mode.
  • Black-and-white photos can be set to Greyscale
  • Images in Indexed Color mode may have to be
    converted to RGB before any adjustments can be

Web Graphic Formats
  • Only 3 bitmapped image file formats supported in
    most web browsers
  • GIF
  • JPEG
  • PNG

Web Graphic Formats GIF
  • GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)
  • Originally devised for users of the Compuserve
    Bulletin Board system in the 1980s
  • GIF images are indexed colour images, supporting
    up to 256 colours only
  • GIFs can include more than one image in a single
    file (can support simple animation)
  • GIFs can support transparency (one colour only)
  • GIFs support lossless compression (though lossy
    compression can be added)
  • File extension .gif

Web Graphic Formats JPEG
  • JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)
  • A specification laid down by the Joint
    Photographic Experts Group, part of the
    International Standards Organisation (ISO)
  • JPEG images are 24-bit colour images (mostly RGB)
  • Only a single image can be stored in one JPEG
    file (no animation capability)
  • JPEGs do not support transparency
  • JPEGs support lossy compression, and allow for
    progressive compression / decompression
  • File extension .jpg .jpeg

Web Graphic Formats PNG
  • PNG (Portable Network Graphics)
  • Devised as a replacement for the GIF format in
    the mid-1990s
  • PNG images can be saved as full 24-bit colour
    images, OR as indexed colour images
  • PNG-24
  • PNG-8
  • Only a single image can be stored in one PNG file
    (no animation)
  • PNGs support transparency using alpha channels,
    meaning a range of transparency can be supported
    (e.g. a colour allowing a background to show
  • PNGs support lossless compression, and allow for
    progressive compression / decompression (called
  • File extension .png

Web Graphics Resolution
  • Standard screen resolution is generally agreed to
    be 72 ppi (pixels per inch)
  • The actual physical size of one screen from
    another may vary though
  • a 1024 x 768 pixel screen may be 17 inches
    (diagonal) physical size, or 20 inches (diagonal)
    physical size its the size of the pixels that
    are different
  • Mobile devices now have very fine pixels 3.5
    inch screens, but up to 166 pixels per inch,
    creating 480 x 320 pixel screens
  • A 72 ppi image will always occupy the same
    proportion of a screen, no matter how big or
    small the screen is physically

Web Graphics Resolution Resampling
  • Images for embedding in Web pages should always
    be saved at screen resolution, which is taken to
    be 72 ppi
  • The process of changing an images resolution is
    called resampling, and always potentially
    involves a loss of quality
  • When the resolution is reduced, the process is
    called downsampling

Web Graphics Resolution Resampling
  • We often need to downsample images for the web to
    get them to screen resolution (72 ppi) AND to get
    them to an appropriate pixel dimension required
    for a web page layout
  • This saves file size, AND reduces unnecessary use
    of bandwidth when users access your page

Web Graphics Resampling
  • The 2 most common algorithms for resampling are
  • Bilinear Interpolation
  • Bicubic Interpolation
  • Bicubic is often preferred, as itproduces better

Web Graphics Compression
  • Compressing bitmapped images reduces the amount
    of storage they require, AND the time they take
    to transfer over a network (bandwidth usage)
  • Compression algorithms may be lossless or lossy.
  • Lossless file is compressed, without any loss of
    original image quality
  • Lossy file is compressed, but with (permanent)
    loss of original image quality
  • Degree of loss dependent on amount of
    compression a balance has to be found

Web Graphics Lossless Compression
  • Rearranges data in the image file, but does not
    discard data
  • Works better for graphic style images, and for
    text-turned-to-image situations, where large
    blocks of colour are more effectively compressed
  • Lossless compression algorithms include LZ77,
    LZ78, LZW and Huffman
  • GIF and PNG web file formats use lossless

Web Graphics Lossy Compression
  • Rearranges data in the image file, and discards
    data that is (generally) not easily perceived by
    the eye
  • Works better for continuous tone images,
  • The JPEG web file format use lossy compression,
    and employs its own compression algorithm
  • Programmes like Photoshop allow the designer to
    control and compare the degree of compression
    against the loss in image quality, and strike a

Web Graphics Quality vs. Compression
Image quality
File size
Web Graphics Anti-aliasing
  • The smoothing of fine lines and edges in order to
    produce better results at lower (i.e. screen)
  • Anti-aliasing softens the jaggies the jagged
    edge effect
  • Particularly useful for rendering text as a

Web Graphics Transparency (indexed)
  • Transparency (a transparent background, or a
    transparent area of an image) can be set in GIF
    and PNG file formats
  • GIF and PNG-8 (both indexed colour formats)
    support selection of a single colour as a
    transparent colour.
  • Getting the edges of other colours to look smooth
    against the images final background involves

Web Graphics Transparency (alpha)
  • Transparency (a transparent background, or a
    transparent area of an image) can be set in GIF
    and PNG file formats
  • PNG-24 uses alpha channel transparency
  • Meaning degrees of transparency (or opacity) can
    be included in a PNG-24 file, allowing a
    background to show through in various ways

Web Graphics in XHTML
  • Images may be embedded in an XHTML document using
    the empty, inline img element, whose src
    attributes value is the URL of a GIF, JPEG or
    PNG file. Example
  • ltimg srcimages/forest.png altForest Imagegt
  • The compulsory alt attribute provides a short
    text alternative.
  • ltimg srcimages/forest.png altForest Image
    titleThe forests of Canada look spectaculargt
  • A CSS title attribute also provides a small text
    box that describes an image in more detail when
    rolled over.

Web Graphics in XHTML
  • Images can be made into clickable hyperlinks.
    Simply wrap a hypertext reference a href tag
    around the img tag
  • lta hrefhttp//www.cityu.edu.hkgtltimg
    srcimages/forest.png altForest Imagegtlt/agt
  • This is mostly used for creating image-based
    navigation buttons
  • The image will likely have a blue border, similar
    to the text underline, indicating a hyperlink.
    But normally we use CSS to hide or turn off all
    image hyperlink borders. Example
  • img border0

Web Graphics in CSS
  • Images may be referenced in a CSS document or
    specification, usually with a simple URL link to
    the image.
  • Images can be used for backgrounds and borders in
  • Example for a background image in the body
  • body background-color FFFFFF backgr
    ound-image url(background.png)
    background-repeat repeat-x

Web Graphics in XHTML image maps
  • An image map contains hot spots, which act as
    link anchors.
  • Hot spots may be defined by the shape and
    coords attributes of area or a elements within a
    map element
  • Hot spots are referred to by a usemap attribute
    of the img tag.
  • The easiest way to create image maps is within

Other Web Image Formats
  • SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)
  • A vector graphics markup language recommended by
    the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)
  • Has little support and is rarely used
  • SWF (ShockWave Flash)
  • Flash animations employ vector graphics, although
    since Flash 7, bitmap elements and effects have
    also been added
  • Both formats are embedded into XHTML documents
    using the object tag
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