Title: Intrusion%20Detection%20Systems
1Intrusion Detection Systems
2What is an intrusion?
- Intrusion any action or set of actions that
attempt to compromise the integrity,
confidentiality or availability of a resource - Heady et al.Ku95
- Intrusion types
- External penetrations
- Internal penetrations
- Misfeasance
3Preventing Intrusion
- Authentication
- Access Control
- Firewalls
- Vulnerability Patching
- Restricting physical access
- Intrusion Detection Systems
- Assumptions about computer systems D86
- Actions of processes follow specifications
describing what the processes are allowed to do - Actions of users and processes have statistically
predictable patterns - Actions of users and processes do not have
command sequences aimed at compromising system
security policies - Exploiting vulnerabilities requires an abnormal
use of normal commands or instructions.
- Intrusion detection determine whether a user has
gained or is trying to gain unauthorized access
to the system by looking for abnormalities in the
system. - IDS Analysis Approaches
- Anomaly detection
- Distinguish anomalous behavior from normal
behavior - Misuse detection
- Detect intrusions based on well-known techniques
6Static Anomaly Detection
- File integrity checkers
- Part of system is to remain constant
(e.g. system code and data) - Detect anomaly by comparing current system state
to original system state - Representation of system state
- Actual bit strings
- Signatures of bit strings (hash functions)
- Meta-data selection masks on file or inode
fields such as size, access permissions,
modification timestamp, access timestamp, user
id, group id, etc
8Static Anomaly Detection
- Virus checkers
- Look for virus signatures in system files or
memory - Actual virus bit strings are stored in database
- Self-Nonself
- Like Tripwire, part of system is static
- Like virus checkers, it is necessary to maintain
set of unwanted signatures - Human immune system
9Static Anomaly Detection
- Create Self (example from F84)
- Represent system state as single static string
- 00101000100100000100001010010011
- Split string into substrings of size k
- 0010 1000 1001 0000 0100 0010 1001 0011
- Create Nonself
- Generate random substrings of size k
- 0111 1000 0101 1001
- Censor by comparing substrings to those in Self
- 0111 0101
10Static Anomaly Detection
- Size of Nonself affects probability of detecting
anomalies and computational load - Probability of detection can be configured
- Generating Nonself is expensive but monitoring
system is cheaper - Tripwire comparisons
- Does not depend on meta-data
- Will not detect deletion of files
11Dynamic Anomaly Detection
- Real world examples (logins, credit-card use)
- System behavior defined as sequences of events
that are recorded by OS logs and audit records,
application logs, network monitors and other
probes - Base profiles are created for each entity to be
monitored that characterize normal behavior for
that entity - Current profiles are built by monitoring system
events and deviations from base profile are
12Statistical Models
- Each profile consists of set of measures
- Measures depict activity intensity, audit record
distribution, categorical, and ordinal measures - Measures can be seen as random variables
- Profiles do evolve over time so aging of measures
or changing statistical rules take this into
13Statistical Models
- Operational/Threshold Model
- Measure is deemed abnormal if it surpasses fixed
limits imposed on the measure - Mean and Standard Deviation Model
- Mean and standard deviation of previous n values
are known. A confidence value for the new
measure can be determined. - Multivariate Model
- Better conclusions can be made by taking into
consideration correlations of related measures.
14Statistical Models
- Clustering Model is an example of a nonparametric
statistical technique - Data is grouped into clusters
- Example from B03
Process User CPU Time 25 ranges 50 ranges
p1 matt 359 4 2
p2 holly 10 1 1
p3 heidi 263 3 2
p4 steven 68 1 1
p5 david 133 2 1
p6 mike 195 3 2
15Statistical Models
- Combining individual measurement values to
determine overall abnormality value for the
current profile - Let Si be the recorded values of each measure Mi.
Then combining function KU95 can be weighted
sum of squares
16Statistical Models
- If individual measures Mi are not mutually
independent then more complex combining functions
will be needed - Bayesian Statistics
- Ai is 0 or 1 depending on whether Mi normal or
anomalous respectively KU95
17Models based on Sequences of Events
- Markov Process Model
- Given the present state, past states of a system
have no influence on future states - Next state relies only on present state
- Non-deterministic systems mean that there are
transition probabilities for each state - Given an initial state, an event that transitions
system to a state of low probability is taken to
be anomalous
18Time-based Inductive Learning
- Sequence of events
- abcdedeabcabc
- Predict the events
- R1 ab ? c (1) R2 c ? d (0.5)
- R3 c ? a (0.5) R4 d ? e (1)
- R5 e ? a (0.5) R6 e ? d (0.5)
- Single out rules that are good indicators of
behavior R1 and R4 -
19UNM Pattern Matching
- System behavior defined as sequence of OS routine
calls - Entities monitored consist of those processes
that run with elevated privileges - Profile consists of legitimate traces which are
sequences of OS calls of length k
20UNM Pattern Matching
- Example from J00
- open read write open mmap write fchmod close
- Profile traces with max length 4
- open read write open write fchmod close
- open mmap write fchmod mmap write fchmod close
- read write open mmap fchmod close
- write open mmap write close
- Later sequence of calls recorded
- open read read open mmap write fchmod close
21Neural Networks
- Information processing model based on biological
nervous systems like the brain - Different than expert systems in that they have
ability to learn - Given a data vector they can either apply what
they have learned to determine an output or
recognize similarity between input data vector
and other inputs to determine outputs
22Neural Networks (http//www.doc.ic.ac.uk)
X1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
X2 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
X3 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
OUT 0 0 0/1 0/1 0/1 1 0/1 1
23Neural Network Intrusion Detector
- Identify legitimate user on system
- Obtain logs indicating how often a user executed
a specific command on a system during different
time intervals over a period of several days - Each command is a vector of frequencies
- 100 commands 100 dimensional input vector of
command vectors - Train the neural net to recognize specific user
24Misuse Detection
- Anomaly detectors can be trained not to detect
intrusive behavior and often vulnerabilities
exploited by known attacks are not patched. - Detecting intrusions based on known techniques or
sequences of actions - Intrusion scenario or signature must be formally
25Rule-based Misuse Systems
- Intrusion scenarios are defined as a set of rules
- System maintains rule base of intrusion scenarios
and fact base of event sequences from audit logs - When fact pattern matches antecedent of rule then
a rule binding is established and rest of rule is
26Rule-based Misuse Systems
- MIDAS rule example J00
- (defrule illegal_privileged_account states
- if there exists a failed_login_item
- such that name is (root) and
- time is ?time_stamp and
- channel is ?channel
- then
- (print Alert Attempted login to root)
- and remember a breakin_attempt
- with certainty high
- such that attack_time is ?time_stamp
- and login_channel is ?channel)
27State-based Misuse Detection
- Intrusion scenarios are modeled as a number of
different states and the transitions between them - Actions of would-be intruders lead to compromised
state - Two subclasses state transition and Petri net
- State transition
- States form a simple chain traversed from
beginning to end - Table for each possible intrusion in progress
- For each event processed, if event causes
transition then row with next state is added to
table - Event that causes a transition to a final state
indicates intrusion
28Petri Networks
- Intrusion states form a Petri net that follow a
more general tree structure - Many branches may exist denoting initial states
of the intrusion - Unix version 7 mkdir command B03
- mknod(xxx, directory)
- chown(xxx, user, group)
29Petri Networks
- mknod(xxx, directory)
- chown(xxx, user, group)
thisuid 0 File1true_name(thisobj)
thisuid 0 File2 thisobj
thisuid ! 0 File1 thisobj
true_name(thisobj) true_name(/etc/passwd)
File2 thisobj
30Other Misuse Techniques
- Simple string matching (KMP)
- Protocol Analysis
- Detect attack signatures by taking advantage of
structure of network data packets. - Identifying packets by protocol and thus
interpreting payload data - Fragmented packets can be reassembled before
intrusion analysis
- B03 Bishop, M. (2003). Computer Security Art
and Science. - Kr03Krishna, S. (2003). Intrusion Detection
Techniques Pattern Matching and Protocol
Analysis. - J00Jones, A. (2000). Computer System Intrusion
Detection A Survey. - Ku95Kumar, S. (1995). Classification and
Detection of Computer Intrusions. - F94Forrest, S. (1994). Self-Nonself
Discrimination in a Computer. - D86 Denning, D. (1986). An Intrusion Detection