Title: Intrusion Detection Systems: A Survey and Taxonomy
1Intrusion Detection Systems A Survey and Taxonomy
- A presentation by Emily Fetchko
2About the paper
- By Stefan Axelson of Chalmers University of
Technology, Sweden - From 2000
- Cited by 92 (Google Scholar)
- Featured on InfoSysSec
- Used in Network Security (691N)
- Followup to 1999 IBM paper Towards a Taxonomy of
Intrusion Detection Systems
- New and Significant
- What is a taxonomy?
- Introduction to IDS
- Introduction to classification
- Taxonomy by Intrusion Detection Principle
- Example systems
- Taxonomy by System Characteristics
- Trends in Research and Conclusion
4New and Significant
- First taxonomy paper
- Predicts research areas for Intrusion Detection
- Followup to 93 page survey report of research and
IBM paper
5What is a taxonomy?
- either a hierarchical classification of things,
or the principles underlying the classification
(Wikipedia) - Serves three purposes
- Description
- Prediction
- Explanation
6Intrusion Detection Systems
- Compare them to burglar alarms
- Alarm/siren component
- Something that alerts
- Security officer/response team component
- Something to respond/correct
- Different from perimeter defense systems (such as
a firewall)
7Types of intrusions
- Masquerader
- Steals identity of user
- Legitimate users who abuse the system
- Exploits
- Trojan horse, backdoor, etc.
- And more
8Two major types of detection
- Anomaly detection
- abnormal behavior
- May not be undesirable behavior
- High false positive rate
- Signature detection
- Close to previously-defined bad behavior
- Has to be constantly updated
- Slow to catch new malicious behavior
9Approaches to classfication
- Type of intrusion detected
- Type of data gathered
- Rules to detect intrusion
10Taxonomy by Intrusion Detection Principles
- self-learning
- Trains on normal behavior
- programmed
- User must know difference between normal
abnormal - signature inspired
- Combination of anomaly and signature methods
11Anomaly detection
- Time series vs. non time series
- Rule modeling
- Create rules describing normal behavior
- Raise alarm if activity does not match rules
- Descriptive statistics
- Compute distance vector between current system
statistcs and normal stats - ANN Artificial Neural Network
- Black box modeling approach
12Anomaly detection, continued
- Descriptive Statistics
- Collect statistics about parameters such as
logins, connections, etc. - Simple statistics abstract
- Rule-based
- Threshold
- Default Deny
- Define safe states
- All other states are deny states
13Signature Detection
- State-modeling
- If the system is in this state (or followed a
series of states) then an intrusion has occurred - Petri-net states form a petri net, a type of
directed bipartite graph (place vs transition
14Signature Detection, continued
- Expert system
- Reasoning based on rules
- Forward-chaining most popular
- String-matching
- Look for text transmitted
- Simple rule-based
- Less advanced but speeder than expert system
15Signature Inspired Detection
- Only one system in the taxonomy (Signature
Inspired and Self Learning) - Automatic feature selection
- Automatically determines which features are
interesting - Isolate, use them to decide if intrusion or not
16Classification by Type of Intrusion
- Well-known intrusions
- Correspond to signature detection systems
- Generalized intrusions
- Like a well-known intrusion, but with some
parameters left blank - Correspond to signature-inspired detectors
- Unknown intrusions
- Correspond to anomaly detectors
17Effectiveness of Detection
- Two categories marked as least effective
- Anomaly Self Learning Non-time series
- Weak in collecting statistics on normal behavior
- Will create many false positives
- Anomaly Programmed Descriptive Statistics
- If attacker knows stats used, can avoid them
- Leads to false negatives
18Taxonomy by System Characteristics
- Define system beyond the detection principle
- Time of detection
- Real time or non real time
- Granularity of data processing
- Continuous or batch
- Source of audit data
- Network or host
19System Characteristics, continued
- Response to detected intrusions
- Active or passive
- Modify attacked or attacking system
- Locus of data processing
- Centralized or distributed
- Locus of data collection
- Security (ability to defend against direct
attack) - Degree of interoperability
- Work with other systems
- Accept other forms of data
20Example Systems
- Haystack, 1988
- Air Force
- Anomaly detection based on per user profile, and
user group profile - Signature based detection
- MIDAS, 1988
- National Computer Security Centre and Computer
Science Laboratory, SRI International - Heuristic intrusion detection
- Expert system with two-tiered rule base
21Example Systems, continued
- IDES Intrusion Detection Expert System,
1988-1992 - Multiple authors, long term effort
- Real time expert system with statistics
- Compare current profile with known profile
- Distinction between on and off days
- NIDES next generation IDES
- NSM Network Security Monitor
- Monitors broadcast traffic
- Layered approach connection lower layers
- Profile by protocol (telnet, etc)
22Example Systems, continued
- DIDS Distributed IDS, 1992
- Incorporates Haystack and NSM
- Three components Host monitor, LAN monitor, DIDS
director - DIDS director contains expert system
- Bro, 1998
- Network-based (with traffic analysis)
- Custom scripting language
- Prewritten policy scripts
- Signature matching
- Action after detection
- Snort compatibility
23System Characteristics, continued
24System characteristics, continued
25Trends in Research
- Active response
- Legal ramifications, however
- Distributed detection
- Corresponds with distributed computing in general
- Increased security
- Increased interoperability
26Opportunities for Further Research
- Taxonomies by other classifications
- Signature self-learning detectors
- Two tiered detectors
- False positive rates for anomaly detectors
- Active response detectors
- Distributed detectors
- High security detectors
- Stefan Axelson. Intrusion Detection Systems A
Survey and Taxonomy. Chalmers University of
Technology, Sweden, 2000. - Debar, Decier and Wespi. Towards a taxonomy of
intrusion-detection systems. Computer Networks,
p805-822, 1999. - Bro Intrusion Detection System, www.bro-ids.org
- Google Scholar, http//scholar.google.com