Title: The NationalCommissions and Unescos Information and Communication Services
1- The National Commissions and Unescos Information
and Communication Services
2The Information and Communication Role of the
National Commissions
- 40 years ago, at its 14th Session in 1966, the
General Conference formally recognised
information as a major function of the National
Commissions. - Their outreach function can play a pivotal role
the National Commissions are unique to UNESCO
within the UN System
3The first step a mapping exercise
- Mapping conducted by BPI in close consultation
with ERC (concerning Headquarters only) - Purpose to identify current information and
communication activities of the National
Commissions and current services provided by ERC
and BPI - Finding ERC and BPI provide a range of highly
complementary services, each in its own domain.
Example of cooperation web toolkit distributed
to NCs on CD - Conclusion These joint services could be further
4National Commissions Annual Reports
Newsletters Websites Expos, events,
documentation Media outreach
BPI Photos, films contracts for
publications Practical Guide on HQ events Web
tools, logos, templates Documentation CentreÂ
ERC NC Newsletter Synergy NCP Leaflets, CDs,
brochures NC Website database training
5The next step a questionnaire
- 9 closed questions (multiple choice or yes/no
options) - One open question - the National Commissions
were asked to explain their specific needs - Sent at the start of May 2006 by email
- Some 50 NCs responded
65 questions on the National Commissions public
information activities
- Events 50 organize over five events per year,
50 organize up to five events per year and 25
organize over 10 events per year - Activities schedule Most have a publications
plan and an events schedule for the current
biennium - Media plan Fewer have an overall media plan or
communication plan
7The National Commissions Information Needs
- More Timely Communication
- Fact Sheets
- General Documentation Material
- Improved Access to the Web Portal
- More Information Tools, Advice and Expertise
8BPIs Response to these needs
- Earlier Communication of DG Messages
- Meeting the Demand for  Hard Copy Materials
- Enhancing Use of the Portal
- Publicising BPIs Information Services
- Encouraging Peer Networking between NCs