Title: CUIN 32023112: Week 1
1(No Transcript)
2Table Talksign in . . . find your shapes
- What surprised you most about being at your
school placement?
- Letters from the past
- Cool Tool of the Day
- Addressing the Needs of the Learner
- Essential Questions
- Unit planning
- Teacher inquiry
- Introduction to portfolio assignment
- Find all of Dr. Piersons sites of interest on
the QUEST del.icio.us site linked from our
Resources page.
7How are students different?
- Recognition learning (what)
- Strategic learning (how)
- Affective learning (why)
- Cultural Needs
- Social Needs
- Physical Needs
- Cognitive Needs
- Emotional Needs
- Language
- Science
- Math
- Social Studies
- Interests
- Attention
- Experience
- Attitude
8Small Group Learning Centers
9Small Group Learning Centers
- First
- Number off 1-5
- Get recording sheet
- Go to your shapes numbered center
- Bring your kids!
- Then
- Do the activity or use the tool (as you!)
- Discuss how your kids would be most successful
with activity or tool.
10Small Group Learning Centers
- Jobs
- Director
- Task Master
- Learning Difference Specialist
- Recorder
- Clean-Up Encourager
11Ready?Set? Go!
12Why is it beneficial to have students work in
small groups?
- Capitalize on strengths
- Meet needs
- Groups v. cooperative learning groups
- Encourage interaction/participation
- Engage in Problem Solving/Discovery Learning
- Ensure Assessment of both Group Participation
and Individual Contribution.
13A bit more on lesson planning . . .
143 Phases of the Instructional Sequence
15Writing Instructional Objectives
- Correct 1, 4, 9
- Incorrect 2, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12
- Pretty Correct 3, 8, 11
17Writing Instructional Objectives
- The Audience is the group of learners.
- The Behavior is the verb that describes what the
learner (audience) will be able to do after the
instruction. - Conditions are the circumstances under which the
objective must be met. - The Degree identifies the standard that the
learner must meet to reach acceptable
18Why do you suppose that some kids lose interest
in school?
19Essential Questions
- Contrast project-based learning based on
essential questions Edutopia Geo-Literacy
Forging New Ground - with thematic units
- Bears
- Apples
20What is an Essential Question? and what isnt?
Based on materials from Intel Teach to the Future
21Essential Questions for Primary Grades
- Traits
- What makes a good . . . ?
- Analysis
- Why do you suppose . . .?
- Speculate, predict, invent or imagine
- If you were asked to ________, how would you
22Teacher Inquiry
23Creating an Inquiry Stance toward Teaching
- What does research make you think of?
- Research usually conducted by researchers for
academic audiences - Schools are data-driven
- Teacher inquiry is the, systematic, intentional
study of ones own professional practice. (Dana
Silva, 2003) - Inquiring professionals pose questions, collect
data, analyze, share
24Questioning ones own practice
enhances professional growth
and leads to enhanced experience of children.
25Creating an Inquiry Stance toward Teaching
- Reflection is a part, but
- Intentional
- Visible
26Finding a Wondering . . .
- Teaching is complex
- The child
- The context
- The content
- The acts of teaching
- The teachers own beliefs and dispositions
27Inquiry 1 A Child
- Listen (and look)
- Observe
- Get a class roster
- Jot down questions for each child
- Decide on a wondering write about your
choice in your journal (use a pseudonym!) - Collect 3 types of data - What kind of data might
you collect to help you answer this wondering? - Think
- Act
- Share
28Writing Up Inquiry 1(due 2/8 draft in class
and final at night)
- Background and description (What did I see?)
- Design
- Wondering
- Data collected (What else do I need?)
- Patterns (What might it mean?)
- telling the story
- Conclusion
- About 2-3 pages
29Web Portfolios in QUEST 2
30How will we know if you are becoming an effective
You collect evidence.
31What is a portfolio?
- Working Portfolio
- Complete collection of everything
- Reflective Portfolio
- Selective collection of artifacts that meet
certain criteria - Presentation Portfolio
- Selective collection of artifacts for a
particular audience
32What do I put in my portfolio?
- Must include DOCUMENTATION that shows evidence
that - CHILDREN have learned during your teaching
experience. - YOU have learned from instructors/SBTEs/peers/stud
33What will this documentation look like?
- Text files (no .docx)
- Presentations
- Digital photos (need permission)
- Scanned student work
- Videos of you teaching or of a process
- Other?
- Examples
- http//viking.coe.uh.edu/sdavis84/
- http//viking.coe.uh.edu/jworrell/
- http//viking.coe.uh.edu/mepompa/
34Your portfolio is your assessment of you!
- The good
- The bad
- The ugly
- YOU tell the story of your becoming a teacher!
35What, specifically, do I need to do to set it up?
(by next week)
- Headings on your homepage
- Working
- Reflective (this is from QUEST 1)
- Presentation
- Link Working to QUEST 2 table of contents
- Link QUEST 2 TOC to 3202/3112 TOC
- Use template on Resources Page!!
36Extra Credit Opportunities
- Student Teaching Fair February 29th
- Jordan Hill coming at end of class
- Girl Scouts March 31st
37Before I see you again
- Have you
- made us your friends on LiveJournal.
- Sent your URLs to Niki?
- Once you go to your school
- Schedule 1st teaching observation with SBTE and
facilitator download lesson plan template. - Begin collecting data for your Teaching Inquiry
1 (the Child) bring draft to class in two
weeks - Set up your portfolio
- Set up your del.icio.us account
38Exit Ticket
- What are three ways that you will ensure you meet
the needs of all of the individuals in your class?