Title: Thermal Relations Heat Flow Across Glaciers Boundaries
1Thermal RelationsHeat Flow Across Glaciers
2Thermal Relations Heat Flow Across Glaciers
- Footnotes for Diagram
- (1) varies considerably, depending upon
geologic - conditions
- (2) depends upon rate of flow
- (3) very important if surface is often above
melting temp. - (4) mostly reflected
- (5) from atmos., firn, snow
- (Note could be loss to atmos.)
- (6) incorporated in glacier
- (Note could be warmer or colder)
3Thermal RelationsThermal Classification
- Cold ice below its
- pressure-controlled melting point
- Warm ice above its pressure-controlled melting
point (above - 0oC ??)
- Polar cold ice
- Temperate warm ice (except near-surface ice in
winter) - However, both types can occur in the same glacier.
4Thermal Relations Temperature Gradient Taku
Feb 8
Feb 28
June 4
July 15
5Thermal Relations Temperature Grad. NW Greenland
6Thermal RelationsTemperature Gradient Antarctica
7Glacial MovementStress and Strain
- External force acting on unconfined soilid sets
up 3 types of internal stresses compressive, - tensile, and shearing.
- Because of stress, changes occur in shape,
volume, or both.
Shearing Stress
8Glacial Movement Stress and Strain
- Consider forces acting on a cubic cm of ice at
base of glacier. See Fig. 3-7B. - The force is the weight, acting vertically
downward - W ?gb where ? density of ice (0.9
gm/cm3) g acceleration due to gravityFig.
3.7C (cm/sec2) b thickness of glacier
9Glacial MovementStress and Strain (Fig. 3.7B)
10Glacial MovementShearing Stress
- Now, the component of the weight acting parallel
to the slope (Wt) is the shearing stress (?) - ? ?gb sin?
- where ? surface slope
- ? ? increases with increase in b or ?.
- (? is usually 0.5 to 1.5 bars.)
11Glacial Movement Glen Flow Law of Ice Creep
- Experiments in ice deformation have shown how ice
behaves as it is deformed. - It is not a Newtonian fluid.
- It is not a perfect elastic.
- It shows components of both of these, a style of
deformation expressed as ice creep.
t 1.0 kg/cm2
t 0.1 kg/cm2 (elastic)
12Glacial MovementGlen Flow Law
- e A?nwhere
- e strain rate
- ? stress
- A a constant related to ice temperature
- n a constant with a mean value of approximately
The strain rate is highly sensitive to shear
stress and less so to temperature.
13Glacial MovementGlen Flow Law (Fig. 3.7C)
14Glacial MovementGlen Flow Law
- Rate of strain governs that component of velocity
due to internal motion. - The rate of strain decreases upward. Why?
- However, each cube of ice moves forward by an
amount equal to the sum of all strain rates
below - Can be considered as a piggyback effect.
- Therefore, the velocity must increase upward.
15Glacial MovementGlen Flow Law
- An equation for determining surface velocity -
the glaciers maximum velocity Vs 1/32 (?g)3
(sin?3) b4Rapid increase in V, with slight
increase in b or ?.? must be steep near
glaciers terminus because b is less.
16Glacial MovementModels of Ice Creep
- Newtonian fluid has strain rate that is linear
function of ?. - Perfect plastic shows no deformation until
critical (yield) stress then continuous
deformation occurs.
17Glacial Movement Factors Influencing Ice Creep
18 Glacial Movement Basal Slip
- Effectiveness depends primarily upon temperature
of basal ice. - What is the situation for Greenland? for
Antarctica? - How can we determine the amount of slip?
19Glacial MovementBasal Slip
20Glacier MovementBasal Slip - Processes
21Glacier MovementBasal Slip
22Glacial Movement
- Direction of Flow and Variations in
Velocity Flow occurs to distribute
accumulation. Longitudinal
Section Plan View
Zone of Accumulation
Equilibrium Line
Equilibrium Line
Zone of Ablation
23 Glacial Movement
- Direction of Flow and Variations in Velocity
- Maximum velocities occur at the equilibrium line.
- Due to increase in ice Q through accum. zone.
Accumulation Zone
24 Glacial Movement Direction of Flow and
Variations in Velocity
- Transverse Sections Velocity decreases away
Above EL from central axis. - Below EL
25 Glacial Movement Compressive and Extending Flow
- Compressive flow where velocity decreases loss
of ice thickness - ablation zone where bed is
concave Thrust faulting - Extending flow where velocity increases gain in
ice thickness - zone of accumulation where bed
is convex Normal faulting
26Glacial MovementCompressive and Extending Flow
27Glacial Movement Variations with Time
- 1) Random Variations Due to local causes
weather conditions, release of obstructed ice,
thrust faulting - 2) Seasonal Variations
- 3) Kinematic Waves Set up by increases in
accumulation. Pulses move down-glacier at 2 to 5
times the rate of ice flow. Greatest effects
are in ablation zone. Amplitudes of up to 100 m.
28 Glacial Movement Variations with Time
- 4) Surges Sudden, spectacular movements. Velocit
y increase of 10 to 100 times normal. No new ice
added. Response to intrinsic threshold. Often
periodic. Explanations Ice-damming Behind
stagnant ice. Thickness increases. Stress
increases release occurs. Re-establishment of
equilibrium profile.
29Glacial Movement Variations with Time
- Hydraulic lifting
- Water buildup along base. Pore pressure
increases. Friction reduced until threshold
crossed. Surge takes place.