Title: NC Green Business Fund
1 NC Green Business Fund
To encourage small businesses with less than 100
employees to help grow the green economy in the
State by funding projects focused on the three
Priority Areas
3Priority Areas
1. The development, production, distribution,
and consumer purchase of alternative energy with
an emphasis on biofuels. 2. The development of
environmentally conscious and energy efficient
green building industry and processes. 3.
Attracting and leveraging private sector
investment and entrepreneurial growth in
environmentally conscious clean technologies and
renewable energy products and businesses.
4Examples of Projects
5Review Criteria
Factor 1. Technical Merit and Feasibility Factor
2. Experience, Qualifications and
Facilities Factor 3. Effectiveness of the
Proposed Work Plan Factor 4. Commercial Merit and
Market Opportunity Factor 5. Budget
Realism Factor 6. Economic Development
MeritScoring of Factors Factor 1 will be
weighted at twice the weight of Factors 2, 3, and
5. Commercial Merit (Factor 4) and Economic
Development Merit (Factor 6) will be in the form
of an adjectival rating (Excellent, Very Good,
Average, Below Average, Poor, and Insufficient
Data).Other factorsThe Project duration and
timeline, the locations or regions served, the
degree to which the proposed Project is a
publicly visible application in a Priority Area,
the existence of Matching Funds, or the degree to
which a Project incorporates multiple green
technologies may also be used as deciding factors
in the evaluation of Proposals.
6A Profile of NC Green Business Fund Proposals
Page views to the NC Green Business Fund Website
2,076 Views on April 29th, 2008 - 144 Hits from
other countries - 11 Number of states reporting
no hits - 11 Number of hits from Raleigh 445
Location of the 2nd highest number of hits
Asheville Securing a NC Green Business Fund
7Where did web traffic come from?
In North Carolina.
A total of 2,076 visits to the NCGBF web site
from March 1st to April 30th.
Cary 136
Asheville 186
Raleigh 445
Murphy 2
Manteo 1
8Applications and Requests
- The Office of Science Technology received 85
applications with a total request of nearly 7
million dollars. - Requests for funding ranged from 15,000 to the
maximum of 100,000. - The majority of proposals addressed the first and
third priority areas.
9Where did requests come from?
10Where were awardees located?
11A Profile of NCGBF Applicants
Other categories include licensed brokers,
contract employees (i.e., contract manufacturing
and contract chemist), seasonal unskilled,
administrative, marketing, and sales personnel.
12A Profile of NCGBF Applicants
Other categories include sales force, real
estate agents/brokers, academic interns, program
manager, and office support.
13Review Process
Application Merit Review ProcessNC Green
Business Fund
Four Stage Process of Review Stage I Review
by Grant Administrator Stage II Review by
Executive Director Stage III Advisory Board
Members Stage IV Executive Director
Stage I GA Reviews application for completeness
14Thank you for your timeQUESTIONS?COMMENTS?IDE
15 NC Green Business Fund
Presented at the Appalachian Regional Development
Leadership Institute Boone , North
Carolina August 11th, 2008
- John Hardin, Ph.D.
- Acting Executive Director
- R.V. Rikard
- Grant Administrator
- North Carolina Board of Science and Technology