Title: Database Programming and JDBC
1Lecture 21
- Database Programming and JDBC
2Database Programming
- Objective to access a database from an
application program - As opposed to interactive interfaces like MySQLs
- Motivation Interactive interfaces are convenient
but - Not all queries can be expressed in SQL
(recursive) - Impedance mismatch problem (difference between
database and programming language models) - Different data types
- Sets/Multi-sets VS tuple-at-a-time (declarative
VS non-declarative/procedural actions) - E.g. display selected tuples in a GUI
3Database Programming Approaches
- (1) Embedded commands DB commands are embedded
in a general-purpose host programming language - such as COBOL, C, Java, etc
- Embedded SQL commands are identified by a special
prefix - E.g. EXEC SQL
- A pre-compiler or a preprocessor first scans the
code to identify database statements and extracts
them for processing by the DBMS - Replaced by function calls to the DBMS-generated
code - Static (queries must be known at compile time)
4Embedded Commands Example
5Database Programming Approaches
- (2) Library of database functions available to
the host language for database calls - known as an API (Application Programming
Interface) - Host language uses library functions to connect
to a database, execute a query, execute an
update, etc - Database queries/update commands (along with
other information) are sent as parameters to
function calls - Dynamic
- E.g. ODBC (Object DataBase Connectivity) and JDBC
(used to stand for Java DataBase Connectivity) - ODBC SQL Access Group, chiefly Microsoft, in
1992 - JDBC Like ODBC but enables SQL function calls
for Java programming
6Database Programming Approaches
- Embedded SQL provides static database programming
- API dynamic database programming
- Advantage no preprocessor needed (thus more
flexible) - No compile-time restrictions
- Drawback SQL syntax checks to be done at
run-time - E.g. When executing an SQL statement via
ODBC/JDBC, it is not checked for errors until it
is run
7Java Database Connectivity
- A Java program with JDBC functions
- can access any relational DBMS that has a JDBC
driver (JDBC compliant) - A JDBC driver is an implementation of the
function calls specified in the JDBC API
(java.sql.) for a particular RDBMS - A JDBC driver translates JDBC function calls into
DBMS-specific calls that are understood by DBMS
and vice-versa - can connect to several databases known as data
sources - All JDBC drivers loaded (dynamically) by an
application are registered with a driver manager - Driver manager is responsible to manage different
drivers for different DBMSs used within the same
8JDBC Architecture
Driver 1
Java Application
JDBC Driver manager
Driver 2
Driver 3
Application -Initiates and terminates connection
with a data source -Submits SQL statements and
retrieves results through the JDBC API Driver
Manager -Loads JDBC driver and passes JDBC
function calls from application to correct
driver Driver(s) -Establishes the connection with
the data source (thru Driver Manager) -Submits
requests from and return results to
application -Translates data and errors from data
source format to JDBC standard Data
source(s) -Processes commands from the driver and
returns results
9The JDBC Steps
- Importing Packages
- Loading Registering the JDBC Drivers
- Registers driver with driver manager
- Opening a Connection to a Database
- Also ties driver and DBMS to driver manager
- Creating a Statement Object
- Executing a Query and Returning a Result Set
Object - Processing the Result Set
- Garbage collection
- Closing the Result Set, Statement and Connection
10(No Transcript)
11Steps in JDBC Database Access
- (1) Import JDBC library (import java.sql.)
- javax.sql. (for advanced features, such as
scrollable result sets) - (2) Load register JDBC driver with manager
- Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver")
- This will load the driver and register it with
the driver manager in order to make it available
to the program - Can also be done in two steps
- Initializing/loading a driver (for oracle)
drivernew com.mysql.jdbc.Driver() - Registering it with the DriverManager
12Steps in JDBC Database Access
- (3) Create a connection object (via
getConnection) - DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcmysql
//lthostgt ltportgt/ltdb-accountgt, ltusernamegt,
ltpasswordgt) - Connection myConnection DriverManager.
getConnection("jdbcmysql// devsrv.cs.csbsju.edu
3306/irahal_compnay","irahal",") - (4) Create a statement object
- Statement
- Statement stmt myConnection.createStatement()
- String queryString "Select lname As LastName,
fname As FirstName, salary from employee where
fname like '"name"'" - name is a variable of type string
- PreparedStatment (notice the question mark ?)
- String queryString "Select count() as COUNTER
from employee where salarygt?" - preparedStmt myConnection.prepareStatement
13Prepared Statement motivation
- Why use PreparedStatements
- prepared already compiled (querystring is a
parameter) - Used if the same query is to be executed multiple
times since it would be compiled only once - for queries that are executed many times with
possibly different contents - Suppose we would like to run the query
- But we would like to run this for a number of
employees (separately), not only Moon
14Additional Steps for PreparedStatments in JDBC
Database Access
- (4-1) Identify statement parameters (designated
by question marks (?) in the statement string) - String queryString "Select count() as COUNTER
from employee where salarygt?" - preparedStmt myConnection.prepareStatement
(queryString) - (4-2) bind parameters to program variables
- pst.setString(1, var1) where pst is a
PreparedStatement variable - preparedStmt.setFloat(1,salary)
- Set 1st ? in my query to the value of salary
which is a float
ExecuteQuery(String Q)
ExecuteUpdate(String Q)
setString(int num,String val)
Prepared Statement
prepareStatement (String Q)
16Querying with Prepared Statement
FName ? AND SALARY lt ? PreparedStatement
pstmt con.prepareStatement(queryStr) pstmt.set
String(1, Joe) pstmt.setFloat2,
100000) ResultSet rs pstmt.executeQuery()
17Affecting the DB with PreparedStatement
LNAME ? and SALARY ? PreparedStatement
pstmt con.prepareStatement(deleteStr) pstmt.s
etString(1, RAHAL) pstmt.setFloat(2,
10000) int delnum pstmt.executeUpdate()
18(No Transcript)
19Steps in JDBC Database Access
- (5) Execute SQL statement (referenced by an
object) via JDBCs - executeQuery (SELECT statements)
- Returns a ResultSet
- resultset1 stmt.executeQuery(queryString)
(regular statement) - resultset2 preparedStmt.executeQuery()
(prepared statement) - executeUpdate (DDL, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE
statements) - Returns how many tuples have been affected (an
integer) - result1 stmt.executeUpdate(updateString)
(regular statement) - result2 preparedStmt.executeUpdate() (prepared
20Steps in JDBC Database Access
- (6) Process query results
- ResultSet is a 2-dimensional table
- Only one ResultSet per Statement can be opened at
once - ResultSet object maintains a cursor pointing to
its current row of data - The 'next' method moves the cursor to the next
row - As of JDBC 2.0, scrollable ResultSets are
available, which also include previous,
first, last, etc.. - Any methods on the ResultSet will occur on the
current row
- The cursor is positioned before the 1st row upon
creation - Statement stmtcon.createStatement()
- ResultSet rs stmt.executeQuery ("SELECT FROM
Table1") - while (rs.next()) //something
22ResultSet methods
- Getting the value in some column (for the current
row) - depends on attribute data type - getString(int columnNum)
- getString(String columnName)
- getInt(int columnNum)
- getInt(String columnName)
- Etc
- To check if null was returned, you have to use
wasNull() on the ResultSet after getting the
String s rs.getString(column1")
23Mapping Java Types to SQL Types
SQL type
The driver maps SQL types (varchar, number,) to
the appropriate Java method (getString, getInt)
Java method
24Cleaning Up After Yourself
- (7) Remember to close the Connections,
Statements, PreparedStatements and ResultSets in
the following order
- You can use Stmt.setQueryTimeOut(int secs) to set
a timeout for the driver to wait for a statement
to be completed - If the operation is not completed in the given
time, an SQLException is thrown
26Dealing With Exceptions
catch (SQLException e) while (e ! null)
//human readable message about the
exception System.out.println(e.getMessage()) //
String describing the reason of the
exception System.out.println(e.getSQLState())
//driver-dependant error code for the
exception System.out.println(e.getErrorCode())
e e.getNextException()
27What will this do?
- String table1create table table1(col1 integer,
col2 integer) - Statement stcon.createStatement()
- int resCreatest.executeUpdate(table1)
- PreparedStatement ps1 con.prepareStatement(inse
rt into Table1 values(?,?)) - for(int i0ilt10i)
- ps1.setInt(1,i)
- ps1.setInt(2,ii)
- ps1.executeUpdate()
- Statement st2con.createStatement()
- ResultSet rsexecuteQuery(select col2 from
Table1) - while(rs.next())
- System.out.println(rs.getInt(1))
28Useful JDBC links
- http//dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/java-connec
tor.html - http//java.sun.com/j2se/1.3/docs/guide/jdbc/getst
art/GettingStartedTOC.fm.html - http//notes.corewebprogramming.com/student/JDBC.p