World War II - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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World War II


Leader of Fascist Party. Model of strength and determination ... Fascists=a follower of a political philosophy that preached nationalism and racism ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: World War II

Chapter 15
  • World War II

  • The Road to War

The Rise of Dictators
  • 2 reasons why Americans focused on U.S.A.
  • Suffering from Great Depression
  • Enormous cost of victory of WWI
  • FDRs Good Neighbor Policy
  • The U.S. would not interfere in the internal
    affairs of its Latin American neighbors

Mussolinis Rise in Italy
  • Benito Mussolini
  • Il Duce
  • Promised change
  • Modernizer
  • Order and efficiency
  • Restore Italys power in Mediterranean
  • Leader of Fascist Party
  • Model of strength and determination
  • Rebuilt Italys economy, society, and regional

  • Fascistsa follower of a political philosophy
    that preached nationalism and racism
  • Totalitariana govt. controlled by a single
    person or party which suppresses freedom and
    controls every aspect of life

Hitler Founds the Nazi Party
  • Adolf Hitler
  • National Socialist German Workers Party
  • Eliminate the differences between the rich and
    the poor
  • Aryan race
  • Jews were to blame for Germanys economic problems

Building the Third Reich
  • July 1932Nazi party became most powerful party
    in Germany
  • Jan. 1933Hitler became Chancellor
  • Feb. 1933suspended most of Germany civil rights
  • Military swear personal allegiance to Hitler
  • Aug. 1934Hitler became fuehrer
  • Third Reich
  • Totalitarian dictator
  • Hitler began to rebuild the military
  • 1936sent troops into the Rhineland

The Axis Tests Its Strength
  • Hitler and Mussolini both wanted to expand their
  • 1936alliance formed
  • Axis Powers
  • http//

Fighting the Spanish Civil War
  • 1936
  • Republican vs. Fascist
  • Pro-monarchy wanted to overthrow democratic
  • General Francisco Franco
  • Mussolini and Hitler sent aid
  • G.B., France, U.S.A. remained neutral
  • Franco won

Appeasing Hitler in Munich
  • March 1938Hitler conquered Austria
  • Sept. 1938Sudetenland
  • France and G.B. agreed to give Hitler the
    Sudetenland if Hitler promised not to take any
    more territory in Europe
  • Appeasementthe policy of compromising or giving
    in to the demands of a hostile nation in the hope
    of keeping peace

Invading Poland Leads to War
  • Feb./March 1939Hitler seized the rest of
  • Aug. 23, 1939Germany and Soviet Union signed a
    nonaggression pact
  • Sept. 1939Hitlers tanks and air force invaded
    and bombed Poland
  • Blitzkrieglightning war an intensive attack
    combining air and land forces
  • Sept. 3, 1939G.B. and France declared war on
    Germany and WWII began

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The Rise of Militarism
  • 1930s, Japans military leaders began a policy
    of territorial expansion
  • Japan wanted raw materials, to be secure, and
  • Japan wanted Manchuria and East Asia

Japan Invades Manchuria
  • Northern China
  • Abundant resources
  • Sept. 1931Japan attacked Manchuria and gained
    control in Sept. 1932
  • Manchukuo
  • League of Nations condemned Japan for its

Shutting the Open Door
  • U.S. was concerned that Japan would conquer China
  • Japan might close Chinas Open Doors of trade
  • U.S. would lose 100 million a year

The China Incident
  • 1937
  • Japanese troops moved south from Manchuria
  • Killed thousands of Chinese civilians
  • Shanghai and Nanjing
  • Full-scale war
  • U.S. gave strong words against the Japanese

Nonneutral Neutrality
  • Neutrality Acts
  • 1936
  • Prohibited the sale of weapons to nations at war
  • Keep American citizens from traveling on ships
    belonging to warring countries
  • Countries at war pay cash for nonmilitary goods
  • Strong anti-war sentiment

  • FDR began to prepare U.S. military to enter WWII
  • 1938300 million
  • 19391.3 billion
  • Used to build tanks, guns, planes, etc.

Section 2
  • The War Begins

Hitler Crushes Europe
  • April 9, 1940
  • Hitler invaded
  • Denmark
  • Norway
  • Netherlands
  • Belgium
  • Luxembourg

France Surrenders
  • French and British troops were positioned on the
    Maginot Line (border of Germany, Belgium,
  • May 1940German tanks invaded France across
  • Maginot Lines failure demoralized France
  • http//

France Surrenders (cont.)
  • May 28-June 4, 1940
  • British Navy saved 338,000 British and French
  • June 10Italy declared war on France
  • France vs. Italy in the South
  • France vs. Germany in the North
  • June 14Germany captured Paris
  • June 22France surrendered

The Battle of Britain
  • Summer of 1940all out attack on G.B.
  • Royal Air Force shot down many German planes
  • http//
  • Sept. 1940 to May 1941
  • Hitler attacked G.B. at dark
  • Bombing raids every night
  • Killed 20,000 Londoners
  • Destroyed Coventry and most of London

The Americans Respond
  • Interventionismthe policy of intervening, or
    interfering, in the affairs of another nation
  • Isolationismavoidance of conflicts and alliances
    with other nations

The Americans Respond (cont.)
  • Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies
  • Interventionists
  • U.S. should give all possible support to Britain
    short of declaring war on Germany
  • Committee to Defend America First
  • Isolationists
  • U.S. should keep out of Frances business
  • Roosevelt cautiously aided Allies but did not
    publicly attack fascism

Selective Service
  • Selective Training and Service Act
  • 1st peace-time draft
  • All men ages 21-35
  • 1 million men
  • 1 year of service
  • Only in Western Hemisphere
  • http//
  • Strengthen U.S. defenses and keep the U.S. out of
  • 1940FDR elected to 3rd term

  • March 1941
  • Gave the President the right to sell, lend, or
    lease military supplies to any nation vital to
    the defense of the United States
  • 7 billion budget
  • Ended up at 50 billion
  • Weapons, vehicles, supplies to Allies
  • Economically U.S. was at war with Germany

  • Spring
  • German U-boats began to sink U.S. and British
  • Summer
  • U.S. Navy guarded British ships on the Atlantic
  • Destroy enemy submarines that threatened them
  • Fall
  • Roosevelt ordered the navy to shoot Axis vessels
    on sight
  • Congress allowed armed American merchant ships to
    carry munitions directly to G.B.

1941 (cont.)
  • Undeclared war with Germany
  • June 1941
  • Germany attacked Soviet Union
  • U.S. extended Lend-Lease aid to USSR

The Atlantic Charter
  • August 1941
  • Roosevelt and Churchill
  • Agreed on a set of common principles establishing
    their goals for a postwar world
  • Each nations right to choose its own govt., free
    from fear of aggression

The Atlantic Charter (cont.)
  • Create an international organization to protect
    the security of all countries (UN)
  • Sept. 24
  • Officially signed by 17 nations

The Japanese Threat Increases
  • Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere
  • Japanese plan for the future of Asia
  • July 1940
  • In reality a Japanese Empire
  • Much of China, Southeast Asia, and the western
  • Sept. 27, 1940
  • Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis

The United States Responds
  • U.S. applied economic pressure
  • FDRs goal was to limit Japanese expansion by
    cutting off supplies without provoking Japan to
  • FDR placed an embargo starting in 1940
  • By July 1941, FDR froze all Japanese assets in
    the U.S. and ended all trade with Japan
  • U.S. began to fortify the Philippines and build a
    two-ocean navy
  • Oct. 1941U.S. said they would resume trade with
    Japan only if Japan withdrew from China and

Yamamotos Plan
  • Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto
  • Advised attacking U.S. at Pearl Harbor
  • Deliver a knockout blow to the American Navy

Section 3
  • The United States at War

December 7, 1941
  • Japanese Attack Pearl Harbor
  • Less than 3 hours
  • Japan destroyed 19 ships (5 battleships) and 158
  • 2,400 American killed
  • Pearl Harbor aroused and united Americans

Mobilizing at Home
  • Dec. 8Congress declared war on Japan
  • A few days later, Germany and Italy declared war
    on U.S.A.
  • U.S. was fighting a global war on 2 fronts

Boosting the Number of Troops
  • 19411.8 million troops
  • 19423.9 million
  • 1943about 8 million
  • 1945about 12 million
  • End of WWII15 million men and 216,000 women
  • Reasons to enlist
  • Patriotism
  • Anger toward the Axis
  • Desire for adventure
  • joblessness

Minorities in Uniform
  • 1 million African Americans
  • Military was officially segregated
  • All African American units were commanded by
    white officers
  • Often given jobs as cooks or laborers
  • 350,000 Hispanic Americans, Japanese Americans,
    Native Americans (code messages) all faced

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The European Front
  • Roosevelt and Churchills top goal was to defeat
  • Unconditional surrendera surrender without any

Invasion of the Soviet Union
  • June 22, 1941Germany invaded U.S.S.R.
  • Germany troops surrounded Leningrad for almost
    900 days
  • 1/2 million residents starved to death
  • Spring 1942Germany attacked oil fields in
    southwestern Russia
  • Sept. 1942300,000 Germans attacked Stalingrad
  • Feb. 1943Germans surrendered
  • Halted Germans eastward movement
  • Turning point in Europe

Allied Offensives
  • Nov. 1942, American and British troops landed in
    North Africa
  • El Alamein
  • Egypt
  • British won
  • Turning point in Mediterranean
  • May 1943Allies controlled North Africa

Allied Offensives (cont.)
  • Allies used bases in North Africa to launch an
    invasion of Southern Europe (Sicily)
  • Sept. 8Italy unconditional surrender to the
  • Germany still fought to control Italy
  • June 9, 1944Rome was liberated

  • June 6, 1944
  • Largest combined land-sea-air invasion
  • Operation Overload
  • Normandy, France
  • Allies came ashore before dawn
  • Secured beachhead and then they moved into France
  • Allowed Allies to focus on pushing Germany out of

The Beginning of the End
  • Allies dominated the skies (fighter planes,
    bombers, spy planes)
  • Aug. 25, 1944Paris was liberated
  • By end of summer of 1944, France, Belgium,
    Luxembourg were free from the Nazis

The Beginning of the End (cont.)
  • Allies moved east toward Germany while Soviets
    moved west
  • Allies gained an advantage at sea
  • Sonar technologytechnology that detects
    submerged objects by means of sound waves
  • Allies could locate U-boats

The Beginning of the End (cont.)
  • Battle of the Bulge
  • Dec. 1944
  • German counter-offense
  • Border of Belgium and Germany
  • 76,000 Allied soldiers killed or wounded
  • Road to Germany was open
  • Germany were pushed back

The Holocaust
  • the final solution
  • Jewish problem
  • Concentration camps
  • Slave labor, medical experiments, etc.
  • Starved, beaten, shot, gas chambers
  • Mass graves or cremated

The Holocaust (cont.)
  • 6 million Jews were massacred
  • 2/3s of total Jewish population in Europe
  • 6 million Slaves, gypsies, Communists,
    homosexuals, etc. were also killed

Victory in Europe
  • 1944-1945Nazi govt. was forced out by Soviets in
    eastern and central Europe
  • Vienna and Prague
  • Soviets claimed control not Allied forces
  • http//

Victory in Europe (Cont.)
  • 1945Soviets crossed Poland and British/American
    troops entered Germany through the Netherlands
  • April 12, 1945FDR died
  • Harry Truman became president
  • April 30, 1945Hitler suicide
  • May 2Berlin fell
  • May 7Germany unconditional surrendered
  • May 8, 1945V-E Day
  • Power struggle developed between U.S. and USSR

The Pacific Front
  • Early 1942, Japan had many victories in the
  • Dutch East Indies, Burma, Wake Island, Guam,
  • May 1942Coral Sea
  • U.S. stopped Japanese movement south
  • June 1942Midway
  • 1st major Japanese defeat

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The Pacific Front (cont.)
  • U.S. policy of island hopping
  • Capture small island after small island
  • Cut Japan off from supplies
  • Be able to attack Philippines and Japan
  • Douglas MacArthur

  • In Solomon Islands
  • Aug. 7, 1942
  • Very hot, jungle
  • Lasted 6 months
  • 1st territory Japan lost in WWII
  • Japan lost 25,000 men

  • Early 1945Iwo JimaU.S. captured but lost 20,000
    men in 6 weeks
  • Early 1945America recaptured the Philippines
  • June 1944U.S. began air strikes on JapanNov.
    began bombing Tokyo
  • Japanese military leaders refused to accept
    unconditional surrender

August 6, 1945
  • Enola Gay
  • Dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima
  • Killed 100,000 people instantly
  • 100,000 died later
  • Destroyed 4 square miles

  • Aug. 8, 1945
  • U.S.S.R. entered war against Japan
  • Aug. 9, 1945
  • U.S. dropped an atomic bomb on Nagasaki
  • Killed 40,000 more citizens
  • Aug. 14, 1945
  • Japanese government surrendered
  • WWII lasted 6 years

The Impact of War
  • Cons
  • 1st to bring mass civilian deaths
  • Most devastating war in history
  • Effected Asia and European cities, towns,
    villages, capitals
  • Transportation systems were destroyed
  • Economic systems were left in shambles
  • U.S.S.R. lost more than 8 of their population
  • U.S.A. lost less than 1 of population

The Impact of War (cont.)
  • Pros
  • The demand for war supplies pulled the American
    economy out of the Great Depression
  • Made U.S. more productive and prosperous
  • Changes in society
  • WWII brought varied and lasting changes
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