Title: Trellis Algorithms
1Trellis Algorithms
2Trellis Algorithms
- Overlap in paths implies repetition of the same
calculations - Harness the overlap to make calculations
efficient - A node at (si , t) stores info about state
sequences that contain Xt si - This is the basis of dynamic programming
3Trellis Algorithms
- Consider 2 states and 3 time points
4Forward Algorithm
- A node at (si , t) stores info about state
sequences up to time t that arrive at si
5Forward Algorithm
6Viterbi Algorithm
is the best score along a single path, at
time t, which accounts for the first t
observations and ends in state si
By induction we have
7Viterbi Algorithm
8Viterbi Algorithm
9Viterbi vs. Forward Algorithm
- Similar in implementation
- Forward sums over all incoming paths
- Viterbi maximises
- Viterbi probability ? Forward probability
- Both efficiently implemented using a trellis
function FORWARD(observations, a, b) returns
forward-probability num-states ?
NUM-OF-STATES(pi) num-obs ?
LENGTH(observations) Create and initialise
probability matrix forwardnum-states1,
num-obs1 forward0, 0 ? 1.0 for each
time t from 1 to num-obs for each state s
from 1 to num-states sum ? 0
for each previous state p from 0 to
num-states sum ? sum forwardp,
t-1 ap, s bs, observationst
end forwards, t ? sum end
end sum ? 0 for each previous state
p from 0 to num-states sum ? sum
forwardp, num-obs ap, FINAL-STATE end
return sum
function VITERBI(observations, a, b) returns
viterbi-probability num-states ?
NUM-OF-STATES(pi) num-obs ?
LENGTH(observations) Create and initialise
probability matrix viterbinum-states1,
num-obs1 viterbi0, 0 ? 1.0 for each
time t from 1 to num-obs for each state s
from 1 to num-states max ? 0
for each previous state p from 0 to
num-states max ? MAX(max,
viterbip, t-1 ap, s bs,
observationst) end
viterbis, t ? max end end max
? 0 for each previous state p from 0 to
num-states max ? MAX(max, viterbip,
num-obs ap, FINAL-STATE) end return