Title: Series B Investment Proposal
2 Industry Issue
- Many Golf Course Superintendents develop
flushing cycles based on a calendar program with
little or no real knowledge of how much salt is
in their soil profile and what levels are
- The trend in the Golf Course management industry
toward utilizing effluent, brackish, and other
irrigation sources with marginal quality will
continue to expand. - IN EXPECTED REGIONS
- Arid climates (ex. Desert Southwest)
- Coastal regions using brackish water or from sea
spray - Emerging countries with poor water quality
- Metropolitan areas relying on STP discharge
- Salts from irrigation water collected from
streets, roads, etc. where salt compounds are
used for melting of snow ice - Salts from fertilizers and amendments contain
varying levels of salt
3Customer Problem Case Study Desert Mountain (AZ)
- Many of the most recognizable courses in
Scottsdale, AZ have been mandated to use the
discharge from the Scottsdale sewage treatment
plant. - Discharge TDS ranges from 800 ppm to 1400 ppm
seasonally. - Negative impacts to soil structure and quality of
playing surfaces were seen almost instantly.
- Expense Issue
- Management programs (i.e. leaching, acid
injection, frequent Gypsum applications, etc.)
are necessary to combat the negative impacts from
the salt loading.
- Monitoring Issue
- The challenge with managing salts is knowing how
frequently and how aggressively the leaching and
amendment practices need to be performed.
- Treatment Issue
- How can we confirm that the programs implemented
have succeeded in removing or diluting the salts
effectively? -
4AST Solution Case Study Desert Mountain GC (AZ)
- Customer and AST agronomist evaluated current
leaching programs and baseline salinity levels
pre and post flushing using soil sensors - Customer and AST agronomist established
acceptable salinity levels in greens and fairways
based on real time and historical soil sensor
readings - Soil salinity levels at 2 inches and 6 inches
- Monitored over several months through multiple
flushing and irrigation cycles - Program designed for gradual reduction in
flushing irrigation intervals and comparing
salinity levels during and after each flushing
5AST Solution Case Study Desert Mountain GC (AZ)
Jan 3 Fertilizer Event (8-0-16) with 35 min of
Jan 10 Fertilizer Event (15-3-8) with 25 min of
Jan 17 Fertilizer Event (K-Power) with 15 min of
Jan 19 Rain Event (1/2 inch)
Jan 31 Rain Event (1/2 inch)
- Salinity spikes seen when irrigation is applied,
indicating impact of brackish irrigation water. - Jan 31 rainfall event shows decline in salinity
following the rain.
6Customer ResultsCase Study Desert Mountain GC
- Insights gained from using AST sensor system
- Salt Insight 1
- Prior assumption was that 1 flushing every 2
weeks was appropriate based on the guess-timate
that salts reached 650 ppm - Discovered 650 ppm reached after 4 weeks and that
the amount of water being used to flush greens
and fairways could be adjusted based on real time
salinity readings.
- Salt Insight 2
- Previous flushing run times of 90 minutes were
reduced to 45 minutes based on real time
knowledge of salinity levels being diminished in
the soil on certain greens - Increased run times on others due to salt residue
at the bottom of the profile
- Customer able to reduce green leaching intervals
by 50 and measure more effective flushing run
times to see residual salts in the upper or lower
part of the soil profile. - Also able to stretch flushing irrigation
intervals more consistently on the fairways.
Change Practice Results
7Customer ResultsCase Study Desert Mountain GC
- Irrigation water
- Attributes a reduction of 40 ac./ft. (approx. 13
million gallons) with sensory feedback. At 1 per
1000 gallons, this was a 13,000 savings. - Gypsum
- Reduced flushings due to sensory feedback from 24
events per year down to 12. - 12 fewer events x 1500 lbs. of gypsum / event
18,000 lbs. (9 tons) less Gypsum needed, which at
225/ ton was a 2,025 savings. - Labor
- Required to apply gypsum, at 8 man/hours x 12
applications x 10.50/hr. for a 1,008 savings - Fertilizers
- Not flushed through due to reduced leaching
- Potassium Reduction Down by 8 lbs./1000 sq.ft. K
applied 8 lbs of K / 1000 x 150,000 sq.ft. of
greens applying 0-0-50 2,400 lbs product x
.35/ lb. 840 saved - Nitrogen Reduction Down 2 lbs of N / 1000 x
150,000 sq.ft. of greens applying a 13-15 greens
grade product 1,950 lbs. product x .37 / lb.
722 saved
First Year Savings Water (13,000) Gypsum (
2,025) Labor ( 1,008) Fertilizer (
1,562) Savings Yr 1 (17,595)
8Additional Insights
- Fertility Release
- Customer now believes that he can accurately
monitor fertility release and impact on overall
salinity - Confirmed Sensor Accuracy
- Customer validated that salinity trends are
consistent with lab test results from Spectron
Labs. - Ranges are within /- 2 between lab and sensors
and the trending of salinity up or down is
consistent. - Using Normal Irrigation as a Flushing event
- Customers with relatively low salinity levels can
now change each deep irrigation cycle to a
flushing event.
- Flush Salts Based on Fact versus Feel
- Improve Playability based on flushing only when
necessary - Remote Access to Soil Conditions-Monitor Salinity
Levels From the Office, Home, Trade Shows, or on
Vacation - Reduce Labor Costs Through Reduced Flushing Times
- Improve Turf Health by applying large amounts of
water only when necessary