Title: Actus Reus Elements of Crimes
1Actus Reus Elements of Crimes
- 1) Conduct/ Nature of Conduct Elements
- 2) Circumstance/Attendant Circumstance
Elements - 3) Result Elements
These are the basic building blocks of offense
definitions in modern criminal law
2MPC 210.1 A person is guilty of criminal
homicide if he purposely, knowingly, recklessly
or negligently causes the death of another human
mens rea purposely, knowingly, recklessly or
Actus reus causes the death of another human
Causes conduct/causal link the death result
of another human being circumstance
3Breaking and entering the dwelling of another in
the nighttime with the intent to commit a felony
mens rea with the intent to commit a felony
Actus reus Breaking and entering the dwelling
of another in the nighttime
Breaking conductand entering conduct the
dwelling cir.of another cir. in the nighttime
4Unlawful killing of another human being with
malice aforethought
mens rea with malice aforethought
Actus reus Unlawful killing of another human
Unlawful cir. killing conduct result of
another human being cir.