Title: What is a Structural Model?
1What is a Structural Model?
- A structural model describes the structure of the
data that supports the business processes in an
organization. - It is a static model.
- The primary structural model in the UML is the
class diagram. - Structural models
- Reduce the semantic gap between the real world
and the world of software - Create a vocabulary for analysts and users
- Represent things, ideas, and concepts of
importance in the application domain
- Any thing can be viewed as an object.
- Each object in a system has
- state, behavior, identity
- The state of an object is one of the possible
conditions in which it may exist - The behavior of an object determines how it
responds to requests from other objects - The identity of an object means that each object
is unique
- Each object is an instance of some class
- A class is a template for objects
- Objects cannot be instances of more than one
class - A good class captures one and only one
abstraction it should have one major theme - The name of a class should be a singular noun,
that best describes the abstraction
- In the UML, classes are represented as
compartmentalized rectangles - The top compartment contains the name
- The middle compartment contains the structure
(attributes) - The bottom compartment contains the behavior
5Class Diagram
- The Class Diagram is a static model that captures
both processing requirements and data storage
requirements of the system. - The class diagram produced during OO analysis is
a logical model. It shows what classes of objects
are required without showing how the objects
might be implemented or how the user might
interact with them.
- The documentation should state the purpose of the
class, not the structure. - For example, a StudentInformation class could be
documented as - Information needed to register and bill students.
A student is someone who takes classes at the
University. - (Not The name, address, and phone number of a
7Entity Classes
- An entity class
- models information and associated behavior that
is generally long lived - is typically identified during the analysis phase
- is often called a domain class, since it usually
deals with an abstractions of a real world entity
8Boundary Classes
- A boundary class
- handles communication between the system and the
system environment - models the system interface
- To identify boundary classes, examine the
actor/use case scenario pairs.
9Control Classes
- A control class
- models sequencing behavior specific to one or
more use cases - coordinates the events needed to realize the
behavior specified in the use case - runs or executes the use case
- is typically application dependent
10Responsibilities and Collaborations
- A class embodies
- a set of responsibilities that define the
behavior of the objects in the class - a set of attributes that define the structure of
the objects in the class - Objects collaborate
- they work together to service a request
11Representing Behavior and Structure
- The responsibilities are carried out by the
operations (methods, functions) defined for the
class. Each operation should do only one thing. - Objects in a class have a value for every
attribute of the class. These values do not have
to be unique.
- Units of information relevant to the description
of the class - Only attributes important to the task should be
- Action that instances/objects can take
- Focus on relevant problem-specific operations (at
this point)
14Representing Behavior and Structure
- A common convention for attribute and operation
names consisting of multiple words is to write
the name without spaces, but capitalize the first
letter of each word, except the first word - e.g. memberName, addNewMember.
- Class names consisting of multiple words are
handled similarly, but the first letter of the
first word is also capitalized - e.g. StoreClerk.
- In order for objects to collaborate, there must
be an association between these objects. - A special type of association, where one object
is a part of another object, is called an
aggregation relationship.
16Association Relationships
- An association relationship between classes
represents a link between the objects in those
classes. - The number of objects connected depends upon the
multiplicity of the association. - In the UML, association relationships are shown
as lines connecting the classes.
17Association Relationships
- The numbers and symbols representing multiplicity
include a 1 for one and asterisk () for many.
18Association Relationships
- Additional numbers and symbols are often added to
indicate optional or mandatory relationships. - Often these are referred to as minimum and
maximum multiplicity.
19Association RelationshipsRational Rose Example
Rental property
change Owner Name()
is for
20Aggregation Relationship
- Whole-part relationships are usually called
aggregation relationships.
21Aggregation Relationships
- An aggregation relationship is a specialized form
of association in which a whole is related to its
parts. - This kind of relationship applies whenever one
can say is a part of . - In UML notation, an aggregation relationship is
an association with a diamond next to the class
denoting the aggregate. - The whole is called aggregate class.
- The part is called aggregation class
22Aggregation RelationshipsRational Rose Example
Rental property
change Owner Name()
Lease Term
23Composition Relationship
- A strong form of aggregation relationship is
sometimes called a composition relationship. - In a composition relationship, the parts do not
normally exist without the whole.
24Aggregation/Composition RelationshipsTogetherSoft
25Naming of Relationships
- An association may optionally be named.
- The name is typically an active verb or verb
phrase that communicates the meaning of the
relationship. - Aggregations are not usually named, since the
relation is always of the type is a part of - Choose the verb to be meaningful when read from
left to right or top to bottom.
26Naming of Relationships(Rational Rose)
27Role Names
- The end of an association, where it connects to a
class, is called an association role. - Instead of association names, role names may be
used. - A role name is a noun that denotes the purpose of
the association.
Renter of Property
Rental property
change Owner Name()
28Reflexive Relationships
- A reflexive association or aggregation is an
association or aggregation relationship among
objects of the same class. - Role names, rather than association names are
typically used for reflexive relationships.
29Generalization/Specialization Hierarchies
30Generalization/ Specialization Hierarchies
- Exhaustive subclasses cover all possible objects,
so the general class, called abstract class, will
not have any objects.
- A subclass inherits all attributes and operations
from one or more superclasses (parent classes). - The relationship is a is a kind of
relationship objects in the subclass are special
cases of the superclass. - We can have a hierarchy of classes. Classes at
the bottom of the hierarchy inherit from all
ancestor classes.
- Subclasses may have additional attributes and
operations, not defined in an ancestor class. - Subclasses may also override attributes and
operations defined in an ancestor class with
their own versions this is called polymorphism. - Inheritance and polymorphism are major factors
for reuse They allow the creation of objects
from augmented or modified classes.
- Generalization provides the capability to create
superclasses that encapsulate structure and
behavior common to several classes. - Classes are examined for commonality of
structure and behavior. - Be on the lookout for synonyms, since attribute
and operation names are expressed in natural
- Specialization provides the ability to create
subclasses that represent refinements to the
superclass typically, structure and behavior
are added to the subclass, but they may also be
modified (polymorphism).
35Single Inheritance versus Multiple Inheritance
- With single inheritance, a class has one chain of
ancestors - e.g. a car is a kind of motor vehicle a motor
vehicle is a kind of vehicle
36Single Inheritance versus Multiple Inheritance
- With multiple inheritance, a subclass may have
more than one chain of ancestors - e.g. an amphibious vehicle is a kind of road
vehicle a road vehicle is a kind of vehicle an
amphibious vehicle is a kind of water vehicle a
water vehicle is a kind of vehicle). - Multiple inheritance may lead to conflict.
37Multiple Inheritance
38Inheritance versus Aggregation
- Inheritance is often misused. For example,
Student and Staff can be subclasses of Person.
Problems arise if staff can also be students.
Using aggregation classes may solve the problem
39Association Classes
40Association ClassesAlternate Modeling Approach
41Steps for Object Identification and Structural
1. Identify candidate classes by performing
textual analysis on the use-cases. 2.
Brainstorm additional candidate classes,
attributes, operations, and relationships
by using the common object list approach. 3.
Role-play each use-case. 4. Create the class
diagram. 5. Review the structural model for
missing and/or unnecessary classes, attributes,
operations, and relationships. 6. Incorporate
useful patterns. 7. Review the structural model.
- If the class diagram become large, it will be
quite difficult to use for an overview of the
system. - In such cases it might be necessary to create a
high-level view of the system, using some kind of
partitioning or clustering scheme. - Clustering can be done after the initial model is
produced to facilitate presentation and further
work, or beforehand to allow for division of work
between workgroups from the outset. - UML calls these clusters packages and provides a
modeling notation called package diagram.
43Package Relationships
- If objects in one package communicate with
objects in another package, then a dependency
relationship exists between the packages. - The dependent package is called the client
package, and the other package is called the
supplier package. - The relationship is shown in the UML as a dashed
arrow, pointing to the supplier package
User Interface
Persistent Objects