Title: District
1The New York State School Report Card
- ltDistrictgt
- ltElementary Schoolgt
An Overview of Academic Performance ltMo., Yrgt
2No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
- ensure that all children have a fair, equal,
and significant opportunity to obtain a
high-quality education and reach, at a minimum,
proficiency on challenging state academic
achievement standards and state academic
3Overview of School Performance
- English Language Arts
- Mathematics
- Science
- Social Studies
4- Terms youll need for the next few slides
- AMO Annual Measurable Objective
- Current AMOs
- Effective AMO dependent on of students in the
group - AYP Adequate Yearly Progress
- ELA English Language Arts
- Performance Index A formula for computing
overall student performance within a district or
school - SDL State Designated Level
- See School Report Card Glossary for a more
precise definition
5English Language Arts-Grade 4 (ELA4)Performance
(All Students General Education and Students
with Disabilities)
6English Language Arts-Grade 4 (ELA4)Adequate
Yearly Progress Index
7Mathematics-Grade 4 (Math4)Performance
(All Students General Education and Students
with Disabilities)
8Mathematics-Grade 4 (Math4)Adequate Yearly
Progress Target
(All Students General Education Students with
9Science Multiple-Choice-Grade 4
10 Social Studies Grade 4
Counts of Students Tested
Level 1 Basic Level 2 Basic
Proficiency Level 3 Proficiency Level 4
Optional Slide Social Studies is not part of
the NYS School Report Card
11Thank You