Title: Herry Purnomo and Team
1Herry Purnomo and Team
Center for International Forestry Research
Presentation prepared by Herry Purnomo
2What is SSI?
SSI stands for Standard Setting Instrument. It is
a computer program designed to assist you in
developing and assessing standards based on FSC
Principles and Criteria.
SSI is an instrument in The Pathfinder and is
based on CI development software previously
developed by the Center for International
Forestry Research (CIFOR).
Developing a Standard
Creating new criteria, indicators, norms and
verifiers based on FSC standard to meet specific
conditions and contexts.
Assessing a Standard
Assessing the performance of indicators or
verifiers of the standard in the real conditions
that can be observed in a reference area or
Forest Management Unit
Comparing Standards and CI sets
SSI gives you the unique ability to compare your
standard with other standards and with sets of
criteria and indicators such as those developed
by ITTO, Pan European, Montreal Process and
SSI is a set of functions which runs in
Microsoft Word for Windows.
Why SSI is designed in MS Word?
- Easy to use
- Easy to translate to other languages
SSI is specifically developed for National
Working Groups that are currently developing
forest management standards.
6System requirements
- Hardware IBM PC or compatible, with Pentium
processor, Minimum RAM 32 MB - Operating systems Microsoft Window
95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP - Microsoft Word 97 / 2000 / XP for Windows with
VBA installed - Hard disk space minimum 15 MB
7SSI Development Team
- Herry Purnomo (Systems analyst)
- Theo Zacharias (Computer Programmer)
- Melling Situmorang (Computer Programmer)
- Edwin Yulianto (Multimedia specialist)
- Meliyani (Chinese Linguist)
- Yurdi Yasmi (Forester)
- Mandy Haggith (Computer Specialist)
- Ravi Prabhu (Forester)