Title: Ipke Wachsmuth
1 Embodied Communication
- Ipke Wachsmuth
- University of Bielefeld
2 Embodied Communication
- Ipke Wachsmuth
- University of Bielefeld
3Specifying terms
4Specifying terms
EMBODY 1. to give concrete form to
personify or exemplify. 2. to provide with a
body incarnate. 3. to collect into a body
organize. embodiment, n.
5Many many years back
- Cognition arose in living organisms, in nature it
is inseparable from a body, and only makes sense
in a body.
- Likewise, natural communication and human
language developed in intimate connection with
Embodied Cognition
Embodied Communication
6We dont know much about the origin of
7PART 1 Embodied Communication What it is about
8This talk is about how people communicate
- Man developed written language which allows to
detach the transmission of information from body - Spoken language also works without the body being
visible (in the dark, on the phone) - But in face-to-face communication a lot of other
things than word symbols travel
gt Example
Noams sentence
9The general approach Im taking seems to me
rather simple-minded, and unsophisticated, but
nevertheless correct...
10The general approach Im taking seems to me
rather simple-minded, and unsophisticated, but
nevertheless correct...
11The general approach Im taking seems to me
rather simple-minded, and unsophisticated, but
nevertheless correct...
12Body Motion
When a person speaks, not only symbols
are transmitted, but the whole body is in
continuous motion.
13 Face Expression
Emotional expression modifies what is
communicated in speaking.
14Body, Flesh Muscles
The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals
Diagram of the muscles of the face, from Sir C.
15Three basic types of sign
here for gesture
C.S. Peirce
- Index pointing
- Icon characterizing
- depicting
- enacting
- Symbol designating in conventionalized form
16Sign language conventional! (embodied, too)
Video clips courtesy R. Schulmeister, Hamburg
17McNeill 1992/2003
Quite different Spontaneous gesture!
David McNeill, 2003
The gestures I mean are the movements of the
hands and arms that we see when people talk...
These gestures are the spontaneous creations of
individual speakers, unique and personal. They
follow general principles... but in no sense are
they elements of a fixed repertoire.
David McNeill, 1992
18Iconic gestures can serve to represent and
communicate mental images in an embodied form.
19path in the middle
different interests
work together
20go apart
go for different goals
this path
21Speaker-Hearer Communication Model
after T. Winograd, Language as a Cognitive
Process, Addison Wesley 1983
and Akmajians Information Transport Model
Emphasis on symbolic information transfer!
22Spoken Language Processing
A lot has become known about early language
processing from brain research (e.g., MPI
Cognitive Neuroscience)
23Gesture Processing (still harder to research)
It was in such a big box...
The gestural sign obtains meaning by iconicity,
i.e. a pictorial similarity between itself and
its imagined referent.
24Gesture Space / Visuospatial Sketchpad
D. McNeill, Hand and Mind, 1992
A. Baddeley, Working Memory, 1986
- Visuospatial sketchpad (VSSP)
- one of two slave systems in Baddeley's model of
working memory - responsible for manipu-lation and temporary
storage of visual and spatial information
25Part 1 Conclusion
- Above symbolic communication (e.g., language),
meanings are conveyed in a form which is not part
of a conventionalized sign code but
nevertheless understandable. - This is what embodied communication is about!
- In face-to-face communication, meanings are
- multimodally encoded
- strongly situated in the context
26Cognitive Modeling Challenge
- Devise operational models that
- are theoretically grounded and empirically guided
- specify how mental processes and embodiment work
together in communication
27PART 2 Artificial Humanoid Agents
28Embodied communication, artificially
EMBODY 1. to give concrete form to
personify or exemplify. 2. to provide with a
body incarnate. 3. to collect into a body
organize. embodiment, n.
If we want to embody communication in an
artificial system, we need to be concerned with
1., 2., 3.!
29Face Robots, Embodied Conversational Agents
Gandalf (Thórisson)
REA (Cassell)
MEXI (Kleinjohann)
Kismet (Breazeal)
30Situated communication
Situated Artificial Communicators SFB 360
SFB 360 Research Scenario Bielefeld
User Mount it at the right. Agent You mean
31 Bielefeld Artificial Intelligence Lab
Research Mission
- AI methods used to establish an intuitive
communication link between humans and multimedia
systems - Highly interactive Virtual Reality by way of
multi-modal input and output systems (gesture,
speech, gaze) - Scientific enquiry and engineering of information
systems closely interwoven (cognitive modeling
32 New lab inaugurated in July 02
... and Max
- 3side cave-like projection (3dim)
- passive stereo (D-ILA), circular polarisation
filters - marker-based infrared-tracking (ART), wireless
datagloves - 8-channel spatial sound system
- Artabel Fleye Linux Cluster, 2GBit/s Myrinet
Thanks for s to DFG
33Agent MAX
Situated Artificial Communicators SFB 360
An artificial communicator situated in virtual
- Research into fundamentals of
- communicative intelligence
- PHYSIS the body system (especially gestures)
- COGNITION the knowledge system
- EMOTION the appraisal system
34PHYSIS Articulated body
- Hand animated by key framing
- Body animated by model-based animation
- Motion generators running concurrently and
Kinematic skeleton with 53 degrees of freedom
(DOF) in 25 joints for the body and 25 DOF for
each hand
Kopp Wachsmuth 2002, Proceedings of Computer
Animation (IEEE Press)
35Measuring gestures
- Segmentation cues
- strong acceleration of hands, stopps, rapid
changes in movement direction - strong hand tension
- symmetries in two-hand gestures
36 Analyzing gestures
Symbolic classification of gesture shape
37Body Part Coding (HamNoSys)
(Hamburg Notation System Institut für
Deutsche Gebärdensprache, Hamburg)
38Imitating Gestures
STEP 2 Meaninglevel
STEP 1 Mimickinglevel
gesture description
Real time animation
Sensor data
39Gesture imitation game
- Human displays gestures, Max imitates them
- Parsing of gesture input HamNoSys
- HamNoSys for specification of gesture output
Real time!
40Describing Shape
Sowa Wachsmuth 2002, in Gesture Sign Language
in HCI (Springer LNAI)
41Fine-grained Hand Gestures
42Iconic Mapping
43Imagistic Description Tree (IDT)
Lang's (1989) Object Schemata as a basis for
structured shape representations
Sowa Kopp, EuroCogSci 2003
44Analyzing language
I Steck die gelbe Schraube in die lange
Leiste. speech recognition
syntactic-semantic parsing reference to
perceived scene
Insert the yellow bolt into the long bar.
steck COMMAND CONNECT die DET gelbe
PREP IN die DET lange SIZE LARGE Leiste
45Multimodal Analysis tATN
Verbinde das gelbe Teil mit dem violetten
Teil... Connect the yellow part with the violet
Integration of speech and gesture
Interpretation in application context
46Lip-synchronous speech
Text-to-Speech TXT2PHO (IKP Uni Bonn),
MBROLA Phoneme transcription is the basis for
automatic generation of visemes. (Concept-to-Speec
h TO DO)
Historical Zemanek-Vocoder
- one viseme for M, P, B
- one viseme for N, L, T, D
- one viseme for F, V
- one viseme for K, G
- plus visemes for the vowels
47Uttering speech and gesture
ltutterancegt ltspecificationgt Und jetzt
nimm lttime id"t1"/gt diese Leiste lttime
id"t2 chunkborder"true"/gt und mach sie
lttime id"t3/gt so gross. lttime id"t4"/gt
lt/specificationgt ltbehaviorspec
id"gesture_1"gt ltgesturegt ltaffiliate
onset"t1" end"t2"/gt ltconstraintsgt
ltparallelgt ltstatic slot"HandShape"
value"BSifinger"/gt ltstatic
value"object_loc_1 mode"pointTo"/gt
ltstatic slot"GazeDirection" value"object_loc_1"
lt/parallelgt ...
And now take this bar and make it this big.
MURML XML-based markup language for multimodal
utterance representations
Kranstedt, Kopp Wachsmuth 2002, AAMAS/ECA
Workshop Proceedings
48Cognitively motivated architecture
Situierte Künstliche Kommunikatoren SFB 360
- Perceive, Reason, Act running concurrently
- parallel processing by a reactive and a
delibera-tive system - information feedback in a cognitive loop
- BDI kernel with selfcon-tained dynamic planners
- account for embodiment (physis) of the agent,
Emotion system
49Communicating with Agent Max
50Simulated Muscle Effects
A Frontal muscle B Corrugator muscle C
Orbicular eye muscles D Eyelid E Levator
labii superioris alæque nasi F Zygomatic
and lifter of mouth corners G Depressor
anguli oris H Circular mouth muscle I
Unterlippenherabzieher J Jaw
Coordinated control of face muscles based on
Action Units (Ekman/Friesen) Student
Project (Körber Prize!) Emotion system under
51Emotional Expression
52Affect Dynamic Emotion Space
53Emocat Table
54Wundt Emotion Dynamics
55Embodied Communication
- Intentionality
- knowledge / beliefs
- desires / motivations
- intentions
- commitments
- emotions...
- build on BDI architecture
- (Beliefs - Desires - Intentions)
- Anthropomorphic embodiment
- humanoid form
- personality
- facial expression
- gesture
- spoken language
- emotional features
Body Mind
Bernhard Jung
Timo Sowa
Marc Latoschik
Ipke Wachsmuth
Ian Voß
Stefan Kopp
Alf Kranstedt
Peter Biermann
Nadine Leßmann
57Max goes to Nixdorf Museum!
58CONCLUSION What is learned? What can be
59Embodied Communication
- Have used examples to support research importance
of embodied communication - expect that the construction and test of an
artificial communicator will help to reach more
profound understanding - Great impact in human interface research
60A Multidisciplinary Endeavor
- More fundamental research is called for
- Fuller investigation will involve many more
aspects, and many disciplines! - WHAT ARE THE BIG QUESTIONS BEHIND?
be it body, be it mind
61Bielefeld and the ZiF
Center for Interdisciplinary Research
- Bielefeld Universitys Institute for Advanced
Study, founded 1968
Center for Interdisciplinary Research
- Define a ZiF research year on Embodied
Communication - Invited workshops and fellowships (2005)
- If interested, get in touch with me!
63Embodied Communication