Title: IACVB Performance Measurement Initiatives
1IACVB Performance Measurement Initiatives
- ACME Annual Conference
- February 25, 2004
2IACVB Core Initiative
- Provide CVBs with proactive, credible auditable
approaches to performance measures.
3Performance Measurement Team
- To standardize CVB reporting practices by
establishing definitions, guidelines, and metrics
in order to provide meaningful and useful data.
5The Challenge
- CVBs receive the lions share of their funding
(82) from public sources - Unique position external performance audits by
local community stakeholders - Lack of uniform approach to productivity
reporting ? skepticism with CVB-supplied results
6A Real External CVB Audit
- The CVBs marketing program has not developed
or implemented any formal monitoring and
evaluation procedures or mechanisms to determine
the effectiveness of its marketing
activitiesdespite the acknowledged importance of
a monitoring/ evaluation systemInstead, CVB
relies on such VAGUE ideas as the health of the
industry and such HAPHAZARD methods as what
people tell them. While senior CVB officials
acknowledged the LACK of a monitoring system,
they claim at the same time that the overall
success of the CVB during the last five
years---the increase in visitors and growth of
expenditures and tax revenues generated by these
visitors---all indicate that the CVB marketing
7The Solution
- Develop an Accountability Mindset
- CVB must be seen as a business by its investors
- Account for the effectiveness of the investment
- Establish standard definitions and measures for
tracking and reporting CVB sales and marketing
8Why Standards?
- Uniform approach for internal/external audits
- Quantitative, management tools to identify
organizational strengths, weaknesses and
opportunities - Recognized benchmarks to measure success over
time - Competitive Assessment - How does the CVB compare
to other comparable CVBs? - Serve as a basis for ROI calculations
9Interested Parties
- CVB Management Staff
- Destination Stakeholders
- Government/Funding Entities
- Consultants Auditors
- Media
10The Process
- Started in 2003
- Initial CVB outreach - Survey
- definitions used by CVBs
- activity productivity metrics
- visitor characteristics
- methods used to track specific variables
11Results of the Survey
- Good News
- CVBs at all levels measure their activity and
productivity to some degree - Bad News
- CVBs use inconsistent definitions
- Activity and productivity metrics measure
different things - Data Rich but Information Poor
12The Process
- Initial draft recommendations debated at joint
PMT/Convention Sales Shirtsleeves meeting during
2003 Annual Convention - Revised draft circulated to PMT, IACVB membership
general public for comment via www.iacvb.org
Sept. 2003
13Standard Convention Sales Definitions, Activity
Productivity Measurements
14Sales Productivity Standards Criteria
- Documentation
- Auditable
- Accountable
- Credible
15CVB Implementation Strategy
- Core Measurements
- Ensures CVBs are consistent in reporting baseline
metrics - Supplemental Measurements
- CVBs will expand and enhance their
accountability and productivity practices
16Recommended Convention Sales Definitions
- Lead
- Bid
- Tentative
- Booking - hotel event
- Booking - citywide/conv. center event
- Lost Opportunity
- Cancelled Business
17Recommended Convention Sales Activity Measurements
- Bids
- Tradeshows attended
- Outside sales trips
- Clients/Potential clients visited
- Client site inspections
- Fam tours
- Fam tour participants (planners only)
- Telephone call reports
- Direct mail campaigns
- Telemarketing campaigns
Note All Convention Sales Activity Measurements
are CORE metrics
18Recommended Convention Sales Productivity
- Leads
- room nights
- Bookings
- room nights
- attendance
- attendee spending
- Lost Opportunities
- room nights
- reason for loss
- attendee
- attendee spending
- Cancellations
- room nights
- reason for loss
- attendee
- attendee spending
- Number of leads per tradeshow attended
- Tentatives
- Status being refined
Note All Convention Sales Productivity
Measurements are CORE metrics
19Next Steps
- IACVB Board adopted recommended definitions and
core performance measures - Publicized to IACVB membership and key industry
partners through communication and education
efforts - Standards have been submitted to APEX for
inclusion - Review recommend supplemental convention sales
productivity metrics and special issues
20Next Steps
- Focus on Convention Sales Supplemental Measures
Special Issues - CVB Originated vs. Assisted Business
- New Repeat Business
- Sales Conversion Ratios
21Leisure Sales Productivity Measures Update
- Three separate areas
- Definition of a visitor key visitor statistics
- Group sales activity productivity measures
- Consumer sales activity productivity measures
- Initial recommendations under review
- Enlist the Tourism Committee for input
- Recommendations slated for July 2004 IACVB Board
of Directors meeting
22ROI Update
- Incorporate Convention and Leisure Sales
Productivity Measures - Extensive review by membership and industry
partners w/expertise in CVB ROI - Results will be completed end of 2004
- Provide CVBs with tools to measure value to
community stakeholders
23IACVB Commitment
- Providing CVBs with pro-active, actionable
approaches to performance measurements will
remain a CORE initiative for IACVB. - Check www.iacvb.org for updates on its
Performance Measures Initiative
24Questions/More Information
- Ruth Trojan, Nadler Associates
- ruth_at_nadlerandassociates.com