Title: Welcome to Liberty Junior High Library
1Welcome to the Liberty Junior High Library!
Do you know?
2The name of your librarian?
Mrs. Rahberg
3The name of the our library assistant?
Mrs. Prince
4How long may you keep books you have checked
out from the library?
Two weeks
5May you return books sooner than two weeks?
6How many books may you check out from
the library at each visit?
It depends how reliable you are!
7Are there items not available for checkout?
Yes, the magazines may not be checked-out. You
are welcome to read them, then return them to the
magazine shelves before you leave. Please do not
remove the posters.
8What are the library hours?
800 a.m. 400 p.m.
9What is the penalty for late books?
10 cents per day/per book
10Are there times you can come to the library
other than with your class?
- Sure
- Before school-please sign in
- During lunch-please sign in
- After school-please sign in
- During school with your signed PLANNER
11What are the rules for lunch time in the library?
- You may choose the library instead of the
cafeteria - However, you may not eat in the library
- You must read or work on homework
- You must arrive before the tardy bell and then
remain until the end of lunch.
12What is the procedure for checking out books?
- Show your I.D. or say your name
- Have books in hand
- Line up from left to right
- Return to the table read quietly
13Finally, what do you do with the books you take
off the shelf and decide you dont want?
Yikes! Does that really happen? Please, place
them in the book drop.
14What is a book drop and where is it located?
As you come in the door, there is a slot at the
end of the checkout counter.
15How are books arranged in the Liberty Library?
- Reference Books (REF)
- Nonfiction Books (0-999)
- Fiction Books (FIC)
- Graphic Noves (GN)
- Biographies
- Magazines