Title: Theoretical Overview
1Theoretical Overview
--Current status of perfect liquid--
- Tetsufumi Hirano
- Department of Physics
- The University of Tokyo
Homepage of Heavy Ion Café http//tkynt2.phys.s.u-
- My personal view of Perfect Liquid announcement
and QM2006 - Whats Next?
- Systematic study based on the hybrid approach
(base line argument) - Initial condition mechanism of thermalization
- Improvement of current hydro models
- Utilizing outputs from hydro simulations
3Elliptic Flow for Charged Particles
Roughly speaking, ideal hydro gives a good
P.Kolb et al.(01)
TH, plenary talk _at_ QM2004
4I did not make a conclusive statement _at_ QM2005
TH, plenary talk _at_ QM2004
5An announcement was made on April 18, 2005
6Behind the Press Release Room
TH, talk _at_ APS meeting, FL, 2005
Today, I wont discuss this particular topic any
more. See, TH and M.Gyulassy, NPA769,71(2006).
7Mystery at QM2005, Budapest (Just 4 Months after
Press Release)
8 plenary talks from RHIC BRAHMS(1 talk),
PHENIX(3 talks), PHOBOS(1 talk), STAR(3 talks).
Nothing about press release nor perfect liquid
What happened to the press release on perfect
The press release was just a dream? Two Logos
(perfect liquid, sQGP) are enough?
TH, talk _at_ BNL, 11/04/2005
8QM2006 _at_ Shanghai
24 plenary theory speakers 52 parallel theory
speakers (Impossible to cover all of them) Who
cares about perfect fluid in this conference?
9Whats Next ?
TH, a slide prepared for YKIS06
- 1. Systematic studies based on
- the hybrid approach
- (Glauber I.C. perfect fluid QGP
- dissipative hadron gas).
- ? HBT, source functions
- System size, collision energy
- 3. Improvement of current
- hydro models
- ? Fluctuations
- ? Constraint of EOS
- (Causal) Viscosity
- Chemical non-equilibrium
- Mach cone
- 2. Initial condition mechanism
- of early thermalization
- ? CGC, Glasma
- Isotropization
- Instability
- Non-equilibrium field theory
- 4. Utilizing outputs from
- hydrodynamic simulations
- Jet quenching (q, Q, and g)
- J/Y transport
- EM radiation
- Recombination
10- 1. Systematic studies based on
- the hybrid approach
- (Glauber I.C. perfect fluid QGP
- dissipative hadron gas).
- ? HBT, source functions
- System size, collision energy
- 3D Langrangean hydro UrQMD Jet Quenching
- C.Nonaka(plenary), S.Bass(parallel),
- 3D Eulerian Hydro JAM Jet Quenching
- TH(parallel), (Y.Nara),M.Isse(poster),
11Current Status of HydroCascade
hadronic gas
QGP fluid
Perfect fluid QGP core Dissipative hadronic
corona TH and M.Gyulassy (2006)
12Inputs of the Model
Solver Full 3D Eulerian ideal hydro JAM Initial
Condition Initial time t0 0.6fm/c Transverse
profile 0.85rpart0.15rcoll Longitudinal
profile BGK triangle
(Brodsky-Gunion-Kuhn) EoS Nf3 massless ideal QGP
gas Resonance gas (up to D(1232)) in partial
chemical equilibrium Critical temperature Tc
170MeV Chemical f.o. temperature Tch
170MeV Switching temperature Tsw 169MeV
13pT Spectra from QGP Fluid Hadron Gas Model
A hybrid model works well up to
pT1.5GeV/c. Other components (reco/frag) would
appear above.
14Elliptic Flow from QGP Fluid Hadron Gas Model
Good agreement for bulk (pTlt1.5GeV/c)
15PID v2(pT) at midrapidity
?Presumably due to fluctuation
O.K. in semicentral collisions
16Hydro cascade at work in forward
Adapted from S.J.Sanders (BRAHMS) _at_ QM2006
17A Probable Scenario
TH and Gyulassy (06)
h shear viscosity, s entropy density
- Absolute value of viscosity
- Its ratio to entropy density
Rapid increase of entropy density can make hydro
work at RHIC. Deconfinement Signal?!
18Other systems?
Kapusta, talk _at_ QM2006 Csernai,Kapusta,
Something happens at Tc Not driven by entropy
19- 2. Initial condition mechanism
- of early thermalization
- ? CGC, Glasma
- Isotropization
- Instability
- Non-equilibrium field theory
- Plenary
- F.Gelis, QCD at small x
- M.Strickland, Thermalization via instabilities
- Parallel
- R.Venugopalan, Multiple production to NLO in AA
collisions - M.Asakawa, Anomalous viscosity of an expanding
quark-gluon plasma - R.Fries, Early time evolution of high energy
heavy ion collisions - Z.Xu, Parton Thermalization and Energy Loss in
U.R.H.I.C within a P.C. - X.-M.Xu, Thermalization of Quark-Gluon Matter
20How Do Partons Get Longitudinal Momentum to
Free Streaming etay
Sheet etaconst
Sum of delta function
Width ?Thermal fluctuation
212?2 Collisions Do Not Help!
Only 2?2 collisions, partons are still in
a transverse sheet etayconst. 2?3 may help.
Xu and Greiner, hep-ph/0406278
22Time Scale of Equilibration
Adapted from Z.Xu, Talk _at_ QM2006 Do we really
need ltpz2gtltpx2gt?
q(t) gives the timescale of kinetic equilibration.
23Caveat on Kinetic Equilibration
Static medium ?Expanding medium
(11)D Bjorken case
Do we need complete isotropy? Shear viscosity
allows small deviation from isotropic distribution
24Interplay btw. Expansion and Instability
Adapted from M.Strickland, Talk _at_ QM2006
Adapted from M.Strickland, Talk _at_ QM2006
26- 3. Improvement of current
- hydro models
- ? Fluctuations
- ? Constraint of EOS
- (Causal) Viscosity
- Chemical non-equilibrium
- Mach cone
- Plenary
- D.T.Son, AdS/CFT and QGP
- D.Teaney, Experimental evidence of perfect
fluididty at RHIC - J.Kapusta, The strongly interacting low viscosity
matter - J.Casalderrey-Solana, Mach Cone in QGP
- P.Levai, Viscosity in the strongly interacting
quark matter around Tc - C.M.Ko, Parton transport description of heavy ion
collisions - Parallel
- T.Renk, Mach cone and dijets
- G.L.Ma, Two- and Three-particle Correlations in a
P.C. - S.Gavin, Measuring Shear Viscosity Using pT
Correlations - S.Mrowczynski, Chromo-hydrodynamics of the
unstable QGP - R.S.Bhalerao, Eccentricity fluctuations and
elliptic flow at RHIC - D.Molnar, Why even a small viscosity matters at
RHIC - T.Kodama, New Formulation of Dissipative
Relativistic Hydrodynamics
27Importance of Relaxation Time
- Non-rela. (Cattaneo (48))
Balance Eq.
Constitutive Eq.
t?0 Fourier law
t relaxation time
Heat Eq. (Parabolic Eq.) Finite
relaxation time Telegraph Eq.(Hyperbolic Eq.)
Violation of causality
28Solution of Viscous Fluids
Adapted from D.Teaney, Talk _at_ QM2006
29Be Cautious about Corrections
Adapted from D.Teaney, Talk _at_ QM2006
30Summary by Teaney
Adapted from D.Teaney, Talk _at_ QM2006
31Comarison btw. Hydro and Cascade
Adapted from D.Molnar, Talk _at_ QM2006 Many caveats
in this kind of comparisons!
32Boltzmann at work?
25-30 reduction
gluonic fluid
s 15 spert !
Caveat 1 Where is the dilute approximation in
Boltzmann simulation? Is l0.1fm o.k. for the
Boltzmann description? Caveat 2 Differential v2
is tricky. dv2/dpTv2/ltpTgt. Difference of v2 is
amplified by the difference of ltpTgt. Caveat 3
Hadronization/Freezeout are different.
33Schematic Picture of Shear Viscosity
See, e.g. DanielewiczGyulassy(85)
Assuming relativistic particles,
Perfect fluid l1/sr ? 0 shear viscosity ? 0
Gradient of flow
Smearing of flow
Next time step
34A New Channel to Measure Viscosity
Adapted from S.Gavin, Talk _at_ QM2006 Remember
shear viscosity causes diffusion of flow
35Correlation is broadened
36Correlation fn. of pT
Adapted from S.Gavin, Talk _at_ QM2006
37Turbulent Leads Perfect Fluid?
Adapted from M.Asakawa, Talk _at_ QM2006
38Anomalously Small Viscosity
Adapted from M.Asakawa, Talk _at_ QM2006
39Mach Angle
Adapted from J. Casalderrey-Solana, Talk _at_ QM2006
40Mach Emission Angle? Sound Velocity
Adapted from H.Stöcker, Talk _at_ Xian workshop
41Dissipation Destroys Mach Cone?
Following figures taken from a talk by
Stöcker Viscous hydro simulations by Brazil
group See also, T.Kodama, talk _at_QM2006
42(No Transcript)
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51Mach Emission Angle80 Deg.?
Adapted from H.Stöcker, Talk _at_ Xian workshop
52Current Data Consistent with Soft EoS (on
Adapted from H.Stöcker, Talk _at_ Xian workshop
533-Particle Correlation
Adapted from G.-L. Ma, Talk _at_ QM2006
54Mach Cone in AMPT?
Adapted from G.-L. Ma, Talk _at_ QM2006
55Hadronic Rescattering is not enough?
Adapted from G.-L. Ma, Talk _at_ QM2006 Caveat AMPT
does not reproduce RAA
56- 4. Utilizing outputs from
- hydrodynamic simulations
- Jet quenching (q, Q, and g)
- J/Y transport
- EM radiation
- Recombination
- Plenary
- P.F.Zhuang, J/Y suppression and regeneration
- Parallel
- J.-e Alam, Thermal Radiation at RHIC
- S.Turbide, High Momentum Dilepton Production From
Jets in a QGP - J.Long, Photons and Evolution of chemically
equilibrating and expanding QGP at finite baryon
density - Poster
- M.Isse, Jet-fluid string formation and decay in
high energy H.I.C.
57J/Y transport in QGP fluids
21D Boltzmann suppression regeneration
Adapted from P.F.Zhuang, Talk _at_ QM2006
58J/Y transport in QGP fluids (contd.)
Adapted from P.F.Zhuang, Talk _at_ QM2006
59RAA for J/Y
Adapted from P.F.Zhuang, Talk _at_ QM2006
60Hydro Data Available
- Agreement btw. hydrocascade and data indicates
Perfect Liquid. - It is worth following up the analysis.
- Important to understand initial conditions.
- Viscous hydro as an applicable condition
- Consistency among models ? Utilize the hydro
62Whats Next ?
- 1. Systematic studies based on
- the hybrid approach
- (Glauber I.C. perfect fluid QGP
- dissipative hadron gas).
- ? HBT, source functions
- System size, collision energy
- 3. Improvement of current
- hydro models
- ? Fluctuations
- ? Constraint of EOS
- (Causal) Viscosity
- Chemical non-equilibrium
- Mach cone
- 2. Initial condition mechanism
- of early thermalization
- ? CGC, Glasma
- Isotropization
- Instability
- Non-equilibrium field theory
- 4. Utilizing outputs from
- hydrodynamic simulations
- Jet quenching (q, Q, and g)
- J/Y transport
- EM radiation
- Recombination
63BGK triangle
Adapted from A.Adil, Talk _at_ QM2006
64Two-Particle Correlation Function
pair wave fn. (FSI? Coulomb?)
relative distance dist.
normalized source fn.
hydro, blast-wave, cascade,
65Source Function from 3D Hydro Cascade
How much the source function differs from ideal
hydro in Configuration space?
Blink Ideal Hydro, Kolb and Heinz (2003) Caveat
No resonance decays in ideal hydro
66Non-Gaussian Source?
px 0.5GeV/c