Title: The Dukes of Hazard
1The Dukes of Hazard
Jimmy Buffi - Neil Kennedy - Camille Legault -
Fernando Quijano - Omar Rojas
The Dukes of Hazard were tasked to design an
autonomous-controlled vehicle able to locate and
sample the status of hazardous material
containers that are located in an open field with
the aid of a GPS. The group conceptualized a
vehicle that would go over obstacles less than 3
inches tall, and avoid obstacles 3 inches or
taller. The vehicle would also sweep the desired
area with the use of two sensor placed on a
rotating arm that would cover a 360 range of
vision. Finally, the vehicle would acknowledge if
hazardous material has been detected by the use
of colored light bulbs. It was decided that for
the proof of concept, a radio controlled car
would be used for the chassis of the vehicle.
This was done because it was determined that the
biggest technical issue would be to interface
with the GPS and develop an effective searching
Rotating Sensor Arm System
R/C Car Chassis
Electronic Components Box
Bumper System