Title: Getting Advice When Setting Up
1Getting Advice When Setting Up
- You are setting up your own Business what are you
going to need help with ?
Advice Needed
2Legal Advice
Computer Advice
Financial Advice
Advice / Help Needed
Government Help
Communication Advice
Marketing and Advertising advice
Industry Advice
3Where do you get the Help ?
- There are two main areas
- Government Agencies / Advisory Services
- Private Sector Support Services
4Video Clip Working Lunch
- What is the name of the organisation helping them
- What help did they get
- What problem did the carpenter have
5Government Agencies / Advisory Services
- These include the government and various business
associations. - Trade Associations
- Associations whose members are drawn from a
particular trade or industry. - National Farmers Union (NFU)
- Road Hauliers Association
- Association of British Travel Agents
6Trade Associations contd.
- Business have to pay a fee to join
- What do they give members
- Help and Advice
- Way of sharing information
- Way of promoting the industry
- Means of putting their views to the government -
Pressure Group
7Chambers of Commerce
- An organisation which represents all businesses
in the local region. - Using your text book. Write down how businesses
can benefit from their local chamber of commerce.
8Some answers
Training about Health and Safety
Represent Local Businesses
Chambers of Commerce
Obtain funds for the region
Training to promote exports and Health and Safety
9Business Links
- In most areas there is a Business Link
- What do they do ?
- A one-stop business advice and support service
- Training and advice for new business
- Help writing business plans
- Help selling abroad
- Help improving quality
10Confederation of Business Industry
- National Organisation
- Acts as a Pressure Group for business
- What is a Pressure Group ?
- Looks at things like the Minimum Wage and the
Euro to see how it would affect business
11Other Organisations
- Using your textbook describe what the following
organisations do - Learning and Skills Council (LSC)
- Princes Youth Business Trust
- Shell Livewire
12Starting a Business Help and Support
13Match up the right phrases
14Private Sector Support Services
- Large number of private sector businesses which
provide support. - Accountants
- Computer Services
- Solicitors
- Communication Services
- Advertising Agency
- Public Relations
- You are starting up a new business. You have
bought some land and are planning to grow and
sell organic vegetables. - You are 26 Years old
- It is your first experience of farming.
- You have an office you need to sort out
- You plan to sell via the internet and through a
farm shop - You also would like to export some specialist
British produce to France - You have 10,000 but will need a loan
- Using a Spider Diagram, show all the government
and private sector organisations that you might
want to use, and how they might be able to help
17Homework for Friday
- Page 33 - checklist
- Page 32 - Radcliffe partners
- Page 30 Article on Business Link Walsall Read
and answer questions - Choose one of the following
- Page 31 Dudley Training Enterprise Council
Read article and answer questions - OR
- Internet Research Find Two Trade Associations
and explain how they might help a business in
that industry.