Title: U5L2Esp' III
1U5L2 Esp. III
- Making hypothetical statements
2Making hypothetical statements with si(if)
- If you want to talk about something hypothetical
(not true but possible), use the following
clauses - Si pudiera . . . If I could
- Si pudieras . . . If you could
- Si fuera . . . If I were
- Si fueras . . . If you were
- Si tuviera . . . If I had
- Si tuvieras . . . If you had
- Si quisiera . . . If I wanted
- Si quisieras . . . If you wanted
3Making hypothetical statements
- If I had a million dollars . . .
- Si tuviera un millón de dólares . . .
- If I were rich . . .
- Si fuera rica . . .
- If I could speak Chinese . . .
- Si pudiera hablar chino . . .
4In a hypothetical situation . . . What would you
- If you had a million dollars. . .
- Would you buy a car? A house?
- Use the conditional tense to say what you WOULD
DO in the hypothetical situation.
- Start with the INFINITIVE
- 2. Add the following endings to the infinitive
or irregular root - ÍA ÍAMOS
6The Conditional Tense
- Hablar -- yo
- Comer -- tú
- Vivir -- ella
- Escribir -- nosotros
- Practicar -- ellos
- Correr -- Ángel
- Yo hablaría
- Comerías
- Ella viviría
- Escribiríamos
- Practicarían
- Ángel correría
7Conditional Irregulars
- Hacer har-
- 2. Haber habr
- 3. Saber sabr-
- 4. Salir saldr-
- 5. Poner pondr-
- 6. Tener tendr
- 7. Valer valdr-
- 8. Querer querr-
- 9. Poder podr-
- 10. Decir dir-
- 11. Venir vendr-
- All of these irregular roots are the same as the
future tense! - Instead of using the infinitive, use the
irregular root endings!
8How can we remember these?
- Harry has six salty peanuts to visit queen Patty
during vacation. - Hacer Querer
- Haber Poder
- Saber Decir
- Salir Venir
- Poner
- Tener
- Valer
9Irregulares PrácticaPut these above the
Memory phrase.
- Hacer (yo)
- Salir (ellos)
- Tener (nosotros)
- Haría
- Saldrían
- Tendríamos
10Práctica Put it all together.Si, conditonal.
- If I had 50 dollars, I would buy a lot of
clothes. - If I could leave tomorrow, I would go to Mexico.
- If I were tall, I would play basketball.
- If you had an A, you would be happy.
11Now . . .Put the If clauses and the conditional
tense together . . .
- If I had 50 dollars, I would buy a lot of clothes.
- Si tuviera 50 dólares, compraría mucha ropa.
2. If I could leave tomorrow I would go to
2. Si pudiera salir mañana, iría a México.
3. If I were tall, I would play basketball.
3. Si fuera alta, jugaría baloncesto.
4. If you had an A, you would be happy.
4. Si tuvieras una A, estarías contento.