Title: Education%20and%20Training%20and%20the%20New%20Public%20Diplomacy
1Education and Training and the New Public
- Eleanor J. Brown, W. John Morgan and Simon
McGrath - UNESCO Centre for Comparative Education Research
- University of Nottingham
2The Changing Nature of Public Diplomacy
- Traditional Diplomacy ? few few style
- Open Diplomacy ? few many style
- New Public Diplomacy ? many many style
- Demos Report on Cultural Diplomacy
3Cultural Exchange and Partnerships in Education
- Language Teaching
- Academic Exchanges
- Professional development links
- Teaching of the global dimension in schools
4International Education Aims
- Build tolerance and understanding
- Communication
- Developing relationships between nations
- Recognize and appreciate diversity
- Prepare young people for life in a global
community and economy
5Aims of this paper
- Examine connections between international
education and training and new public diplomacy - Consider implications for policy at national and
international levels - Look at the traditional relationship between
education and cultural relations to see if it has
changed in light of new trends in public diplomacy
6Public Diplomacy
- Propaganda
- Nation branding
- These are about the communication of information
and ideas to foreign publics with a view to
changing their attitudes towards to originating
country (Melissen 2005 16) - Cultural relations
- This has traditionally been close to diplomacy,
although distinct from it, but recent
developments in both fields now reveal
considerable overlap between the two concepts
(ibid 16) - There is now a shift toward the cultural
relations and away from propaganda
7The Hierarchical Nature of Traditional Public
- Work aiming to inform and engage individuals and
organizations overseas, in order to improve
understanding of and influence for the United
Kingdom in a manner consistent with governmental
medium and long term goals. (Carter 2005)
8The Changing Environment
- Multi-actor international environment
- Civil society organizations
- - NGOs
- - Trans-national advocacy networks
- International Organizations
- Cyber literate public
- More international travel and business
- ? This leads to a demand for public diplomacy
that is not so bound to the raison detat and
which acknowledges the advantages of mutually
beneficial and equal partnerships
9New network based public diplomacy
- A network based model that is more than a
bilateral mechanism for the dissemination of a
particular agenda can benefit from engagement
with participants from various civil societies,
each contributing to common, beneficial outcomes
(Fisher 2006 4)
10New Public Diplomacy
- Mutual benefit
- Equal participation
- Network based
- Not hierarchical
- Cooperation
- Shared values
- Two-way street
- Listening as well as telling
11From hierarchy to network
- There seems to be more support for the idea that
the future of international cooperation for peace
and development can only truly be achieved
through genuine cooperation and shared values and
these can never be enforced successfully in a
hierarchical way.
12Power and Cooperation
- Hard power ? Soft power ? New public diplomacy
Cooperation and Facilitation - Telling ? Listening
- New network based public diplomacy will be better
received because it is a two-way street
(Melissen 2005 18) unlike propaganda it listens
as well as tells and is therefore more likely to
build trust and respect than the traditional
13The importance of Education and Training
- In the new many-many environment of public
diplomacy education and training is vital because
the general populations attitude to
international issues and cultural affairs is key
to projecting a positive image of the country.
14The Internationalization of Higher Education
- International students
- Global partnerships
- Links and collaborative projects
- Campuses overseas
- Educational exchange
15Britain and Brazil
- Study of links between Britain and Brazil
- Set out to replace the traditional North-South
relationship of donor and recipient with genuine
academic partnerships - Do partnerships help maintain and perpetuate
colonial links? - Use of language
- Understanding strengths and weaknesses
16Education and Neo-colonialism
- Neocolonialism is the deliberate policies of the
industrialized countries to maintain domination
(Canto Hannah 2001 28) - Education is one essential element of the
neo-colonial structure. It helps to maintain and
to some extent perpetuate colonial links. (ibid
17Equal Partnerships
- Existence of previous knowledge of the other
partner to establish realistic expectations - Genuine sharing of each others experiences
- Application of each others knowledge rather than
a one-way transfer - (Canto Hannah 2001 32)
18Conclusion of the Canto and Hannah Study
- In each of the case studies examined, vertical
or traditional elements continue to exist
alongside horizontal or advanced elements,
representing neither a neo-colonial nor an equal
partnership, but elements of both. (Canto
Hannah 2001 37)
19School links and Partnerships
- Global citizenship
- Links and the international school award
- Ambassadors of the future
- Global gateway
- British Council, UNESCO ASPnet,
- The meeting of cultures
20The importance of global citizenship
- We are no longer represented just by our
leaders. Knowingly or not, we are all
representatives of our countries and we have the
tools to make an impact. We are all diplomats
now. It is therefore critical that we ensure that
our British citizens especially young people
have the skills and capacity to cope with this
new era of global cultural connections (Bound et
al 2007 76).
21Global Citizenship
- Important part of the curriculum
- Taught across a range of subjects
- Equipping young people to be good ambassadors
- Seeing things from a world perspective
22Key Concepts of the Global Dimension in School
- Global Citizenship
- Conflict resolution
- Diversity
- Human Rights
- Interdependence
- Social Justice
- Sustainable development
- Values and Perceptions
23International Linking
- Partner schools all over the world
- Conduct projects with students in far away places
- Take an interest in developments in parts of the
world where there is an international connection - asking questions and developing critical
thinking skills, acknowledging the complexity
of global issues, revealing the global part of
everyday local life, understanding how we
relate to the environment and to each other as
human beings (Oxfam 2006 3)
24Cultural Sensitivity
- Cultures are meeting mingling and morphing
(Bound et al 2007 19) and we must all, as
citizens, be ready to adapt to this. For this
reason the international dimension in education
and training is vital to the new public diplomacy.
25Aims of the Study
- Does the experience of international partnerships
in education provide a setting for greater
cultural awareness and understanding of
international issues? - Are such partnerships are a neo-colonial or an
equal relationship, why this is the case and
where can improvements be made? - Are equal partnerships are indeed more
- Educational partnership projects are far more
likely to succeed and build positive attitudes
and cultural sensitivity if they are genuinely
mutually beneficial, horizontal and equal
partnerships. Countries, particularly former
colonial powers, need to be careful when claiming
to support mutual links that in practice may be
neo-colonial activities, serving to maintain the
status quo. Recommendations on the future of
academic partnerships will be based on this
- This will focus initially on British Council
partnerships in education and training - It will also be a comparative study of projects
in Serbia and Jordan
28Contact details
- Eleanor J. Brown
- Research Associate
- UNESCO Centre for Comparative Education
Research,School of Education, University of
Nottingham, Nottingham, NG8 1BB.Tel 44 (115)
95 14467 - Fax 44 (115) 95 14397E-Mail