Title: Pulling in the Partners
1Pulling in the Partners
- Establishing relationships within the community
for the common good
J.J. Justis Emergency Planner Eastern Shore
Health District
2Eastern Shore Rural Health System, Inc.
- 5 Community Health Centers located all along the
60 mile peninsula of the Eastern Shore of
Virginia. - Centers serve as primary care clinics for 75-80
of the Eastern Shore population. - Centers receive federal grant monies to serve
indigent and migrant patients.
3Eastern Shore Rural Health System, Inc.continued
- All centers have highly skilled staff MD, PA,
NP, RN, LPN, DDS, Health Educators,
Administrative and IT staff, and translators - All centers have several examination rooms and
each center has crash cart equipped with
defibrillator - There is a center located within 25 miles of all
areas of the Eastern Shore.
4What are the benefits of a partnership for ESHD?
- Stand alone operational clinics requiring minimal
equipment being brought in during an emergency - Highly skilled staff that are familiar with the
center - Locations close to everyone
5What are the benefits for Eastern Shore Rural
- Volunteers and immediate family receive
prophylaxis prior to general population - Daycare for children provided through MOU with
ESAAA/CAA Head Start program close to centers - Community service
6How do we train and exercise together?
- All 5 centers are exercised each year as a NEHC
operation - Each exercise involves setup, walk-thru
explaining patient flow, and scenario based
treatment involving several patients - Twelve ESRH staff members just graduated from
CERT class - Job description sheets are available at each
center so staff knows their role in advance
7Isolation Flow Signs
8First Aid Flow Signs
9Dispensing Flow Signs
10Staff Only Signs
11Sample NEHC Flow Diagram
12How do we train and exercise together?
- First responders including CERT and MRC members
exercise with Rural Health and ESHD staff
members. - It is important that we involve all responders in
our exercises so we know all the players and
establish a network of team members well before
the emergency. -
13NEHC Exercises
14Volunteers play a vital role in NEHC operations!
Eastern Shore Medical Reserve Corps 131 Members
Eastern Shore Community Emergency Response
Team 60 Members
15Eastern Shore Rural Health CERT Team
16Eastern Shore Disaster Preparedness Coalition
- The mission of the ESDPC is to prepare the
Eastern Shore of Virginia for all types of
disasters and to promote regional planning and
coordination. - The Coalition is recognized as an advisory body
to the Board of Supervisors for Accomack And
Northampton County and the Chincoteague Town
17Intent of the Coalition
- To work closely with all response agencies to
provide education, plan emergency response drills
and facilitate collaborative efforts in emergency
planning and response.
18Tabletop Exercise
- October 20, 2005
- 100 persons representing almost all response
agencies on the Eastern Shore. - Utilized a hazardous materials scenario at a
local processing plant - Encouraged collaboration within the response
19Key players at tabletop
20Sent letters from governing bodies as opposed to
21What did we learn?
- We need a lot of ICS training across the first
responder population - Plans need to be revised in collaboration with
all agencies involved - We need to plan and train together more
22Rural Issues to consider in our planning,
training and response
- Large geographic area
- Lack of transportation
- Lack of public alert system
- Large Hispanic population
- Literacy levels
- Poverty levels
- Underserved in healthcare