Title: 3rd Stop TB Partners Forum
13rd Stop TB Partners Forum Rio De Janeiro, 2009
Thematic Track Session
The TB Research Movement Evaluating the
Research Needs from the Users' Perspective
Christian Lienhardt Senior Research Advisor
2Today's tools for TB control are old tools a
struggle to cut deaths by half by 2015 and
eliminate TB by 2050
1st-line TB drugs Discovered 1943-1970
BCG Developed 1920s
Sputum smear microscopy Discovered 1882
3The STOP TB Strategy 2009
- 1. Pursue high-quality DOTS expansion and
enhancement - Secure political commitment, with adequate and
sustained financing - Ensure early case detection, and diagnosis
through quality-assured bacteriology - Provide standardised treatment with supervision,
and patient support - Ensure effective drug supply and management
- Monitor and evaluate performance and impact
- 2. Address TB-HIV, MDR-TB, and the needs of
poor and vulnerable populations - Scaleup collaborative TB/HIV activities
- Scale-up prevention and management of
multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) - Address the needs of TB contacts, and poor and
vulnerable populations - 3. Contribute to health system strengthening
based on primary health care - Help improve health policies, workforce
development, financing, supplies, service
delivery and information - Strengthen infection control in health services,
other congregate settings and households - Upgrade laboratory networks, and implement the
Practical Approach to Lung Health (PAL) - Adapt successful approaches from other fields and
sectors, and foster action on the social
determinants of health - 4. Engage all care providers
- Involve all public, voluntary, corporate and
private providers through Public-Private Mix
(PPM) approaches - Promote use of the International Standards for
Tuberculosis Care (ISTC) - 5. Empower people with TB, and communities
through partnership
2006/rev. 2009
4Continuum of TB Research
Monitoring Evaluation of impact Epidemiology
Basic research for discovery
Development of new tools (diagnostic tests,
drugs, vaccines)
Implementation operational research
5TB Research Movement - Background
Key areas of Focus
- Recognizing that progress in TB control is
hampered by insufficient tools, -
- In line with the WHO Stop TB Strategy,
- the Board and WHO STAG mandated the development
of the TB Research Movement to engage
stakeholders in a collaborative, concerted
strategic effort to increase the scope, scale and
speed of TB research.
6TB Research Movement
The overarching goal is to stimulate, support,
and expand research to enable the global
elimination of TB by 2050.
7Research Movement Objectives
The two major objectives of the Research Movement
To provide leadership and advocacy to mobilize
increased resources in support of a coherent
comprehensive global TB research agenda
To provide a forum for funders and implementers
of TB research to coordinate plans actions,
to ensure research needs are addressed,
opportunities prioritized, gaps filled
8Research Movement Objective 1
Global Funding of TB Research
Provide leadership and advocacy to mobilize
increased resources in support of a coherent and
comprehensive global TB research agenda
1. Analyze what influences TB research funding
2. Assess current funding trends estimate
benefits of increased investment
3. Develop arguments for Research Movement to
increase funding
9Research Movement Objective 2
Global TB Research Agenda - Next Steps
To provide a forum for funders and implementers
of TB research to coordinate plans actions to
ensure research needs are addressed,
opportunities prioritized, gaps filled
1. Map existing research agendas developed
by stakeholders
2. Organize stakeholder meetings to identify
gaps and priorities in research
3. Develop innovative comprehensive
international agenda for TB Research
10TB Research Movementgoals and objectives
A Key Aspect engage the users of research
results and the beneficiaries to express needs,
support rapid roll-out of tools and monitor
impact on health outcomes.
11Moving forward through collaboration
Using 700 Stop TB partners -- and drawing in
new collaborators
Collaboration in Research agenda
setting Advocacy Resource Mobilization Best
practice sharing
12Todays session The TB Research Movement
Evaluating the Research Needs from the Users'
- - Peg Willingham New tools in RD for TB control
- - Jeremiah Chacaya New tools in research on TB
what are the needs from the users'
perspective ? - - Mao Tan Eang Research needs in TB an NTP
manager's view - - Lucy Chesire Research needs in TB a
patient's view - - Tido Von SchoenAngerer Research needs in
Access to care - Amy Wong The X-Prize foundation towards a
pull mechanism for a TB diagnostic - Rapporteur Amy Adelberger