Title: Securing Your Campus
1- Securing Your Campus
- with a
- High Tech Solution
- Working Together for Success
2UA Facts
- Land Grant and Research Institution
- 37,000 FTE Students
- 12,000 FTE Employees
- 25,000 Cards Issued Annually
- 75,000 Active Cardholders
- 182 Facilities
- 800 Door Access Readers
- 826 Smartchip Readers, i.e. copy/printing
3.Where Weve Been
4 Where We Are Going..
5Security, in Laymans Terms
- Fingerprint Digital Key Bioscript (enrolling
fingerprint on the card) - Fingerprint Bioscript Digital Key
(authenticating fingerprint at the reader)
6Reason for Change
- Grants and Contracts
- Higher Level of Security Required
- User Needs (Swipe Damage/Badge)
- Personal Privacy
- Secure Card Encryption
- Associated Costs with Supply and Demand
7Users Needs
- -- Card Swipe Damage
- -- Less Wear and Tear on Readers
- -- Ability to write new applications to the
chip - -- Lamination and Tumble Mag Stripe
- -- Some Grants Tied to Higher Level of Security
- -- Improved Business Rules/Internal Controls
9Building a HouseProject Management
Step 10 Home Warranty First Year
Repairs Step 9 Move in with Furniture Step 8
Landscaping Step 7 Finishing Work Step 6
Complete the Shell Walls, Insulation, and
Drywall Step 5 Rough in the Utilities Step 4
Frame the House Step 3 Lay the Foundation Step
2 Dig the Hole, Run The Lines Step 1
Determine Need and Submit Plan for Approval
10Project Management
- History and Future Vision of Keyless Access
- Beta Test (DESFire and iClass)
- Senior Sponsor set the tone
- Stakeholder Buy-in
11 Education, Communication and Marketing Plan
- - Website
- - FAQ
- - Scheduled Open Forums / Demonstration
- - Memo to Campus
- - Newspaper Articles
- - Emails and Letters
- Unrelated Issues
- - i.e. Hazardous Waste Pick-up Schedule
12Project Management
- Pilot Test (BIO5 and MRB)
- Administrative Infrastructure and Business Rules
- Timelines for Deployment
- Managing the Demand
13Legal and Mandated Requirements
- - Legal and Mandated Requirements
- -- UL Listing (fire and safety)
- -- Individuals with Disabilities
- -- Disclosure Form
- -- Concerns about Biometrics
- -- Higher Level of Security Required (Grants)
14Implementation Outreach
- Instruction Letter to Employees
- Mass Carding Schedules
- Move-in Updates/Timelines
- - Held Five Open Forums
- - Telephones Ringing Off the Hook
- How to Table the Demand
- Managing two smartchips in the interim
- Transferring funds from the contact to the
contactless chip by or in 2011 - Education and Communication throughout the
process - SmartCentric and QI Technologies are sole
proprietors - 12 in 900 were unable to enroll fingerprint
16Summary Keys to Success
- - High-Level, Decision-Maker Support
- - Full Cooperation between Integrators
- - Listen and Respond to Stakeholders
- - Communication and Networking
- - Upgrading to new technology does not have to
be scary there is always a migration path to
what you want
17MRB and BIO5
- Training internal and external staff and faculty
- Priming RFID Readers
- Fingerprint enrollment
- Tumble magnetic stripe
- Lamination
- Elevated chip on card/printing considerations
- Juggling databases to verify eligibility
- Readers (metal plate and static electricity)
19Current Status of Project
- Slight card design changes
- -- Holographic Lamination
- -- Bank Logos standard vs optional
- -- printer , date and time (troubleshooting)
- Issuing all cards with contactless technology,
replace through attrition - Begin changing out readers to dual-interface
beginning Fall 2008 -
20Current Status of Project
- Have this Technology
- -- BIO5 and MRB
- -- Animal Care
- -- Marley
- -- UAPD
- -- College of Agriculture
- -- USB Bursars Office
- -- Parking and Transportation
21Current Status of Project
- In Work
- -- McClelland Hall
- -- UITS
- Want this Technology
- -- Mirror Lab
- -- Facilities Management
23Related Links
- http//catcard.arizona.edu/ - The University of
Arizona, CatCard Services - Diane Tatterfield, Assistant Director
- http//catcard.arizona.edu/bca/index.htm -
Biometric Contactless Access Project - http//www.smartcentric.com/contactus.htm -
SmartCentric Technologies - Chris Rizzetto, Sales Director, North America
- http//www.smart-id.com/ - Integrated
Engineering USA - Steve Rogers, Vice President, Sales no longer
with Integrated Engineering - http//www.amer-x.com/main.html - Amer-X
Securities, Inc. - Dennis Peloquin, President/Founder, Amer-X
Securities, Inc. - Eric Peloquin, Vice President, Amer-X Securities,
Inc. - http//www.visiondatabase.com/ - ID Card System
Software (IDMS) - http//www.al-cor.com/ - Al-Cor Identification
Solutions - http//www.nisca.com/ - Nisca Printers
- http//www.fso.arizona.edu/fso/computing/ -
Computing Department - Denotes groups directly involved in this
24 -
- Contactless Smartcard Technology facilitates
our ability to truly enhance the future
capability and overall functionality of the
entire CatCard program