Title: PSUBA311 Summer, 02
1Product Launch ProcessThe Product Manager
- Derek FineProduct Manager, WebTrends
- NetIQ Corporation
- August 13, 2002
- What is a Product Manager?
- Definition of a successful product launch
- PMs role in the launch process
- Product messaging
- Product positioning
- Key PM launch deliverables
- Simplified engineering milestones
- Other departments
- Putting it all together
3Who is this guy?
- 17 years in high technology
- Companies
- Loral Defense Systems, Mentor Graphics, InFocus,
EasyStreet Online Services, NetIQ/WebTrends - Background in Engineering, Technical Support,
Marketing Product Management - BS in Electrical Engineering
- State University of New York at Stony Brook
- Marketing education on the job and on airplanes
4What is a Product Manager?
- CEO of a Product or Business Line
- Coordinates cross-functional teams - engineering,
marketing, sales, support, manufacturing, etc. - Go-to person for all product issues
- Except, no real authority
- Combines business savvy with a technical acumen
- Creates product definitions requirements
- Spokesperson in company for product market
5What is a Product Manager?
- Product Manager vs. Marcom Manager
- PM knows the market in business technical
detail - Marcom manager knows how to do marcom
- Product Manager vs. Engineering Manager
- PM prioritizes the problems that needs to be
solved - Engineering knows how to solve the problems
6Launch Process Problem
- Aligning Engineering, Sales and Marketing to
Maximize Product Revenue
7Time to Revenue
- Different from time to market
- When the product is ready-
- Are the marketing materials complete and
shipped/posted to the right places? - Are the ads placed and is PR hitting?
- Can the sales people (and/or channel) sell it?
- Can support actually support it?
- Can customers actually buy it?
- Or, is everything ready but the product?
8Definition of a Successful Product Launch
- Engineering completes product on time
- Meeting milestones along the way
- Product ships on time
- And at cost, with appropriate quantities
- Ads placed / PR hits at right time
- Marketing materials available on time
- Posted and printed, with appropriate quantities
- Sales ready to sell
- Support ready to support
- Accounting ready to accept orders
9Product Managers Role in the Launch Process
- The one person accountable for successful launch
- Drives the cross-functional team (CFT)
- Go-to person for issue escalation/resolution
- Sets objectives and success measurements up-front
- Develops launch plan and checklist
- Defines product requirements
- Sets price creates forecast
- Responsible for messaging positioning
- Content provider
10Product Messaging
- Product messaging
- Features and benefits
- Features are feeds/speeds
- Benefits solve problems
- There is a time for each
- Examples automobiles, projectors, MP3 players
- These should be signed off and agreed to early on
- Build in some flexibility for change
11Product Positioning
- Positioning vs. other company products
- Finds the right product for the buyer
- Reduces sales/prospect confusion
- Keep it simple at first glance
- Use the geek-sheet where appropriate
- Positioning vs. other vendors
- Typically speeds feeds
- But, are all benefits met by other vendor?
- What is unique relevant about your product?
- Company/financial data is important too
12Key PM Launch Deliverables
- Sales Enablement Guide
- The source for just about everything
- Customer Presentations
- Contain messaging in approved format
- Sales Training
- Includes target buyers and pain points
- Case studies / testimonials
- Ensures messaging is credible
- Internal Launch Announcement
- Gets entire company on-board
13Simplified Engineering Milestones
- Alpha phase
- Preview version - demo-able product
- Marketing Commence collateral - photo shoots,
screen shots, - Use for sales support training, basic marketing
materials - Beta phase
- Feature complete and should be thoroughly tested
- Used to get testimonials and get market feedback
- Also used for sales pipeline
- Marketing long-lead press tour, finalize
messaging - Release to manufacturing
- Formal handoff from development to manufacturing
- Production begins and product is ready to ship
14Other Departments
- Accounting / Finance
- Part number creation
- Update price lists
- Update CRM system
- Legal
- License agreements and contracts
- Patents and trademarks
- Manufacturing
- Ordering parts/supplies
- Designing production environment
- Ramp up to build in quantity
- Regulatory
- Working with regulatory agencies (if applicable)
15Putting it all together
- Launch day comes
- Web site goes live
- Press release hits the wire
- First hits come in
- Articles online
- People see your ads
- Web site traffic spikes
- The phones are ringing
- You get your first order
- Customer gets the product