Title: Death and The Afterlife
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6The Soul
Heaven and Hell
Unit 4 Death and The Afterlife
God as Judge
7The Soul Sample part c) question
c) There is no such thing as a soul Do you
agree? Give reasons for your answer And show that
you have thought about different points of
view. You must refer to Christianity in your
answer. 5 marks
8The Soul
Who are you?
9The Soul
Plato said that the soul is like the rider of a
chariot. The horses represent your body and your
mind. After death your soul lives on. This is
called dualism.
10The Soul
Aristotle said that the soul and the body were
linked and you could not have one without the
other. The body is the material of a thing and
the soul is its function. He used the examples
of an Axe or an eye.
11The Soul
Most Christians including Roman Catholics believe
that the soul has to have a body. One cannot
exist without the other. This means that when you
die you get a new body for your eternal life.
12The Soul
Christians believe that God breathed life into
Adam at creation. The breath of God symbolises
our uniqueness amongst all the animals.
Animals dont have souls.
Christians have different views about
heaven. Some say, God loves us so everyone will
go to heaven
Christians have different views about
heaven. Others say, only Christians go to
heaven, because everyone has sinned.
Christians have different views about
heaven. Others say, Good people will go to
heaven when they have paid for their sins.
Hell is a place of everlasting suffering. Some
Christians believe that all who havent accepted
Jesus will burn there for eternity.
Others might believe that a loving God could
never send someone to such a place.
Roman Catholics believe in a middle place between
Heaven and Hell called Purgatory. In purgatory
you pay for your sins. This means that Roman
Catholics will sometimes pray
for dead people to help them to get into heaven.
Some Christians think that if you die without
turning to Christ you are simply destroyed. They
think this is more loving than being sent to Hell.
Not all Christian Funerals are the same. Some are
a celebration of life..
Others will show that although loss is sad, there
is hope in life after death. Christians may be
buried or cremated.
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22Some Fundamentalist Christians believe that when
some people die they will be sent to Hell to face
eternal fiery punishment.
23Some Fundamentalist Christians believe that when
some people die they will be sent to Hell to face
eternal fiery punishment.
Ideas of Hell may have originated in 3 places
24Some Fundamentalist Christians believe that when
some people die they will be sent to Hell to face
eternal fiery punishment. Ideas of Hell may have
originated in 3 places
Sheol, the Hebrew word which simply refers to the
state you are in after you die.
25Some Fundamentalist Christians believe that when
some people die they will be sent to Hell to face
eternal fiery punishment. Ideas of Hell may have
originated in 3 places Sheol, the Hebrew word
which simply refers to the state you are in after
you die.
Hades, the Greek underworld ruled by the god
26Some Fundamentalist Christians believe that when
some people die they will be sent to Hell to face
eternal fiery punishment. Ideas of Hell may have
originated in 3 places Sheol, the Hebrew word
which simply refers to the state you are in after
you die.
Hades, the Greek underworld ruled by the god
Gehenna, the fiery valley where rubbish burnt all
the time, in the time of Jesus.
27Some Fundamentalist Christians believe that when
some people die they will be sent to Hell to face
eternal fiery punishment. Ideas of Hell may have
originated in 3 places Sheol, the Hebrew word
which simply refers to the state you are in after
you die.
Hades, the Greek underworld ruled by the god
Gehenna, the fiery valley where rubbish burnt all
the time, in the time of Jesus.
Some people find the idea of Hell hard to justify.
28Some Fundamentalist Christians believe that when
some people die they will be sent to Hell to face
eternal fiery punishment. Ideas of Hell may have
originated in 3 places Sheol, the Hebrew word
which simply refers to the state you are in after
you die.
Hades, the Greek underworld ruled by the god
Gehenna, the fiery valley where rubbish burnt all
the time, in the time of Jesus.
Some people find the idea of Hell hard to justify.
If God is loving then, why would he want someone
to suffer forever?
29Some Fundamentalist Christians believe that when
some people die they will be sent to Hell to face
eternal fiery punishment. Ideas of Hell may have
originated in 3 places Sheol, the Hebrew word
which simply refers to the state you are in after
you die.
Hades, the Greek underworld ruled by the god
Gehenna, the fiery valley where rubbish burnt all
the time, in the time of Jesus.
Some people find the idea of Hell hard to
justify. If God is loving then, why would he want
someone to suffer forever?
If God has all power then surely this means he
made some people knowing they would spend
eternity in Hell.
30Some Fundamentalist Christians believe that when
some people die they will be sent to Hell to face
eternal fiery punishment. Ideas of Hell may have
originated in 3 places Sheol, the Hebrew word
which simply refers to the state you are in after
you die.
How does Hell meet the Aims of Punishment?
Hades, the Greek underworld ruled by the god
Gehenna, the fiery valley where rubbish burnt all
the time, in the time of Jesus.
Some people find the idea of Hell hard to
justify. If God is loving then, why would he want
someone to suffer forever? If God has all power
then surely this means he made some people
knowing they would spend eternity in Hell.
31Some Fundamentalist Christians believe that when
some people die they will be sent to Hell to face
eternal fiery punishment. Ideas of Hell may have
originated in 3 places Sheol, the Hebrew word
which simply refers to the state you are in after
you die.
How does Hell meet the Aims of Punishment? Deterre
nt? Reform? Protection? Retribution?
Hades, the Greek underworld ruled by the god
Gehenna, the fiery valley where rubbish burnt all
the time, in the time of Jesus.
Some people find the idea of Hell hard to
justify. If God is loving then, why would he want
someone to suffer forever? If God has all power
than surely this means he made some people
knowing they would spend eternity in Hell.
32Some Fundamentalist Christians believe that when
some people die they will be sent to Hell to face
eternal fiery punishment. Ideas of Hell may have
originated in 3 places Sheol, the Hebrew word
which simply refers to the state you are in after
you die.
How does Hell meet the Aims of Punishment? Deterre
nt? Reform? Protection? Retribution? I think
Hades, the Greek underworld ruled by the god
Gehenna, the fiery valley where rubbish burnt all
the time, in the time of Jesus.
Some people find the idea of Hell hard to
justify. If God is loving then, why would he want
someone to suffer forever? If God has all power
than surely this means he made some people
knowing they would spend eternity in Hell.
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