Title: Cranston Public Schools
1Cranston Public Schools
- Explanation of the Present Grade Configuration
- and Schedule Impact for the
- 2008-2009 School Year
2Foreign Language Curriculum
- 1995 present
- First Semester
- 6th graders take survey course
- Next three semesters (6th/7th graders)
- One semester each of Italian, French, Spanish
- 8th graders select one language for entire
year-twice per week
3Unified Arts distribution Middle School Model
1995-presentPE/Health, Technology, Art, Music,
Foreign Language
- Present schedule-7 periods x 5 days (35 periods)
- Core Academic (Math, English, Social Studies,
Science) - one period each/day, 20 of 35 periods
- Team Time
- 3 periods/week
- Performance Skills
- 2 periods/week
- Total of 25 periods/week with Core Academic
Teacherexception for students in band, chorus,
4Unified Arts Contd
- PE
- 2 periods/week
- Health
- 1 period/week
- Art
- 2 periods/week
- Music
- 1 period/week
- Foreign Language
- 2 periods/week
- Technology or Family Consumer Science
- 2 periods/week
5Scenario 1No change to grade configuration
- Foreign Language curriculum (revised Spring 07)
- 6th grade
- no Foreign Language
- 7th/8th graders
- Foreign Language 4 periods/week
- Unified Arts availability (i.e. Technology,
Family Consumer Sciences) - 6th grade increased opportunity for classes
- 7th /8th grade no opportunity for
classesexception, students in need of Read 180
6Scenario 1 Affect on FTEsNo change to
grade configuration
Total 235,056.60
7Scenario 2Change Grade Configuration
- Move Grade 6 to Elementary Schools
- Realign Middle Schools to Grades 7 and 8
Total 1,791,293.40
8Scenario 2Change Grade Configuration
- Impact on FTEs of core academic subjects
- District will need to open 37 classrooms with
teachers for 6th grade at elementary schools - Currently 38-6th grade teachers
- Net loss 1.0 FTE overall
- Impact combined core academic and UAs
- Net loss 23.1 FTEs
Total 1,872,347.40
9Scenario 3 New schedule development
- Implement new schedule
- Move Foreign Language into academic block
rotation - Additional modifications that would have to be
negotiated through collective bargaining - Open more periods in the UA blocks for Tech. Ed.
- Less impact on staff reduction
10Scenario 3 New schedule development
11Scenario 3 New schedule development
12Scenario 3 New schedule development
13Scenario 3 New schedule development
- Combined Middle School positions eliminated
- 8.1 FTE Unified Arts
- 1.0 FTE Core Academic
Total 737,591.40
14Scenario 4
- Implement grade alignment change
- Grade 6 to elementary schools
- Grades 7/8 middle schools
- Keeps current 7 period rotated schedule
- Includes period 1
- Foreign language 4 periods/week
- Unified Arts Program
- Includes general music and art
- 3 periods/week for one quarter each
- Technology
- 3 periods/week for two quarters
15Scenario 4 Affect on FTEs Implement
grade alignment change
Total 599,799.60
16Scenario 4 Affect on FTEs Implement
grade alignment change
Total 437,691.60
Increase in number of teams from 5 to 6
17Scenario 4 Affect on FTEs Implement
grade alignment change
Total 567,378.00
18Scenario 4 Affect on FTEs Implement
grade alignment change
Total FTE Reduction -19.8 4.0
-15.8 Total Savings 1,280,653.20 4.0 FTEs
added for BMS additional teams
19Other Reductions/Cost Factors
20Other Reductions/Cost FactorsPortables
21Other Reductions/Cost FactorsAdded Programs
Technology Needs
22Financial Impact on 2008-2009 and future budgets
23Financial Impact on 2008-2009 and future budgets
24Financial Impact on 2008-2009 and future budgets
25Financial Impact on 2008-2009 and future budgets
26Financial Impact on 2008-2009 and future budgets
27Financial Impact on 2008-2009 and future budgets
28Financial Impact on 2008-2009 and future budgets
29Financial Impact on 2008-2009 and future budgets
30Redistricting Option
Capacities based on Jr. High model prior to
Special Ed., Health, Art, and Music mandates and
prior to Literacy mandates. Redistricting is
not a feasible option due to the fact that all
three schools are overpopulated to some degree.
31Reconfiguration of Schools
- Gladstone
- Kindergarten will attend Arlington
- (1) AM, (1) PM
- (1) AM, (1) PM ESL
- (4) total sections/(2) classrooms
- Enough classrooms for Grades 1-6
- Arlington
- Add (2) portables
- Enough classrooms for K-6 with K from Gladstone
- Waterman
- Kindergarten will attend Garden City
- (1) AM, (1) PM
- Enough classrooms for 1-6
32Reconfiguration of Schools (contd)
- Barrows
- Grade 6 will attend Edgewood Highlands
- Enough classrooms for K-5
- Edgewood Highlands
- (2) Grade 6 classes from Barrows
- Move DLP to Sprague Ave. where Early Intervention
Programs exist - Move Head Start to Hugh B. Bain
- Enough room for K-6
- Woodridge
- Add (2) portables
- Enough room for K-6
33Schools capable of absorbing 6th grades