Title: Saturday, December 17
1Cousino High School Varsity Chorus to perform
pre-show on Grand Staircase at Fox Theatre, Dec
17, 345pm
- Saturday, December 17
- 430 performance
- Regular Saturday show ticket price is 50.50
- SPECIAL DISCOUNT 35.00 per ticket.
- (Varsity choir member will receive complimentary
ticket to the show) - Family, friends and others can purchased tickets
to the day of your performance for only 35.00.
Return this form along with full ticket payment
to CHS Choir c/o Ms. Mihalo Name
____________________ Phone _______________ Student
contact _________________________________ of
tickets _____ x 35.00 each _________ submit
by 11/30 Make check payable to Cousino High
School Address ___________________________________
____ City ______________________ MI Zip