Title: Saturday General Session
1Saturday General Session
2Sonoran Bloom LaunchNopalea
- Terry Newsome
- National Sales Director
3Recap of Message from CEO Michael EllisonThe
Power of One Unified System
4Share and Earn Enhancements- Review
5The 3 Step Success System
- Share and Earn Program guide
- The simplicity of the program
- Step 1- Share the Nopalea Story
- Step 2- Pay it Forward
- Step 3- Create Duplication
6Step 1. Share the Nopalea Story
Distribute information on TriVita, Nopalea and
the Wellness Challenge.
7Tools to Share the Nopalea Story
8Tools for Tastings
9 The 3 Step Success System
- Be the Messenger NOT the Message
- Share Information- Educate/Empower
- Safety in Numbers- Law of Averages
- Product/Wellness Experience Driven
- Key The Nopalea Wellness Challenge
10Step- 2 Pay it Forward
Convert people taking the Nopalea Wellness
Challenge Into Affiliate Members or Members.
Gift of Health
11The Nopalea Wellness Challenge
- 1- Take the Wellness Challenge
- Take 3 oz. One or Two Times Daily
- 2- Complete the NWC Form
- 3- Review Silent Killer- CD- DVD
- 4- Follow-upReviewEncourage
- The Ultimate Pay it Forward Tool
12Nopalea Wellness Challenge DVD
- Infomercial- TV Show Clips
- Sharable formats
- Video e-mail
- Tells the product story
- Shares the opportunity
- Your primary tool to share!
13(No Transcript)
14Step 3. Create Duplication
- Repeat Step 1 and Step 2!
- Step 1. Share the Nopalea Story
- Set up a time to create Wellness Challenge list
- Be available to present the challenge/product/oppo
rtunity - Leadership presents until they Get 2!
- Step 2. Pay it Forward
- Financially Support Wellness Challenge
- You become the enroller (Share Earn Bonus)
- They become the placement
15Income Accelerator Weekly Bonus
- 70 pay out on Nopalea
- True 100 Reward Value
- Paid for first 90 days only
- Paid on new Members Affiliates
- Bonuses are paid out weekly
- 55 bonus pay out on 3 tiers
- 15 Director Leadership Bonus
16Blaine Oelkers and Mitch LoverPresidential
17Joshua Possick- 2 Star Director
18Cody Ramsey Presidential Director
19Mellissa Myers and Cody Ramsey
20The Nopalea Wellness Challenge
- 1- Take the Wellness Challenge
- (Loading Dose- 3 to 6 ounces Daily)
- 2- Complete the NWC Form
- 3- Review Silent Killer- CD- DVD
- 4- Share your Wellness Experience
- (Follow-up Review Form Confirm Results)
21The Nopalea Wellness Challenge
- 1- Embrace the Wellness Challenge
- (Loading Dose- 3 to 6 ounces Daily)
- Accelerate the Benefits of Betalins
- Purpose To Detoxify and Cleanse
- Enhances the Wellness Experience
- The Ultimate Pay it Forward Tool
22Nopalea Wellness Challenge Form
- Step 2- Take the Challenge- Fill Out the
23The Nopalea Wellness Challenge
- Step 3- (Review the Information)
- Read Secret Killer Health Alert
- (Refer to Time Magazine Article)
- Listen to audio CD- Brazos Minshew
- Watch the Wellness Challenge DVD
- Knowledge is Power
24The Nopalea Wellness Challenge
- Step 4- Follow-Up and Review
- Review Wellness Challenge Form
- Confirm Wellness Benefits of Nopalea
- Assist with Initial Product Order
- Discuss Share and Earn Program
- Enroll them as an Affiliate (No 35 Fee)
- Discuss Wellness Challenge GOH- Ask for
Referrals - Sample Follow-Up Scripts in Back Office
25Follow-up Communications
- Use Positive Tonalities Voice Inflections
- Properly Use the Customers Name
- Make Frequent Possession Statements
- Alignment Statements- Feel-Felt-Found
- Share Your Personal Product Experience
- Use Third Party Stories as Validation
- Multiply the Value and Divide the Cost
26Easy Income Accelerator Qualifications
- To start, simply enroll as an Affiliate Member
- Purchase at least one bottle of Nopalea
- Place one bottle of Nopalea on auto ship
- No more 35 Starter Kit Fee (Free activation)
- Accept Policies and Procedures at 500
- 40 point Auto ship qualifies you- Standard Comp
- For weekly pay-out sign up for Direct Deposit
27Additional Sales SupportGarth Borthistle and
Lenore Moncion
28Sonoran Bloom LaunchNopalea
- Brazos Minshew
- Chief Science Officer
29Research Development Updates
- Brazos G. Minshew
- Chief Science Officer
- TriVita
30Wellavoh A Harvest of Health!
- Sonoran Bloom Wellavoh is a Foundation Product
necessary for health - Fletcher RH, Fairfield KM. Vitamins for chronic
disease prevention in adults clinical
applications. JAMA. 2002 Jun 19287(23)3127-9.
Waterland RA, Jirtle RA. Transposable elements
targets for early nutritional effects on
epigenetic gene regulation. Mol Cell Biol .
2003235293-300. - Kaati G, et al. Cardiovascular and diabetes
mortality determined by nutrition during parents
and grandparents slow growth period. Eur J Hum
Genet . 200210682-688.
31Wellavoh A Harvest of Health!
- Vitamins in the Morning to fuel energy
- Minerals in the Evening to nourish rest
rejuvenation - Why Softgels?
- Easier to swallow
- Liquid delivery for better absorption
- Able to contain Omega fats and oils
32Men and Women are Different
- Sonoran Bloom Wellavoh respects the unique needs
- of Women and Men.
Beyond their nutrient properties, extra Vitamin C
and Vitamin E are needed for women to balance the
effect of shifting estrogen levels, especially in
reducing sun damage and promoting healthier skin
(5) Niacin improves circulation especially in
the legs. Women are more likely to develop poor
circulation in the legs and so need more niacin
(6) Selenium helps protect against Rheumatoid
Arthritis. Women are three-times more likely to
get RA than men and so need more selenium
(7) Molybdenum promotes fat metabolism and
detoxification. Women as a group tend to have a
higher percentage of body fat so need more
molybdenum (8) Although zinc supplements have
long been used to improve prostate function in
men, recent data suggests that men should not
take more than 22 mg. supplemental zinc daily.
Pantothenic acid, Copper and Chromium are useful
in cholesterol metabolism. (10-11-12)These
minerals reduce markers of cardiovascular disease
risk. Men, as a group, experience heart disease
at a younger age than women. So these nutrients
have been intensified in Wellavoh for
Men. Manganese works along with Calcium,
Magnesium, vitamin D, Zinc and vitamin C to help
women improve bone density and reduce menstrual
discomfort. (13)(14) Tomato is the best source
of Lycopene, a nutrient useful in prostate cancer
and male infertility. (1)(2) Papain promotes
recovery from heavy exercise, sports and athletic
performance as well as injuries.
(3)(4) Pomegranate has been used in men and
women to support cardiovascular health and male
erectile dysfunction. (5) The seeds of the
pumpkin were used medicinally in Native American
medicine and in the US Pharmacopeia since 1863
for issues including benign prostate enlargement.
33Sonoran Blends
- Special Sonoran Blends to address specific needs
- The Sonora Blend of Wellavoh contains two of the
most popular plants of the Sonora Desert. Each is
used by the Natives for food. - The Nopal cactus is the primary vegetable eaten
by the Natives. This wonderful food may be one
reason why their cholesterol is so low and why
diabetes is almost unheard among adults and
children of the Traditional Natives. - One of their primary sources of energy is the
Sage seed. Tradition among the tribes is a
three-day run when a man becomes a Tribal Elder.
Energy for this ordeal as well as energy for
daily life is provided by the sage seed.
34Sonoran Blends
- Heart-Healthy Oil Complex
- Fish oil, Flax seed oil, Sesame seed oil, Pumpkin
seed oil, Sage seed oil - Fish oil reduces high triglyceride levels raise
HDL ("good") cholesterol levels, prevent
dangerous heart arrhythmias, slow heart rate,
improve blood vessel tone, and decrease blood
pressure. These effects also support findings
that fish oil may help prevent strokes. - Salvia hispanica contains the richest source of
plant-based Omega 3 oils. Omega-3 is known for
its brain-health and heart health benefits. For
heart health, Omega 3 acts as an
anti-inflammatory to protect the delicate linings
of the blood vessels. Two-thirds of the human
brain is made from fat three-fourths of the fat
of the brain is Omega 3.
35Sonoran Blends
- Heart-Healthy Oil Complex
- Fish oil, Flax seed oil, Sesame seed oil, Pumpkin
seed oil, Sage seed oil - Flaxseed oil is derived from the hard, tiny seeds
of the flax plant. Like fish oil and Sage oil,
flaxseed oil contains Omega-3 fatty acids, a type
of fat your body needs as much as it needs
vitamins. It is important to know that the
Omega-3 fatty acids in flaxseed oil aren't
identical to what you get from fish oil. Flaxseed
oil contains alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an
Omega-3 precursor that metabolizes slowly for
extended relief from inflammation. - Flax seeds, Sesame seeds and Pumpkin seeds also
contain lignans. These oil-based plant chemicals
reduce elevated cholesterol as well as
inflammation. Elevated cholesterol is a risk
factor for cardiovascular disease. Lignans may
also have anti-inflammatory benefits for the
reproductive system in men and women and are used
in to relieve the distress of menopause and
36Sonoran Blends
- Digestive Blend
- Ginger extract, Long Pepper extract
- Ginger likely originated in Asia, but it has been
known in the tropical regions of the Sonora
Desert for nearly 500 years. Ginger is an
anti-inflammatory spice, especially to the
stomach and gastric system. It improves appetite,
reduces nausea and inflammation. The gift of
Ginger is improved digestion. - Many varieties of pepper grow in the Sonora
Desert. Natives used various peppers to spice
their foods and as medicine in various digestive
disorders. Piper longum likely originated in
India. Its use in promoting human health is to
promote digestion, reduce cramping and flatulence
and soothe colic / indigestion. The gift of Piper
longum is improved digestion.
37Sonoran Blends
- Sonoran Bloom Fruits Vegetable Blend
- Whole food blend which supports nutrient
absorption - Supports whole body wellness
- 24 whole food concentrates including Pomegranate,
Grape Seed, Bilberry, Green Tea and the Nopal
Fruit, among many other antioxidant-rich fruits
vegetables - All experts agree that the best way to get the
phytonutrients we need is from whole foods. Most
experts agree that the best way to insure that
you absorb your vitamin supplements is to take
them with food. Wellavoh is designed with
whole-food complexes containing virtually every
nutrient known to science. Many of these foods
have known health values, such as pomegranate for
the heart, cranberry for the kidneys and bilberry
for the eyes. However, all of these superfoods
belong in a healthy diet. The gift of these
superfoods is both known and unknown beneficial
38NopaleaThe Science Behind the Discovery
39(No Transcript)
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41Natives of the Sonora Desert
42Modern Pima
- US Pima
- Lifespan lt52
- lt2 reach age 65
- 50 of Pima Adults have type 2 diabetes
- 80 at age 40
- 17 years disability
- Average of 6 prescriptions by age 40
- Source Arizona Department of Health Services
43Wellspring of Wellness
- US Pima
- Lifespan lt52
- lt2 reach age 65
- 50 of Pima Adults have type 2 diabetes
- 80 at age 40
- 17 years disability
- Average of 6 prescriptions by age 40
- Source Arizona Department of Health Services
- Traditional Pima
- Lifespan gt71
- 6 of Pima Adults have type 2 diabetes by age 70
- About 4 months disability
- Average 0 prescriptions at age 65
44The Science of Betalains
- Betalains are pigments
- Pigments are chemical houses (vacuoles) that
contain beneficial proteins - Betalains are antioxidants
- Antioxidants defend the plant against radiation,
toxins and disease. The benefits of antioxidants
are transferrable to people! - Betalains in beet root and prickly pear fruit.
Schmandke, H. Ernahrungs-Umchau V-52 n(2). 2005. - Antioxidant compounds from four Opuntia cactus
pear fruit varieties Kuti, J. O. Food Chem.
2004, 85 , 527-533.
45How Betalains Work
46How Betalains Work
47The Science of Nopalea
- Betalains balance the minerals and water inside
and outside the cell for optimum cellular health. - Biological effect of Opuntia ficus indica on
waste matter - diuretic activity
- Galati EM, Tripodo MM, Trovato A, Miceli N,
- Monforte MT. J Ethnopharmacol. 2002 Jan
48The Science of Nopalea
- Betalains Drive-Down the inflammation at the
heart of chronic disease. - Betanin inhibits the myeloperoxidase/nitrite-indu
ced oxidation of human low-density lipoproteins
- Free Radic Res. 2007 Mar41(3)335-41
- Allegra M, Tesoriere L, Livrea MA. Department of
Pharmaceutical, Toxicological and Biological
Chemistry, Università di Palermo, Italy. - Antioxidant betalains from cactus pear (Opuntia
ficus-indica) inhibit endothelial ICAM-1
expression - Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2004 Dec1028481-6.Gentile C,
Tesoriere L, Allegra M, Livrea MA, D'Alessio P.
Dipartimento Farmacochimico, Tossicologico e
Biologico, Università di Palermo, Italy. - An anti-inflammatory principle from cactus
- Fitoterapia. 2001 Mar72(3)288-90 Park EH, Kahng
JH, Lee SH, Shin KH. - College of Pharmacy, Sookmyung Women's University
49The Science of Nopalea
- Betalains prevent LDL (bad cholesterol)
stickiness and extinguish LDL inflammation.
Antioxidant betalains from cactus pear (Opuntia
ficus- indica) inhibit endothelial ICAM-1
expression Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2004 Dec
1028481-6. Gentile C, Tesoriere L, Allegra M,
50The Science of Nopalea
- Betalains detoxify Exotoxins from Air, Water
Food as well as Endotoxins from Bacteria, Virus,
Allergy Metabolism - Effect of Opuntia ficus indica on symptoms of
the alcohol hangover Arch Intern Med. 2004 Jun
28164(12)1334-40 Wiese J, - McPherson S, Odden MC, Shlipak MG. General
Internal Medicine Section and Department of
Medicine, Tulane Health - Services, USA
- An anti-inflammatory principle from cactus
Fitoterapia. 2001 Mar72(3)288-90 Park EH, Kahng
JH, Lee SH, Shin KH.College of Pharmacy,
Sookmyung Women's University -
51The Science of Nopalea
- The Extraordinary Power of Betalain Antioxidants
in Nopalea slow and even Reverse signs of
Premature Ageing! - Antioxidant compounds from four Opuntia cactus
pear fruit varieties Kuti, J. O. Food Chem.
2004, 85 , 527-533. - Supplementation with cactus pear (Opuntia
ficus-indica) fruit decreases oxidative stress
in healthy humans a - comparative study with vitamin C.
- Am J Clin Nutr. 2004 Aug80(2)391-5 Tesoriere
L, Butera D, Pintaudi AM, Allegra M, Livrea MA.
Dipartimento Farmacochimico Tossicologico e
Biologico, Facoltà di Farmacia, Università di
Palermo, Via C Forlanini, I-90134 Palermo, Italy.
52TriVitas Medical Advisory Board
53Nopalea The Time is Now!
- Inflammation causes disease
- Toxins destroy cells
- Premature aging a shorter lifespan
- Modern life creates poor cellular health
- Nopalea quenches inflammation
- Nopalea neutralizes toxins
- People of the Sonora extend their lifespan
- Nopalea creates Optimal Cellular Health!
54Sonoran Bloom LaunchNopalea
- Lenore Moncion
- Assistant Sales Manager
55(No Transcript)
56A Successful Nopalea Tasting
- Invite People
- Order Supplies
- Make the Presentation
- Hand out the Nopalea Wellness Challenge Form
- Follow Up
59Important Presentation Tools
- Nopalea Flipchart with Presentation
- Nopalea Wellness Challenge Video coming soon
603. Make the Presentation
- 4 Major Sections
- Inflammation
- Nopalea
- TriVita
- Opportunity
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83Income on product sales only. Averages based on
active AM's only.
844. Hand out the Nopalea Wellness Challenge Form
855. Follow Up
- 3-6 per day, follow up halfway
- Answer any question along the challenge
- Review form halfway through the challenge
- Review form on the last day of the challenge
- Enroll as an Affiliate Member or Member
86Sonoran Bloom LaunchNopalea
87Finance Department
- Fiscal infrastructure of TriVita
- Degreed Financial Professionals
- Services
- Financial information to Management
- Treasury functions
- Tax information government reporting
- Compensation payments
88Compensation Payment Methods
- Direct Deposit
- Immediate deposit to your account
- No mailing delays
- No bank processing delays
- Supports TriVitas green effort
89Compensation Payment Methods
- Challenges with Direct Deposit
- Requires personal banking information
- Updates required
90Compensation Payment Methods
- Paper Checks
- No personal banking information required
- Issued to Affiliate Member
91Compensation Payment Methods
- Challenges with Paper Checks
- Delaysmail, bank processing
- Bank fees
- Escalating administrative costs
- Lost checks/replacement delay
- Outdated payment method
Now There is a New Way to Pay
93The TriVita Debit Card
- What is it?
- A personalized Visa/MasterCard debit card that
is automatically loaded with your compensation - Does not require a bank account
- Provides flexibility, convenience and security
94TriVita Debit Card Advantages
- No personal bank account required
- Immediate payment delivery
- Cost effective
- Flexible access to your funds
- Business tool
95TriVita Debit Card Additional Services
- Email, cell phone alert of loads
- Always know your balance
- Easy access to funds
- Secure on-line web site
- Complete support
- Zero Liability fraud protection
96TriVita Debit Card Highlights
- Fee-friendly structure
- No upfront or annual fees
- 0.85 per upload
- 1.50 per withdrawal
- No fee for purchases
- Business tool
- Manage business purchases
- Advertising tool
97TriVita Debit Card Highlights
- Newly enrolled Affiliate Members
- Receive personal debit card as soon as they earn
first compensation - No personal banking information required
- Immediate compensation payment
98TriVita Debit Card Timeline
- Rollout Plan
- November introduction
- Webinar to learn and enroll
- December launch
99Why the TriVita Debit Card?
- Does not require a bank account
- Faster access to your compensation
- More ways to spend and access funds
- More secure than cash or checks
- Business tool and marketing device
100Sonoran Bloom LaunchNopalea
- Mark Preudhomme
- VP, Information Technology
101Back Office Updates
- Compensation qualifications are sometimes hard to
understand - Qualification tool looks at last months activity
- Difficult to identify areas of interest in the
Group List - Difficult to target specific product purchasers
- Difficult to get a quick look at the recent
activity of members in the group
103Qualifications tool
- Now displays current month qualifications.
Updated daily.
104Qualifications tool
- Now displays current Share and Earn bonus
qualifications for this month and next.
105Important Compression Changes
- The totals reflect your estimated compressed
volume in the current month. - Keep in mind that this information is updated on
a daily basis and the number can fluctuate
through the month as other Affiliate Members
place their qualifying orders.
106Group List Changes
- New/Upgraded Affiliate Members
- Hot Spots / High Activity
107(No Transcript)
108Group List Changes
- New Activity Status columns to quickly provide
details about your group - Status
- _at_ - S E Qualified
- - S E 90 days
- Activity within last 45 days
- of PAM Recruits / of new upgraded AMs
- Refer to the Group List legend for updated
109Status Both SE qualified and within the SE
90 days
Activity 3 new PAM acquisitions and 15 New or
Upgraded Affiliate Members
110Group List Changes
- Product Filtering can now be automatically
applied to all member of your group list - Choose to include or exclude purchasers of
- Nopalea
- B12
- Super B
- Leanology
- Gift of Health
- Use this to target your GOH purchases and to
personalize your conversations
111- Choose the product from the drop-down list
- Click to include or exclude that product
- Your Group List is automatically limited to that
112Next Steps
- Changes to the Group List and the Qualification
tool are available today - AMS ready and able to assist in training on the
new features - Upcoming webinar
- Entering the design phase for a next generation
back office suite to better serve you - Starting November 1 Group List data will be
updated in real time - Instant access to new accounts
- Instant visibility to todays volume
- Group List indicators for todays activity
113Saturday General Session