Title: MidWeek
1 MidWeek Registration Form Place Form in
Offering or Table in Main Lobby
2007/8 MidWeek
2007 Sept 12 Picnic Sept 19 Sept 26 Oct
3 Oct 10 Off -Break Oct 17 Oct 24 Oct3 1
Off-Break Nov 5 Nov 14 Nov 21 Off-Break Nov
28 Dec 5 Dec12 Dec19 Off-Break Dec 26
Off-Break Jan 2 Off Break Jan 9 Jan 16 Jan
23 Jan 30 Feb 6 Feb 13 Off-Break Feb 20 Feb
27 March 6 March 12 March 19 March 26 April 2 Off
/ Spring Break April 9 April 16 April 23 April
30 May 9 - HeavenBound Musical May 16 - End of Yr
Name of Adults in Household Address
Phone E-mail Will be in MidWeek Adult Classes
YES / NO (OR) Would
like info on Volunteering YES/ NO
______________________________________ Children
(Please fill out for participating kids) Name
_________________Age/Grade ____ Will participate
in Choir (Circle YES / NO ) Will be in
PreSchool, Kids Quest, Youth Group
( Circle One YES / NO ) Name
_________________Age/Grade ____ Will participate
in Choir (Circle YES / NO ) Will be in
PreSchool, Kids Quest, Youth Group
( Circle One YES / NO ) Name
_________________Age/Grade ____ Will participate
in Choir (Circle YES / NO ) Will be in
PreSchool, Kids Quest, Youth Group
( Circle One YES / NO ) Name
_________________Age/Grade ____ Will participate
in Choir (Circle YES / NO ) Will be in
PreSchool, Kids Quest, Youth Group
( Circle One YES / NO )
(Fill out an
additional form for more than four children)
Learning, Fun Celebration for All
Ages Wednesdays 515 Dinner
545 Choir
630 Activity
1046 Miller St.
Winston Salem N.C. ,
27103 336 - 724 4421 www.RedeemerWS.org
2By the grace of God, We intend to create a
content rich, fun memorable, midweek
theological learning experience for the children,
youth and adults of Redeemer Presbyterian
Church and their guests, staffed by volunteers
passionate about using their gifts in community
while working for the glory of God.
MS Youth (6th-8th Grades) Middle Schoolers will
meet in small group studies on various topics
ranging from books of the Bible to topical
studies High School Youth High School Students
should either volunteer in Kids Quest, or
participate in D-Group discussions on Wednesday
Nights. Adults The adult elective this fall will
be an overview of Systematic Theology with Tripp
Volunteer Opportunities Guide, Mentor, Organize
Games, Help w/ Childcare, Cook, Cleanup,
Coordinate a Special Event, Shadow a Special
Needs Child Maybe think of something new to do!
Signup in Main Lobby or on Tearoff.
PreschoolQuest (Birth- PreK) Childcare is offered
for the children of adults who participate in
MidWeek Adult electives or volunteer in other
MidWeek programs. Children need to be
pre-registered to participate. Three, Four and
Pre-K Five year olds will be participating in a
short lesson which mirrors the Junior Kids Quest
curriculum. Jr Kids Quest (K,1,2nd
Grades) Junior Kids Quest is a fun-filled night
of drama, games and activities that teaches kids
basic theological and doctrinal truths in a
relaxed mentor and team based approach. Parents
can reinforce what is being used in classroom
with Big Truths for Little Kids and take home
materials. Participants need to
pre-register. Kids Quest (3rd, 45th
Grades) Again (See above) drama based teaching
time is followed by small group discussion led by
adult youth mentors. Children learn truths
about God as in Jr Kids Quest, but more about
themselves, the church and the world from a
theological perspective. Participants need to
Meals Start at 515 and go to 630 Special
Events We all love picnics and potlucks. This
year we will include more of these gathered
celebrations (See Schedule on Reverse.) Details
are still to be determined on what is served and
planned but we will have Seasonal Events,
Evenings with Missionaries, Concerts and
more. Choirs Music Kids Choirs all begin at
545 and end at 630 Children can then be either
picked up or move en-masse to their classes if
they are participating in Kids Club or Middle
School Youth Group. All participants should
pre-register for Choirs this year
Praise Kids K-2nd, Heavenbound Choir 3rd-6th,
Youth Choir 7th-12th, Shiloh (Adult Choir) starts
at 630 PM