Title: Crime on Campus: A Comparative Study
1Crime on CampusA Comparative Study
2Purpose of Study
- To compare crime data from several four year
public universities in Michigan that have
residential halls on campus to see any trends in
data. - To look at one universitys (Grand Valley State
University) crimes spatially to see trends.
- The higher the density of people that surround
the campus, the higher the crime rate (per 1000
people). The crime rates of surrounding counties
and cities will show a strong correlation with
the campus crime rate - Locations that the see the most people over the
span of a day, like the resident halls and
parking lots, will have the most crimes committed
on campus
4Previous Research
- Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy
and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Seward,2006) - Proximity to urban centers with high unemployment
rate affect campus crime rates (McPheters,1978) - 22 percent of students are victims of crimes
(Gover et al, 2007) - 93 percent of crimes that happen to a student
will happen of campus (The Campus Legal Monthly,
2007) - Court cases fine university liable for students
welfare - Perspective of fear
- With financial aid now available for poor inner
city, the criminal element and the violent
culture has a chance to reach the campus setting
(Bennett-Johnson, 1997)
5Study areauniversities looked at
- studied campus
- Michigan State
- Michigan
- Wayne State
- Western Michigan
- Central Michigan
- Eastern Michigan
- Grand Valley State
- Oakland
- Ferris State
- Saginaw Valley
- Northern Michigan
- campus population
- 44,836
- 39,533
- 32,386
- 27,829
- 27,683
- 23,862
- 22,063
- 16,902
- 11,803
- 9,448
- 9,331
6Chart 1
7Data Sources and Data Collected
- Office of Postsecondary Education (US Department
of Education) website - Michigan State Police Uniform Crime Report for
2003, 2004, and 2005 - Center for Geographic Information (Michigan
Department of Information and Technology) - Grand Valley State University website Office of
Public Safety Police Beat 2003, 2004, and 2005 - FBIs Crime in the United States 2003-2005
- Excel to clean data
- Excel to organize data
- ArcGIS 9.2 to locate urban and counties near
campuses - ArcGIS 9.2 To show spatially crime on GVSU
Campus - SPSS 12 to help organize the date more
9Chart 2
Locations of studied campuses, counties and
cities in Michigan
- The ArcGIS 9.2 results in finding counties and
city centers with in twenty miles
- population
- types of crime
- location of the university
- university demographics
- year
- Violent crime murder (manslaughter), rape (any
forced sexual act), assault, and robbery. - Property crime burglary, larceny, motor vehicle
theft. - Arson not counted in either
13Chart 3
14Chart 4
15Chart 5
16Chart 6
17Chart 7
18Chart 8
19Charts 9,10, 11
20Chart 12
Comparing violent crime between studied counties,
cities, and campuses
Type of crime and location
21Chart 13
Comparing property crime between studied
counties, cities, and campuses
Type of crime and location
22Comparing studied cities per 1000 people rates
for 2003-2005
Chart 14
23Comparing studied counties per 1000 people rates
for 2003-2005
Chart 15
24Chart 16
25Chart 17
Regression test between county and university
26Chart 18
Regression test between city and university
27Chart 19
Percentage of ethnicity of students of studied
universities from 2003-2005
28Chart 20
Comparison of gender on studied campuses in
Michigan, 2003-2005
29Chart 21
Comparing violent crime with male
population Percentage of studied Michigan
campuses 2003-2005
30Chart 22
Comparing violent crime with black
population percentage of studied Michigan
campuses 2003-2005
31GVSU-Allendale campus
32Chart 23
percentage of crime on GVSU
33Chart 24
percentage of crime on GVSU
34Chart 25
percentage of crime on GVSU
35Chart 26
percentage of crime on GVSU
36Chart 27
percentage of crime on GVSU
37Chart 28
percentage of crime on GVSU
38Chart 29
percentage of crime on GVSU
39Chart 30
percentage of crime on GVSU
40Chart 31
41Chart 32
42Chart 33
- Universities of Michigan study the location is
more important then the demographic make up. That
near by cities and counties crime rates have and
affect on universities crime rates - Crime location on GVSU is where the population
density is greatest and have the most
interactions of people, espeacially for violent
crime. Property crimes happen were the valued
property is located
- Accuracy of campus crime reports (definitions)
- Data cleaning (lack of location or crime)
- Data cleaning (lack of details)
- Other police data and counseling data
- Time and budget
45Future studies
- Michigan universities ring buffer 5miles, 10
miles to see relationship by distance - Take into account population density of
university campus
46Future studies
- GVSU spatial crime bring in campus public safety
- Find population density of campus
- Compare all clean data with Clery reports
- Bennett-Johnson, Earnestine. The Emergence of
American Crime and Violence on the College and
University Campus. College Student Journal,
Vol. 31. No. 1 (Mar1997) 129-137. - Gover, Angela R., Wesley G. Jennings, Dagmar
Pudrzynska. Are Institutions of Learning Safe?
A Descriptive Study of Campus Safety Issues and
Self- Reported Campus Victimization Among Male
and Female College Students, Journal ofCriminal
Justice Education 18 (July 2007) 193-208. - Perspective The Campus Legal Monthly,
Understanding and Responding to Violence, Vol.
20, No. 6. (June 2005) 1-2, 5. - Seward, Zachary M. FBI Stats Show Many Colleges
Understate Campus Crime, The Wall Street
Journal, October 23, 2006, sec. B, pg 1. -