Title: Think Literacy: CrossCurricular Approaches, Grades 712
1Think Literacy Cross-Curricular Approaches,
Grades 7-12
- OMEA Think Literacy
- Music Supports
Developed in cooperation with
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3Think Literacy Music Supports Background
- Based upon approaches introduced in the Think
Literacy initiative, published in the Spring of
2004 - Written by Ontario Teachers in two weeks in July
2004 - Each grade offers strategies to link music
curriculum to literacy skills in Oral
Communication, Reading and Writing - Now posted on www.omea.on.ca
4Music Supports Writing Team
- 6 writers from throughout the province
oGrade 7 Helen Coker Margarite Bereznick
oGrade 8 Suzanne Denney Kevin Merkley
oGrade 9 Steve Fralick Jim Palmer
5Grade 7 Supports OverviewMain Themes Basic
Music Literacy and Procedures
- Reading Activity
- Getting Ready to Read
- Extending Vocabulary (Creating a Word Wall)
- Writing Activity
- Writing for a Purpose
- Using Templates Writing a Procedure
- Oral Activity
- Small-group Discussion
- Place Mat
6Grade 8 Supports OverviewVocabulary and
resources comparing Program and Absolute Music
- Reading Activity
- Getting Ready to Read
- Extending Vocabulary (Creating a Word Wall)
- Writing Activity
- Using an Information Report Template
- Oral Activity
- Small-group Discussion Jigsaw
7Grade 9 Supports OverviewExpanded Vocabulary and
Music in the Community
- Reading Activity
- Getting Ready to Read
- Extending Vocabulary (Creating a Word Wall)
- Writing Activity
- Developing and Organizing Ideas Adding Details
- Oral Activity
- Getting Ready to Read
- Determining Key Ideas
8The Facing Pages Template
- Design and purpose in keeping with original
Think Literacy Document. - Page one of each Facing Pages section includes
a brief description of the activity, including
- Purpose
- Payoffs
- Tips and Resources
- Further Support
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10- Getting Ready to Read Extending Vocabulary
(Creating a Word Wall) - Grade 8
- A word wall is a display listing key words that
will appear, often in a new unit of study. - They are usually listed alphabetically. It is
suggested that in the music classroom, the - word wall consist of music related words.
Temporary lists of other non-music content - words may be posted for the duration of the unit.
- Purpose
- Identify unfamiliar vocabulary and create a
visible reference in the classroom for words that
will appear often in a topic or unit of study. - Payoff
- Students will
- practice identifying words which are unfamiliar
or confusing to them. - learn the meaning of key words in the text.
- improve comprehension and spelling because the
key words remain posted in the classroom. - use appropriate vocabulary associated with
program music in writing and discussions. - improve musical understanding.
- improve understanding of future texts read.
11- Further Support
- If it appears that students will need additional
support review the terminology on the word wall
in the two classes following this activity using
Think/Pair/Share in Think Literacy
Cross-Curricular Approaches, Grades 7-12. - Examples of possible five minute word wall
follow-up activities - Match the definition
- have students match definition cards to words on
the word wall - Guess the word
- give the students clues to guess the word to
reinforce spelling, usage and meaning - example word movement
- Clue 1-This is a two syllable word. (Ask for, and
write guesses down.) - Clue 2-It has eight letters. (Ask for, and write
guesses down.) - Find a part of speech
- Ask students to write down five verbs from the
wall - Understanding related words
- Ask students to identify root words and create
related words by adding prefixes and suffixes - example word compose
- Write the noun form of this word. (composer, or
composition-discuss er or or added to a verb
usually means one who does) - Write the past tense of this word. (composed)
(Discuss ed ending) - Word Sorts (This could be a longer activity.)
12The Facing Pages Template
- Page Two of the Facing Pages section includes
specific steps for the delivery of the activity,
including instructions for
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17Student/Teacher Resources
- The last, and probably most useful section of
each activity are examples of teacher and
student resources, many of which are ready to
photocopy for classroom use. These include
- Teacher resources
- Student readings
- Templates for student responses
- Sample student answers
18Teacher Resource
 Music Words Â
19Teacher Resource Â
Music Words Â
20Online NOW at www.omea.on.ca
21Jim Palmer
- E-mail jimpalm_at_enoreo.on.ca
- Athens District High School, UCDSB
- Website Director, OMEA
- Lead Writer, Think Literacy Music