Title: CSDA Annual Conference
1- CSDA Annual Conference
- Managing District Finances
- Technology Does Matter
- September 23, 2008
Justin J. Williams, CPA Partner Dustin Cassady
Senior Accountant
Mission Statement To provide responsive,
innovative services of the highest quality to our
clients and to provide a positive, rewarding
environment encouraging our employees to fulfill
their professional and personal goals.
Sacramento Office 2515 Venture Oaks, Suite
135 Sacramento, CA 95833 Tel (916) 929-0540 Fax
(916) 929-0541 www.muncpas.com
- Using technology to improve your Districts
financial reporting from an auditors point of
4Presentation Topics
- New Audit Standards
- Computer Security
- Financial Reporting
- Other Ways to Increase Efficiency
5Audit Standards
- New Audit Standards issued by the American
Institute of Certified Public Accountants
6Audit Standards
- What are some of the new audit standards?
- SAS No. 112
- SAS No. 104 through No. 111
- SAS No. 114
7Audit Standards
- SAS No. 112, Communicating Internal Control
Related Matters Identified in an Audit - SAS No. 104 through No. 111, The Risk Assessment
Standards - SAS No. 114, Auditors Communication with Those
Charged with Governance
8Audit StandardsSAS No. 112
- SAS No. 112, Communicating Internal Control
Related Matters Identified in an Audit - Effective for periods ending on or after December
15, 2006. - Requires written communication of significant
deficiencies and material weaknesses to
management and those charged with governance.
9Audit StandardsSAS No. 112
- 3 Levels of Control Related Matters
- Control Deficiency
- Significant Deficiency
- Material Weakness
- Which is the most severe?
10Audit StandardsSAS No. 112
- Other information from SAS 112
- The auditor cannot be part of the clients system
of internal control. - Internal control over financial reporting
encompasses controls over the preparation of the
financial statements and notes.
11Audit StandardsSAS No. 112
- How do we avoid significant deficiencies and
material weaknesses? - Ensure proper controls are implemented and are
operating effectively - Review prior year management letters and SAS 112
letters to ensure recommendations have been
implemented - Talk to your auditor
12Computer Security
- Section 2- Computer Security
- Internal Control Objectives
- Sample Controls
13Computer Security
- Internal Control Objectives
- IT strategic planning and risk management process
- Reliable systems that include appropriate data
backup and recovery processes
14Computer Security
- Internal Control Objectives (cont.)
- Physical security and access to programs and data
are appropriately controlled - Program changes and systems acquisition and
development are appropriately managed
15Computer Security- Internal Control Objectives
- IT Strategic Planning and Risk Management Process
- Does a Technology Plan Exist?
- Does it Support the Entities Financial Reporting
16Computer Security- Internal Control Objectives
- Reliable Systems That Include Appropriate Data
Backup and Recovery Processes - Backups performed and secured
- File Servers and Application Data
- Environmental controls exist
- Fire/Smoke Detection
- Temperature/Humidity Controls
- Backup Power Supply
17Computer Security- Internal Control Objectives
- Physical security and access to programs and data
are appropriately controlled - Timely action relating to user accounts
- Requesting, establishing, issuing, suspending,
modifying, and closing - Appropriate IT segregation of duties
- IT personnel do not have transaction and
accounting duties
18Computer Security- Internal Control Objectives
- Physical security and access to programs and data
are appropriately controlled (cont.) - Database access is appropriately restricted
- Procedures to maintain effectiveness of
authentication and access - Password length, password history, password
expiration, and lockout for failed attempts
19Computer Security- Internal Control Objectives
- Physical security and access to programs and data
are appropriately controlled (cont.) - Physical access to computer room
- Controls over perimeter and network
- Firewalls, routers, terminal service devices,
wireless security
20Computer Security- Internal Control Objectives
- Program changes and systems acquisition and
development are appropriately managed - Application, database, and operating system
changes tracked - Application controls considered and documented
during implementation of new information systems
21Computer Security
22Financial Reporting
- Section 3- Financial Reporting
- Financial Closing and Reporting
- Capturing and Processing Non-Routine Information
- Preparing and Reviewing Financial Statements and
23Financial Reporting- Financial Closing and
- Discussion Question
- Time to close the books.
- Where do you start?
24Financial Reporting- Financial Closing and
- Tips/Procedures for a Successful Close
- Have a documented period close process with
timing and assigned tasks - Non-routine events or transactions should be
documented with supporting analysis or
documentation as they occur
25Financial Reporting- Financial Closing and
- Tips/Procedures for a Successful Close (cont)
- Ensure all journal entries have adequate
supporting documentation - Review prior year ending trial balance for
significant variances to ensure all items
captured - Review prior year closing journal entries and
auditors adjusting entries
26Financial Reporting- Non-Routine Information
- Improper recording of non-routine transactions is
responsible for the majority of audit adjustments
27Financial Reporting- Non-Routine Information
- Examples of non-routine transactions
- Depreciation
- Debt issuances
- Capital Leases
- Fixed asset additions/disposals
- Allowance for bad debt
28Financial Reporting- Non-Routine Information
- Sources of information used to capture
non-routine transactions - Board minutes and board resolutions
- Budget to actual comparisons
- Prior year journal entries
- Discussions with department managers
29Financial Reporting Preparing and Reviewing
Financial Statements
- SAS 112
- Auditor cannot be part of entitys internal
controls - This includes controls over financial reporting
- So does that mean the Districts have to prepare
their own financial statements?
30Financial Reporting Preparing and Reviewing
Financial Statements
- Gathering information for financial statements
- Disclosure checklist
- Ask your auditor for a copy
- Review of prior year audited financials
- Examples of common disclosures
- PERS and other Retirement Plans
- Operating Leases
- Subsequent Events
31Financial Reporting
32Other Ways to Increase Efficiency
- Email and Calendar
- Hardware
- Moving Away From Paper
33Other Ways to Increase Efficiency
- Email and Calendar
- Spam Filtering
- Turn off new mail alerts
- Set specific times to check emails
- Recurring and Assigning of Tasks
- Calendar Sharing
- Search Utilities
- Google Desktop
34Other Ways to Increase Efficiency
- Hardware
- Dual Monitors
- PDAs, Smartphones
- Specialized Devices
- Wireless meter readers
- In-office barcode scanners
35Other Ways to Increase Efficiency
- Moving Away from Paper
- Document Management Systems
- PDF instead of Fax
- www.pdf995.com
- www.efax.com
37Resources and Links
- AICPA Governmental Audit Quality Center
- http//gaqc.aicpa.org
- FASB Statements
- www.fasb.org/st
- GASB Statements
- www.gasb.org
- AICPA Statement of Auditing Standards
- http//www.aicpa.org/ProfessionalResources/Accoun
tingandAuditing/AuditandAttestStandards/ - CSDA
- http//www.csda.net
38Contact Info
Justin J. Williams, CPA Partner jjw_at_muncpas.com
Dustin Cassady Senior Accountant dsc_at_muncpas.co
Mission Statement To provide responsive,
innovative services of the highest quality to our
clients and to provide a positive, rewarding
environment encouraging our employees to fulfill
their professional and personal goals.
Sacramento Office 2515 Venture Oaks, Suite
135 Sacramento, CA 95833 Tel (916) 929-0540 Fax
(916) 929-0541 www.muncpas.com