Title: XMLBased Neutral Language for Data Display Systems
1XML-Based Neutral Language for Data Display
John Hamilton Ron Fernandes Mike Graul Knowledge
Based Systems, Inc. Dr. Charles Jones AFFTC,
113th RCC Telemetry Group Conference Albuquerque,
NM March 8th, 2006
- Background
- Motivation
- DDML and Translator Review
- DDML Status
- DDML Translator Status
- Work based on a Phase I and II SBIR sponsored by
Edwards Air Force Base - Technical POC Dr. Charles Jones
- Work with
- China Lake / Lockheed Martin, Ridgecrest
- NAWS, Pt. Mugu
- Pax River Test Range Center
- PM Utility Helicopter, U.S. Army
- Sherrill-Lubinski Corp
- Symvionics Corp.
- Bruce Lipe, EAFB
- Jon Morgan, EAFB
- Project ends Nov 2006
4Why Neutral Language?
- Data display setup is a lengthy procedure
- Diverse data display systems
- Test and Evaluation (TE) performed at different
locations - Need reuse of displays for joint service TE
missions - Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)
- Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM)
5Why Neutral Language?
- Currently, displays are created manually
- Develop translators without neutral language
6Why Neutral Language?
- Develop translators with neutral language
7Data Display Markup Language
- Based on eXtensible Markup Language (XML)
- Four logical layers graphics resources,
dynamics, variables and data sources - Includes most TE display objects
- plotters, meters, strip charts, etc.
- Primitive graphics resources based on Scalable
Vector Graphics (SVG) - rectangles, lines, etc.
- Generic to support nonstandard objects
8Data Display Markup Language
- Layers similar to typical software architecture
9DDML Design
- DDML is generic enough to support multiple data
display systems, despite - Nomenclature differences across tools
- Different functionality and focus for each system
- Architectural differences and fuzzy specification
of architectural layers - Nonstandard, tool-specific concepts
10DDML Design artifacts
- Data dictionary Excel-based
- Maps vendor objects to DDML elements and
attributes - IDEF1X data model
- Special mapping rules file
- XML Schema
- UML Model (in progress)
11DDML Details
- ltmodelgt contains all display objects on a given
screen. - Standard display objects including
- ltstripchartgt
- ltbarchartgt
- ltpiechartgt
- ltdialgt
- ltslidergt
- Non-Standard/Custom objects
- ltobjectgt
12Data Display Translator Framework
- DDML Model Repository with Translators
13DDML Benefits
- Supports interoperability of display systems
- Same look and feel across environments and test
centers - Vendor-independent way of cataloging display
information - Can be used in various environments
- TE missions
- Industrial process control
- Cockpit and automobile dashboards
- Health monitoring man and machine
14DDML Status
- DDML Version 2.0 presented at 112th RCC Telemetry
Group Conference - Several Suggestions made by Attendees
- Convert XML Attributes to Elements
- Use MathML for derived variables
- Develop UML model for further documentation.
15DDML Status
- Current DDML Version 3.0
- Changes since 2.0
- All XML attributes have been converted to
elements, except for id. - DDML ltexprgt element replaced with MathML ltapplygt
element. - Improved ltrulesgt logic for defining thresholds,
16Attributes to Elements
DDML 2.0 ltbarchart id"BAGC1
name"BAGC1 scrollDirection"down"
title"Title" titleColor"0
valueAxisMin"0 valueAxisMax"5
valueGrid1Color"16711935 valueGrid1Quantity2
valueTicLabelFormat"4.2f valueGrid2Color58
DDML 3.0 ltbarchart id"BAGC1"gt
ltnamegtBAGC1lt/namegt ltscrollDirectiongtdownlt/scro
llDirectiongt lttitlegtTitlelt/titlegt
lttitleColorgt0lt/titleColorgt ltyAxisgt
ltaxisMingt0lt/axisMingt ltaxisMaxgt5lt/axisMaxgt
groundColorgt ltaxisGridgt
undColorgt lttickLabelFormatgt4.2flt/tick
LabelFormatgt lt/axisGridgt
ltaxisGridgt ltaxisGridColorgt58302lt/axisG
ridColorgt lt/axisGridgt lt/yAxisgt
17MathML for Derived Data
DDML 3.0 ltapplygt ltminus /gt ltapplygt
lttimes /gt ltcngt3lt/cngt ltapplygt
ltpower /gt ltcigtxlt/cigt
ltcngt2lt/cngt lt/applygt lt/applygt
ltapplygt ltsin /gt ltcigtylt/cigt
lt/applygt lt/applygt
DDML 2.0 ltexpgt ltexp coef"3" power"2"
var_ref"x" /gt ltexp coef"-1" power"1"
oper"SIN" var_ref"y" /gt lt/expgt
18Improved Rules
Example if (var 0) value16711680 else
if(var 1) value65280
DDML 2.0 ltrulegt ltif start"0" finish"0" /gt
ltthen value"16711680 /gt ltelsegt
ltrulegt ltif start"1" finish"1" /gt
ltthen value"65280 /gt lt/rulegt
lt/elsegt lt/rulegt
DDML 3.0 ltrulegt ltifgt
ltoperatorgtEQlt/operatorgt ltvaluegt0lt/valuegt
lt/ifgt ltthengt ltvaluegt16711680lt/value
gt lt/thengt ltelsegt ltrulegt
ltifgt ltoperatorgtEQlt/operatorgt
ltvaluegt1lt/valuegt lt/ifgt
ltvaluegt65280lt/valuegt lt/thengt
lt/rulegt lt/elsegt lt/rulegt
19DDML Documentation Status
- DDML 3.0 Improvements documented
- ITC 2006 Paper
- ITEA Test Instrumentation Workshop 2006 Paper
- Both of these are intended to gain feedback from
TE community. - DDML website maintenance
- http//www.kbsi.com/DDML/DDML.htm
- 3.0 Schema and UML model will be on website soon.
20DDML Translator Status
- DDML translators in use by Pt. Mugu to support
transition from GRIDS to RangeView. - Progress on SL-GMS translator
- Maintenance of DataViews, IADS, and C/OpenGL
- DDML is a generic XML-based neutral language for
data display applications - DDML has been tested to support at least three
vendor-specific formats - DDTF provides integrated framework for future
translators - DDML and DDTF have applications beyond TE
22Points of Contact
- Charles Jones, AFFTC, EAFB
- charles.jones_at_edwards.af.mil
- Jon Morgan, JT3 LLC, EAFB
- jon.morgan.ctr_at_edwards.af.mil
- Mike Graul, KBSI
- Mgraul_at_kbsi.com
- John Hamilton, KBSI
- JLHamilton_at_kbsi.com
- Ronald Fernandes, KBSI
- Rfernandes_at_kbsi.com