Probing the QGP at RHIC - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Probing the QGP at RHIC


full description of collision dynamics. connects intermediate ... run binary collision PCM and compare to hydro- dynamics with identical initial conditions ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Probing the QGP at RHIC

Probing the QGP at RHIC Lessons and Challenges
Steffen A. Bass
Duke University
  • Jet-Medium Interactions
  • Hydro and beyond
  • Recombination
  • Topics not covered due to lack of time
  • Photons
  • Dileptons
  • Charm(onium)

Time-Evolution of a Heavy-Ion Collision
QCD on the Lattice
  • Goal explore the thermodynamics of QCD
  • evaluate QCD partition function
  • path integral with N steps in imaginary time
  • can be numerically calculated on a 4D Lattice

Equation of State for an ideal QGP
(F. Karsch, hep-lat/0106019)
(ultra-relativistic gas of massless bosons)
  • LGT predicts a phase-transition to a state of
    deconfined nearly massless quarks and gluons
  • QCD becomes simple at high temperature and/or

  • high-pt and early times
  • manifestations of pre-equilibrium
  • jet production and quenching
  • photons leptons

Jet-Quenching Basic Idea
What is a jet?
  • partons can loose energy and/or fragment
    differently than in the vacuum
  • energy loss can be quantified
  • partons probe the deconfined medium, sensitive
    to density of (colored) charges
  • fragmentation of hard scattered partons into
    collimated jets of hadrons
  • pp reactions provide a calibrated probe, well
    described by pQCD
  • what happens if partons traverse a high energy
    density colored medium?

I. Vitev, QM04
Jet-Quenching direct jet correlation
  • establish near-side (trigger-jet) and far-side
    (counter-jet) correlation in pp
  • ansatz correlation in AA as superposition of pp
    signal and elliptic flow
  • pp signal from pp data
  • elliptic flow from reaction plane analysis
  • back-to-back correlation disappears in central
  • surface emission for near-side jets
  • quenching of far-side jets

D. Hardtke, STAR plenary talk QM02
Jet-Medium Interactions
  • how does a fast moving color charge influence the
    medium it is traversing?
  • can Mach-shockwaves be created?
  • information on plasmas properties is contained
    in longitudinal and transverse components of the
    dielectricity tensor
  • two scenarios of interest
  • High temperature pQCD plasma
  • Strongly coupled quantum liquid (sQGP)
  • H. Stoecker, Nucl. Phys. A750 (2005) 121
  • J. Ruppert B. Mueller, Phys. Lett. B618 (2005)
  • J. Casalderrey-Solana, E.V. Shuryak, D. Teaney,

Wakes in the QCD Medium
  • High temperature pQCD plasma
  • Calculation in HTL approximation
  • color charge density wake is a co-moving
    screening cloud
  • Strongly coupled quantum liquid (sQGP)
  • subsonic jet analogous results to pQCD plasma
  • supersonic jet emission of plasma oscillations
    with Mach cone emission angle ?Farccos(u/v) v
    parton velocity, u plasmon propag. velocity

J. Ruppert B. Mueller, Phys. Lett. B618 (2005)
Jet-Medium Interactions Observables
T. Renk J. Ruppert hep-ph/0509036
  • in the sQGP scenario, Mach cones lead to a
    directed emission of secondary partons from the
  • creation and propagation of a sound wave
  • visible in away-side jet angular correlation
  • emission angle shape of correlation function is
    sensitive to
  • QGP equation of state
  • speed of sound
  • fraction of jet-energy deposited into collective
  • Question nature of the Mach cone angular
    correlation? (2/3/n-body)

  • Lessons
  • Jet-quenching well established as final state
  • probes gluon density of medium
  • color-wake phenomena (if confirmed!) provide
    novel more detailed insights into medium
  • Challenges
  • verification/falsification of color-wake
  • quantitative characterization of medium properties

  • low-pt and intermediate times
  • creation and evolution of the QGP
  • Hydrodynamics and anisotropic flow
  • Thermalization

Collision Geometry Elliptic Flow
  • The application of fluid-dynamics implies that
    the medium is in local thermal equilibrium!
  • Note that fluid-dynamics cannot make any
    statements how the medium reached the equilibrium
  • elliptic flow (v2)
  • gradients of almond-shape surface will lead to
    preferential emission in the reaction plane
  • asymmetry out- vs. in-plane emission is
    quantified by 2nd Fourier coefficient of angular
    distribution v2
  • calculable with fluid-dynamics

Nuclear Fluid Dynamics
  • transport of macroscopic degrees of freedom
  • based on conservation laws ?µTµ?0 ?µjµ0
  • for ideal fluid Tµ? (ep) uµ u? - p gµ? and
    jiµ ?i uµ
  • Equation of State needed to close system of
    PDEs pp(T,?i)
  • connection to Lattice QCD calculation of EoS
  • initial conditions (i.e. thermalized QGP)
    required for calculation
  • assumes local thermal equilibrium, vanishing mean
    free path
  • applicability of hydro is a strong signature for
    a thermalized system
  • simplest case scaling hydrodynamics
  • assume longitudinal boost-invariance
  • cylindrically symmetric transverse expansion
  • no pressure between rapidity slices
  • conserved charge in each slice

Elliptic flow early creation
P. Kolb, J. Sollfrank and U.Heinz, PRC 62 (2000)
Most model calculations suggest that flow
anisotropies are generated at the earliest stages
of the expansion, on a timescale of 5 fm/c if a
QGP EoS is assumed.
Elliptic Flow ultra-cold Fermi-Gas
  • Li-atoms released from an optical trap exhibit
    elliptic flow analogous to what is observed in
    ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions
  • Elliptic flow is a general feature of strongly
    interacting systems!

Matter at RHIC nearly ideal fluid?
K and p ratio normalized to T160 MeV!
  • Hydrodynamic initial conditions
  • thermalization time t0.6 fm/c and e20 GeV/fm3

C. Nonaka SAB
The not-so-perfect Fluid
  • Ideal Hydrodynamics (Heinz, Kolb Sollfrank
    Hirano, Huovinen,)
  • assumes vanishing mean free path ?, even in the
    dilute, break-up phase
  • fails to describe protons pions simultaneously
    w/o rescaling, due to chemical and kinetic
    freeze-out being identical
  • no species-dependent cross sections (problem w/
    ?s and Os)
  • Ideal Hydrodynamics with Partial Chemical
    Equilibrium (Hirano Tsuda, Kolb Rapp,
  • separates chemical from kinetic freeze-out
  • successful for simultaneously describing proton,
    kaon pion spectra
  • assumptions of vanishing ? species-independent
    cross section still hold
  • Hybrid HydroMicro Approach
    (SAB Dumitru Teaney,
    Lauret Shuryak Hirano Nara, Nonaka SAB)
  • self-consistent calculation of freeze-out with
    finite mean free path and species-dependent cross
  • full treatment of viscous effects in hadronic

3D-HydroMicro first results
  • C. Nonaka S.A. Bass
  • 3D-HydroUrQMD
  • first fully 3-dimesional HydroMicro calc.
  • microscopic calculation of hadronic phase
  • selfconsistent treatment of freeze-out
  • inclusion of viscous effects
  • good agreement with spectra below 1.5 GeV
  • reproduces centrality dependence of dN/d?
  • large effect due to resonance decays

Connecting high-pt partons with the dynamics of
an expanding QGP
  • Jet quenching analysis taking
  • account of (21)D hydro results
  • (M.Gyulassy et al. 02)

hydrojet model
color QGP fluid density symbols mini-jets
HydroJet model T.Hirano. Y.Nara Phys.Rev.C66
041901, 2002
  • use GLV 1st order formula for parton
  • energy loss (M.Gyulassy et al. 00)

AuAu 200AGeV, b8 fm transverse
plane_at_midrapidity Fragmentation switched off
  • take Parton density ?(x) from full 3D
    hydrodynamic calculation

Strangeness Charm Thermalization Recombination
  • multi-strange baryons follow same v2 scaling as
    hyperons protons
  • strange quarks equilibrate and flow the same way
    as light quarks!
  • indications that D-mesons exhibit same trend
    charm equilibration!?!

  • Lessons
  • system acts in 1st approx like a near ideal fluid
  • heavy quarks might thermalize as well
  • initial conditions well in the realm of
    deconfinement as predicted by lQCD
  • HydroMicro can alleviate many Hydro shortcomings
  • Challenges
  • transport coefficients (e.g. viscosity)
    experimentally verifiable/falsifiable concepts)

The Parton Cascade Model (PCM)
Goal provide a microscopic space-time
description of relativistic heavy-ion collisions
based on perturbative QCD
  • degrees of freedom quarks and gluons
  • solve a Boltzmann Transport-Equation
  • an interaction takes place if at the time of
    closest approach dmin of two partons
  • system evolves through a sequence of binary
    (2?2) elastic and inelastic scatterings of
    partons and (optional) initial and final state
    radiations within a leading-logarithmic
    approximation (2?N)
  • binary cross sections are calculated in leading
    order pQCD with either a momentum cut-off or
    Debye screening to regularize IR behavior
  • guiding scales initialization scale Q0, pT
    cut-off p0 / Debye-mass µD

Equilibration I Infinite Matter
  • run PCM in a box with periodic boundary
  • kinetic and chemical equilibration
  • relaxation times
  • Equation of State
  • box mode with 2-2 scattering
  • proper thermal and chemical equilibrium obtained
  • chemical equilibration time 2500 fm/c!!

T. Renk SAB
Equilibration II v2 as indicator
  • run binary collision PCM and compare to hydro-
    dynamics with identical initial conditions
  • even for sparton a factor of 10-15 above spQCD,
    the hydro limit is not obtained!
  • strong dissipative effects

D. Molnar P. Huovinen, Phys.Rev.Lett.94012302,
  • Lesson
  • perturbative processes seem insufficient for
  • Caution
  • role of multi-particle interactions still under
    debate (Greiner Xu)

Non-Perturbative Models for Thermalization
  • requires microscopic transport progress on
    transport coefficients
  • A selection of current ideas
  • Plasma Instabilities (Mrowczynski, Lenaghan
    Arnold Strickland Dumitru Nara)
  • Heavy-quark EFT (van Hees Rapp)
  • Classical fields particle degrees of freedom
  • Brueckner-type many-body calculations (Mannarelli
  • Critical opacity at the phase transition
    (Aichelin Gastineau)

  • Intermediate-pt and late(r) times
  • dynamics of hadronization
  • Recombination Fragmentation
  • The baryon puzzle at RHIC
  • Recombination Fragmentation Model
  • Results spectra, ratios and elliptic flow
  • Challenges correlations, entropy balance

The baryon puzzle _at_ RHIC
  • where does the large proton over pion ratio at
    high pt come from?
  • why do protons not exhibit the same jet-
    suppression as pions?
  • species dependence of v2 saturation?
  • fragmentation yields Np/Npltlt1
  • fragmentation starts with a single fast parton
    energy loss affects pions and protons in the same

RecombinationFragmentation Model
  • basic assumptions
  • at low pt, the quarks and antiquark spectrum is
    thermal and they recombine into hadrons locally
    at an instant
  • features of the parton spectrum are shifted to
    higher pt in the hadron spectrum
  • at high pt, the parton spectrum is given by a
    pQCD power law, partons suffer jet energy loss
    and hadrons are formed via fragmentation of
    quarks and gluons
  • shape of parton spectrum determines if
    recombination is more effective than
  • baryons are shifted to higher pt than mesons,
    for same quark distribution
  • understand behavior of baryons!

Reco Single Particle Observables
  • consistent description of spectra, ratios and RAA

Parton Number Scaling of v2
  • in leading order of v2, recombination predicts

note that scaling breaks down in the
fragmentation domain
  • smoking gun for recombination
  • measurement of partonic v2 !

  • Lessons
  • reco success for single-particle distributions
    v2 indicates formation of hadrons from a system
    of deconfined quarks at TC (sQGP?)
  • Challenges
  • dynamical two-particle correlations
  • treatment of gluons sea-quarks
  • R.J. Fries, S.A. Bass B. Mueller, PRL 94
    122301 (2005)
  • C. Nonaka, B. Mueller, S.A. Bass M. Asakawa,
    PRC 71 051901 (2005) Rapid C.
  • B. Mueller, S.A. Bass R.J. Fries, Phys. Lett.
    B in print, nucl-th/0503003

Two-Particle Correlations
  • PHENIX STAR measure associated yields in pT
    windows of a few GeV/c.
  • trigger hadron A, associated hadron B associated
    yield as a function of relative azimuthal angle
  • clear jet-like structure observed at
  • intermediate pT
  • very similar to pp jet fragmentation?
  • analyze as function of integrated yield
  • simple recombination of uncorrelated
    thermal quarks cannot reproduce two
    particle correlations

Recombination Inclusion of Correlations
  • Recombination approach allows for two particle
    correlations, provided they are contained in the
    parton source distributions
  • Which results in a correlated two hadron yield

Thermal Recombination beyond the Valence Quark
  • investigate effects of more sophisticated
    internal hadron structure
  • use light-cone frame
  • write hadron wavefunction as expansion in terms
    of Fock-States
  • General Result (B. Mueller, R.J. Fries SAB,
    Phys. Lett. B618 (2005) 77)
  • in the Boltzmann approximation the emission
    probability of a complex state from a thermal
    ensemble is independent of degree of complexity
    of the structure of the state
  • note that for Q2?(pTC)2?0.5 GeV2 degrees of
    freedom likely dominated by lowest Fock state
    (i.e. valence quark state)

Higher Fock States v2 Scaling Violations
  • Generalization of scaling law to higher Fock
  • assume all partons carry roughly equal momentum
  • with n? the number of partons in the Fock
  • valence quark approximation ?1, n12,3 and C11
  • (scaled v2 identical to parton v2)
  • general result
  • scaling violations ? 5

  • Lessons
  • dynamical correlations compatible with reco
  • inclusion of gluons sea-quarks interpretation
    of scaled v2 as partonic flow still valid
  • Beware
  • Recombination is not a dynamical model for the
    time-evolution of a heavy-ion reaction, but only
    a formalism on how to hadronize an ensemble of
    constituent quarks
  • snapshot of system at TC

Last Words
  • The (s)QGP has been discovered the gunsmoke is
    thickening w/ every measurement!
  • RHIC experiments have performed way beyond
  • RHIC physics is transitioning from the discovery
    phase to the exploratory phase
  • keep pushing the envelope w/ new measurements!
  • do not neglect the nitty-gritty details they
    will become more important in quantitatively
    determining the sQGP properties - but dont
    forget the big picture in the process!!

The End
Lattice current status
  • technical progress finer mesh size, physical
    quark masses, improved fermion actions
  • phase-transition smooth, rapid cross-over
  • EoS at finite µB in reach, but with large
    systematic uncertainties
  • critical temperature TC?180 MeV

Fodor Katz, hep-lat/0110102
Lattice current status
  • technical progress finer mesh size, physical
    quark masses, improved fermion actions
  • phase-transition smooth, rapid cross-over
  • critical temperature TC?1939 MeV
  • EoS at finite µB large systematic uncertainties
  • Beware
  • current estimate for TC significantly higher than
    previous estimates!
  • implications for interpretation of Statistical
    Model fits to hadron ratios
  • difference between Tch and TC implies evolution
    of hadronic matter in chemical equilibrium
  • experimental determination of TC problematic
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