Title: P1253297828ICDEH
1Unsupervised learning Statistical and
computational perspectives Werner
Stuetzle Professor and Chair, StatisticsAdjunct
Professor, Computer Science and
EngineeringUniversity of Washington,
Seattle Supported by NSF grant DMS-9803226 and
NSA grant 62-1942. Work performed while on
sabbatical at ATT Labs - Research.
2- 1. Introduction
- Given Collection of n objects, characterized by
feature vectors x1, , xn. - General goal of unsupervised learning
- Detect presence of distinct groups
- Assign objects to groups
- Note Important to distinguish between
unsupervised learning and compact
partitioning - Unsupervised learning Identify distinct groups
- Compact partitioning Partition collection of
objects into compact strata
3- The prototypical compact partitioning
methodK-means clustering - Let Pk P1 ,, Pk be a partition of the
observations into k groups. - Measure badness of a partition by the sum of
squared distances of observations from their
group means
- Find optimal partition (for example with the
Lloyd algorithm) - Note
- K-means clustering can be successful at finding
groups if - we picked the correct k
- groups are roughly spherical, and
- approximately of the same size
- For the remainder of the talk, will focus on
unsupervised learning
4- 2. Approaches to Unsupervised Learning
- Regard feature vectors x1, , xn as sample from
some density p(x) - Parametric approach (Cheeseman, McLachlan,
Raftery) - Based on premise that each group g is
represented by density pg that is a member of
some parametric family gt p(x) is a mixture - Estimate the parameters of the group densities,
the mixing proportions, and the number of
groups from the sample. - Nonparametric approach (Wishart, Hartigan)
- Based on the premise that distinct groups
manifest themselves as multiple modes of p(x) - Estimate modes from sample
- Will pursue nonparametric approach
53. Describing the modal structure of a
density Consider feature vectors x1 , . , xn as
a sample from some density p(x) . Define level
set L(c p) as the subset of feature space for
which the density p(x) is greater than c. Note
Level sets with multiple connected components
indicate multi-modality There might
not be a single level set that reveals all the
6- The cluster tree of a density
- Modal structure of density is described by
cluster tree. - Each node N of cluster tree
- represents a subset D(N) of feature space
- is associated with a density level c(N)
- Root node
- represents the entire feature space
- is associated with density level c(N) 0
- Tree defined recursively to determine
descendents of node N - Find lowest level c for which intersection of
D(N) with L(c p) has two connected components - If there is no such c then N is leaf of tree
leaves of tree ltgt modes - Otherwise, create daughter nodes representing
the connected components, with associated level
7Goal Estimate the cluster tree of the
underlying density p(x) from the sample feature
vectors x1 , . , xn First step Estimate p(x)
by density estimate p(x) (see below) Second
step Compute cluster tree of p (maybe
84. Density estimation Consider feature vectors x1
, . , xn as a sample from some density
p(x). Goal Estimate p(x) Simplest idea Let
S(x, r) denote a sphere in feature space with
radius r, centered at x. Assuming density is
roughly constant over S(x, r), the expected
number of sample points in S(x, r) is
k n Volume ( S(x, r) ) p(x), giving
p(x) k / (n Volume ( S(x, r) )
Kernel estimate Fix radius r k of
sample feature vectors in S(x, r) K-near-neighbor
estimate Fix count k r smallest radius
for which
S(x, r) contains k sample feature
vectors Many refinements have been suggested
9Example - kernel density estimate in 2-d
- Swept under the rug
- Choice of sphere radius r (for kernel estimate)
or count k (for near-neighbor estimate) ---
critical !! There are automatic methods. - Down-weight observations depending on distance
from query point - Adaptive estimation --- vary radius r depending
on density - Other types of estimates, etc, etc, etc
(extensive literature)
10- Computational complexity
- Computing kernel or near-neighbor estimate at
query point x requires finding nearest neighbors
of x in sample x1 , . , xn. - Can find k nearest neighbors of x in time log
n using spatial partitioning schemes such as k-d
trees, after n log n pre-processing - However
- Spatial partitioning most effective if n large
relative to d. - Theoretical analysis shows that number of
nearest neighbors should increase with n and
decrease with dimensionality d k n (4 / (d
4)). Relevance ? - In low dimensions (d lt 4) can use histogram or
average shifted histogram density estimates based
on regular binning. - Evaluation for query point in constant time,
after pre-processing n - High dimensionality may present problem
11- 5. Recursive algorithms for constructing a
cluster tree - For most density estimates p(x), computing level
sets and finding their connected components is a
daunting problem --- especially in high
dimensions. - Idea Compute sample cluster tree instead
- Each node N of sample cluster tree
- represents a subset X(N) of the sample
- is associated with a density level c(N)
- Root node
- represents the entire sample
- is associated with density level c(N) 0
12- To determine descendents of node N
- Find lowest level c for which the intersection
of X(N) with L(c p) falls into two
connected components Note Intersection of
X(N) with L(c p) consists of those feature
vectors in the node N for which estimated
density p(xi) gt c. _at_ - If there is no such c then N is leaf of tree
- Otherwise, create daughter nodes representing
the connected components, with associated
level c. - Note
- _at_ is the critical step. Will in general have to
rely on heuristic. - Daughters of a node N do not define a partition
of X(N). Assigning low density observations in
X(N) to one of the daughters is supervised
learning problem
14- Critical step
- Find lowest level c for which observations in
X(N) with estimated density p(xi) gt c fall into
two connected components of level set L(c p) - Heuristic 1 (goes with k-near-neighbor
density estimate) - Select feature vectors xi in X(N) with p(xi) gt
c - Generate graph connecting each feature vector to
its k nearest neighbors - Check whether graph has 1 or 2 connected
components - Heuristic 2 (goes with kernel density
estimate) - Select feature vectors xi in X(N) with p(xi) gt
c - Generate graph connecting feature vectors with
distance lt r - Check whether graph has 1 or 2 connected
15- Related work
- Looking for the connected components of a level
set --- One-level Mode Analysis --- was first
suggested by David Wishart (1969). - Wisharts paper appeared in obscure place ---
Proceedings of the Colloquium in Numerical
Taxonomy, St. Andrews, 1968. Nobody in CS cites
Wishart. - Idea has been re-invented multiple times ---
sharpening (Tukey Tukey) DBSCAN (Ester et
al) Methods differ in heuristics for finding
connected components of level set. -
- Wishart also realized that looking at single
level set might not be enough to detect all the
modes gt Hierarchical Mode Analysis. Did
not think of it as estimating cluster tree.
Algorithm awkward --- based on iterative
merging instead of recursive partitioning.
OPTICS method of Ankerst et al also considers
level sets for different levels.
166. Constructing the cluster tree of the 1-near
neighbor density estimate The 1-near-neighbor
density estimate is defined by
p(x) 1 / distd (x, X) Advantage of
1-near-neighbor estimate Connected components of
level sets of p can be found exactly by
analyzing the minimal spanning tree of the
sample. Disadvantage of 1-near-neighbor
estimate Not a very good density estimate
noisy, singularities at observed feature vectors
xi. (Not necessarily fatal --- we dont care
about density per se) Noise and singularities
produce spurious nodes gt specify a minimum
cluster size
17- Computationally attractive
- Computing and pre-processing minimal spanning
tree n log n. - Deciding on whether a cluster with m
observations should be split m - Have implemented this method and run a number of
experiments on simulated data and data sets from
machine learning. - Competitive with other methods that make
implicit assumptions about shape of groups
(like k-means, average linkage ..) - A lot better when assumptions made by those
methods are violated.
18- 7. Summary and future work
- The term clustering is ambiguous --- need to
distinguish between compact partitioning and
unsupervised learning. - Goal of unsupervised learning detect presence
of distinct groups. - Assumption groups modes --- connected
components of level sets --- of feature
density. - This definition accommodates elongated and
non-linear groups. - Modal structure of density is described by
cluster tree. - Cluster tree is defined recursively --- suggests
recursive partitioning. - Potentially many variations on basic algorithm,
differing in - (1) estimate of feature density (2) heuristic
for deciding when to split a node - Attractive choice 1-near-neighbor density
estimate. Level sets and their connected
components can be found exactly by analyzing
minimal spanning tree of sample
19- Future work
- Principled method for deciding on number of
groups --- hard! - Sampling or aggregation methods for dealing with
large data sets - Visualization Link cluster tree with other
displays such as histograms, scatterplots, etc,
to understand location and shape of clusters in
feature space - Quantitative evaluation and comparison of methods
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214. Finding the cluster tree of the estimated
density For most density estimates p(x),
computing level sets and finding their connected
components is a daunting problem --- especially
in high dimensions. Idea Compute sample cluster
tree instead
Sample cluster tree
Density cluster tree
- Each node N
- represents a subset D(N) of feature space
- is associated with a density level c(N)
- Root node
- represents the entire feature space
- is associated with density level c(N) 0
- Each node N
- represents a subset X(N) of the sample
- is associated with a density level c(N)
- Root node
- represents the entire sample
- is associated with density level c(N) 0
22Density cluster tree
Sample cluster tree
- To determine descendents of node N
- Find lowest level b for which the
intersection of X(N) with L(b p) falls into
two connected components _at_ - If there is no such b then N is leaf of tree
- Otherwise, create daughter nodes representing
the subsets of X(N), with associated level b
- To determine descendents of node N
- Find lowest level b for which intersection of
D(N) with L(b p) has two connected
components - If there is no such b then N is leaf of tree
- Otherwise, create daughter nodes representing
the connected components, with associated level
- _at_ The critical step
- Easy to compute intersection of X(N) with level
set L(b, p) it is the subset of the
observations in X(N) for which p(xi) gt b - Hard to decide whether they fall into one or two
connected components --- usually need heuristic
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