Title: Passive Fire Protection Design and Application
1Passive Fire ProtectionDesign and Application
- Ar Chee Soo Teng
- Ar Chong Lee Siong
- Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia
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- 134 designation of purpose group
- 136 limits of compartment sizes
- 137 138 - compartment floors
- 140 separation of fire risk areas
- 215 vertical compartment wall
- 5th Schedule
5Usage / purpose group limits of
dimensions Hotel / III Height gt
28m Floor area 2000m2 Volume
5500m3 Office / IV Height gt
28m Floor area no limit Volume
no limit Shops / V Floor area
2000m2 Volume 7000m3 Basement Car
Park / VIII Floor area no limit Volume
4,000m2 11,000m3 4,000m2 14,000m3 42,
UBBL Clause 136 with Automatic Sprinklers
limits shall be x 2
61800m2 / flr
UBBL 215 Vertical separation
UBBL 137 Compartment Floors
UBBL 137 Compartment Floors
40,000m2 / flr ( 160,000m2 total )
UBBL 138(d) Compartment floor
40000m2 / flr
7Shop compartment limit 4,000m2 14,000m3
Compartment B No limits if At least 60 area
are shops Less than 280m2 each
Compartment A
Compartment C
8Basement compartment volume limit 42,000m2
Separation of vertical shaft
Compartment A
Compartment D
Compartment B
Compartment C
9Exits Considerations
- 165 measurements of travel distance
- 166 minimum 2 separate exits
- 167 storey exits
- 171 horizontal exit
- 174 storey exit to lead to final exit
- 7th Schedule
10Maximum Travel Distance Occupant load capacity
of exits Dead End / w Sprinklers ( e.g Stair
) Hotel 10m / 45m 2 pax /
room 45 Office 15m / 60m 10m2 per
person 60 (gross) Shops 15m /
45m street level 3m2 / pax 60 upper level
6m2 / pax 60 Basement 15m / 30m not
specified Basement garages limited to 30m
even with sprinklers
11storey exit
Final exit
Exit route
horizontal exit
Final exit
12Exit capacity calculation Hotel
UBBL 168, 175, 176, 177, 181
- Occupant load
- Capacity of Exits
- Exit width required
- Total exit width required
- redundancy calculation
2 pax X 40 rooms 80 pax / floor (By law 175)
45 per unit (By law 176 ,7th schedule),
80/45 1.77, say 1.8 (By law 176, 7th schedule)
1.8 X 550mm 990mm (By law 176, 7th schedule)
round up to 2 full units (By law 177,181)
therefore, 2 X 550mm 1100mm
Say 1 staircase inaccessible,
2-1 1, therefore min exit
width 1100mm
13Exit capacity calculation Office
UBBL 168, 175, 176, 177, 181
- Occupant load
- Capacity of Exits
- Exit width required
- Total exit width required
- redundancy calculation
Gross floor area 1800m2, 10 m2/pax,
therefore 1800/10 180 pax/floor
60 per unit (By law 176, 7th schedule),
180/60 3 (By law 176, 7th schedule)
3 X 550mm 1650mm (By law 176,7th Sch
Say 1 staircase inaccessible,
2-1 1, therefore the min exit width
14Exit capacity calculation Shopping Podium
UBBL 168, 175, 176, 177, 181
Gross floor area 40 000 4000 (Atrium) 36
000m2, 6m2 / pax, therefore 36 000 / 6 6000
pax / floor
- Occupant load
- Capacity of Exits
- Exit width required
- Total exit width required
- redundancy calculation
60 per unit (By law 176, 7th schedule),
6000 / 60 100 (By law 176, 7th schedule)
100 X 550mm 55 000mm (By law 176,7th schedule)
Say 1 staircase inaccessible,
14-1 13,
therefore the min exit width 55 000mm/13
15Exit capacity calculation Basement carpark
UBBL 168, 175, 176, 177, 181
Gross floor area 40 000, assume 2 pax/car and
40m2/car, therefore 40 000/40 1000 car or 2000
- Occupant load
- Capacity of Exits
- Exit width required
- Total exit width required
- redundancy calculation
Compare 2000 to 6000 (shopping), factor
reduction 1/3
55 000 / 3 18300 mm (By law 176, 7th schedule)
Say 1 staircase inaccessible,
14-1 13,
therefore the min exit width 18 300mm / 13
16storey exit
Final exit
Exit route
horizontal exit
Final exit
17 Exit route to discharge direct to final exit
Exit route to discharge direct to final exit
18Travel distance
- UBBL 165
- 7th Schedule
- Dead end
- initial travel distance before a point where an
alternative path becomes available - Direct distance
- Stipulates that travel distance must be measured
along the actual path of travel - Open plan
- Where an actual path of travel cannot be
determined, the direct distance can be measured
as a straight line direct to the exit. Permitted
travel distance is then reduced to 2/3.
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21Protection of stairs and lobbies
- 196, 197 - smoke lobbies, protected lobbies
- 198, 199, 200, 201 ventilation of stairs
- 229 fire fighting lobbies
22Protection of stairs and lobbies
- Protected Lobby protected lobby separated or
isolated from fire and smoke infiltration - Smoke Lobby a protected lobby primarily to
isolate staircases from smoke infiltration - ventilated lobby protected/smoke lobby by
means of natural ventilation from outside - Fire Fighting Access Lobby a protected lobby
designed for fire fighting access
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26Room lt 6 pax
gt 45o
27UBBL 229
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30UBBL Clause 140 Volume of building gt 112,000m3
hence, island site
Hydrants to be located at max. 90m intervals
31Thank you
Thank you
Thank you