Title: Local
1Local Environmental Network
LEN current steering group Jennifer and
Stanley Duncan (sandjd_at_tucksmead.co.uk) Carol and
Martin Hall (martin.hall_at_longstone.me.uk) Mickie
and Tim Hall (longworth_at_triumphconsultancy.co.uk)
Julie and Tim Kirby (julie_at_fiddlesticks.uk.net) Jo
an and Bob Plumptre (bobjoan_at_plumptre-ox.co.uk)
Useful websites www.energysavingtrust.org.uk
www.oxford.gov.uk www.oxfordismyworld.org www.gr
een-insulation.co.uk www.tvec.org.uk www.climate
x.org.uk www.longworthvillage.org.uk
- Top Ten Tips for energy saving
- Set thermostat at between 19/210
- Letterboxes and keyholes should be
- covered
- Install draught excluders
- Use energy saving light bulbs
- Insulate hot water tank with a jacket
- Insulate the loft
- Insulate wall cavities
- Switch to a high efficiency boiler
- Install double glazing
- When buying electrical products look
- for the energy saving logo
- Energy saving pledges
- Not to leave appliances on stand-by
CLIMATE CHANGE What we in Longworth can do to
make a difference for our environment
Dear Fellow Longworth Residents, Everyone is
aware of the problems posed by climate change and
the efforts being made nationally and
internationally to combat them. Many cities in
the UK and around the world are making
commitments to direct action to reduce carbon
emissions by 20 by 2010, now only two years
away. It is not unreasonable to ask ourselves
whether we as a community can make a
contribution to this process. We in the
countryside need not be left behind! There are
lots of us and we can make a significant
contribution. To this end a group calling
itself the Local Environmental Network (LEN) has
been set up to promote a positive response to
this new challenge to our everyday lives. As a
start we have drawn up this leaflet. This
re-iterates easy ways for us in Longworth and
nearby communities to reduce, reuse and recycle
and make the best of local facilities. LEN
Steering Group
Local Environmental Network
Read on to find out how you can save
your 20.......
CLIMATE CHANGE What we in Longworth can do to
make a difference for our environment
- Use local markets to reduce your
- food miles
- Appleton a.m. 2nd Sunday in the month
- Abingdon a.m. every Monday and Farmers
- Market 3rd Monday in the month
- Faringdon a.m. 1st Tuesday in the month
- Useful website www.bigbarn.co.uk
- Organic Box Scheme
- Veggies, eggs, fruit etc delivered to Longworth
- From Coleshill Organics 01793 861070
- Seasonal Veg Tony and Mary Stratford,
LOCAL BUS SERVICE Route 63 Tuesdays, Wednesdays,
Fridays, Saturdays (Windrush Transport Tel
01993 701142) Longworth (Square)
Oxford (Castle St) to to Oxford (Castle St)
Longworth (Square) Depart Arrive
Depart Arrive 09.30
10.18 11.00
11.29 11.56 12.30
13.00 13.29 13.56
14.30 15.00
15.29 Route 66 departure times journey time
c25 mins Southmoor to Oxford Oxford to
Southmoor Mondays 06.46
07.20 to Fridays 07.26
08.15 07.49
08.45 08.50
09.45 10.05
10.45 10.35
11.15 11.05 then every hour
11.45 then every hour until 16.05
until 16.45 16.35
17.15 17.05
17.45 18.05
18.45 19.15
19.50 22.56
23.25 Saturdays 08.05 Every
hour 08.45 Every hour until
18.05 until 18.45
19.05 19.50
22.56 23.25
Sundays 10.15 10.45
12.15 13.05
13.45 14.35
15.15 16.45
17.15 18.15
18.45 NB. Timetable correct as at December
- See the Autumn Vale News for information
- on all local recycling/waste drop off points.
- Green box scheme collected Fridays takes
- glass
- plastic bottles
- paper
- cans
- batteries (if in see through plastic bag)
- To get a free green box Tel 01235 520202
- To get a brown bin at 29.00 per year for
- cardboard and garden waste collected
- alternate Tuesdays. Tel 01235 520202
- Videos, books, CDs, cardboard and mixed
- plastics are collected at Millets Farm Shop