Title: Cooperative MIMO Communications
1Cooperative MIMO Communications
- Hsin-Yi Shen
- January 23, 2009
- Introduction
- Cooperative Diversity
- Our Contribution
- Asynchronous cooperative MIMO communication
- Overhead Analysis
- Cooperative MIMO systems with space-time block
codes (STBC) and code combining - Cooperative MIMO systems with Multiple Carrier
Frequency Offset - Conclusion
- Fading effects and channel variation often
degrade data transmission in wireless
environments - MIMO degree-of-freedom gain diversity gains
- However, MIMO requires multiple antennas at
transmitter and receiver - Cooperative diversity gt achieve spatial
diversity with even one antenna per-node (eg
MISO, SIMO, MIMO) - Main idea recruit nearby idle nodes to assist
transmitting and receiving data - Cooperative MIMO special case of coop. diversity
- Achieve MIMO gains even with one antenna
per-node. - Eg open-spectrum meshed/ad-hoc networks, sensor
networks, backhaul from rural areas
4MIMO vs Cooperative MIMO
8x8 MIMO gt 64 channel estimations required
Source node
Destination node
Transmitting cluster
Transmitting cluster
Receiving cluster
We decompose 8x8 MIMO into a 8x1 MISO problems
soft combining. gt only 8 per-node channel
estimations required
5Cooperative MIMO Communication with Meshed
Backhaul Networks
Inter-cluster transmission
Intra-cluster transmission
- Introduction
- Cooperative Diversity
- Our Contribution
- Asynchronous cooperative MIMO communication
- Overhead Analysis
- Cooperative MIMO systems with space-time block
codes (STBC) and code combining - Cooperative MIMO systems with Multiple Carrier
Frequency Offset - Conclusion
7Cooperative Diversity
- Motivation
- In MIMO, size of the antenna array must be
several times the wavelength of the RF carrier - unattractive choice to achieve receiver diversity
in small handsets/cellular phones - Cooperative diversity Transmitting nodes use
idle nodes as relays to reduce multi-path fading
effect in wireless channels - Methods
- Amplify and forward
- Decode and forward
- Coded Cooperation
- Application Virtual MIMO
8Cooperative Diversity Schemes
Amplify and forward
Decode and forward
Coded cooperation
N1 bits
N2 bits
Frame 1
Frame 2
Relay node
Relay node
Relay node
Destination node
Destination node
Source node
Source node
Source node
N1 bits
N2 bits
Frame 1
Frame 2
Source Signal
Source Signal
9Our Design for Cooperative MIMO
Coded cooperation
Amplify and forward
Decode and forward
N1 bits
N2 bits
Frame 2 Frame 1
Relay node
Relay node
Relay node
N1 bits
N2 bits
Frame 1 Frame 2
Source node
Rx cluster
Destination node
Tx cluster
- Introduction
- Cooperative Diversity
- Our Contribution
- Asynchronous cooperative MIMO communication
- Overhead Analysis
- Cooperative MIMO systems with space-time block
codes (STBC) and code combining - Cooperative MIMO systems with Multiple Carrier
Frequency Offset - Conclusion
11Cooperative MIMO Phase 1 2
PHASE 1 Source node broadcasts symbol (to ALL
cluster members and destination)
Destination node
Source node
Rx cluster
Tx cluster
PHASE 2 Inter-cluster Tx-cluster detects
rexmits symbol to Rx cluster AND destination.
Source node
Rx cluster
Destination node
Tx cluster
12Cooperative MIMO Phase 3
PHASE 3 Rx-cluster destination do MISO
soft-symbol detection. Rx-cluster transmits soft
symbols sequentially to destination
Source node
Destination node
Tx cluster
Rx cluster
Destination combines the soft symbols from
Source node
Destination node
Rx cluster
Tx cluster
13Handling Asynchrony
- Synchronization techniques are required in most
current cooperative schemes - The lack of synchronization may result in inter
symbol interference (ISI) and dispersive channels
- Different propagation delays due to distance
variation - We allow 1-symbol asynchrony (see next slide)
141-symbol asynchrony
Indirect path
Direct path
Rx cluster node has to do MISO soft-detection
while tolerating this max multi-path delay!
- Difference between the direct 1-hop path is at
most 1-symbol time - Why? the send cluster member is at most ½ symbol
time away from sender - The detect-and-rexmit step is assumed to be
15Asynchronous MISO detection
Soft Quantization
Sampling rate ndata rate
- Multi-path requires equalization. We choose the
DFE equalizer. - Handles fast deep fades well. But linear
equalizers can also be used (instead of DFE) - We tap the channel at n-times the symbol rate.
- Even though we control max-delay spread
- with more randomly positioned Tx cluster nodes,
- more taps allows us to resolve indirect paths
in the equalization - Tradeoff need to tap faster if many Tx cluster
16Overall Receiver Structure (Rx-cluster
Destination node
Receiving cluster
17Bit error rate with different SNR
- Coop MIMO increase diversity gain and degrees of
freedom compared to SISO - Cluster sizes gt 3
- BER curve for proposed system is better than 3x3
MIMO system
- Introduction
- Cooperative Diversity
- Our Contribution
- Asynchronous cooperative MIMO communication
- Overhead Analysis
- Cooperative MIMO systems with space-time block
codes (STBC) and code combining - Cooperative MIMO systems with Multiple Carrier
Frequency Offset - Conclusion
19Overhead analysis
- Analysis starts from AWGN channel capacity
formula - Three phases with transmission times t1, t2, t3.
- Total time t1t2t3 or capacity 1/(t1t2t3)
- Then compute capacity ratio with respect to
direct Tx capacity - Assumptions
- The size of transmitting cluster is M1 and the
size of receiving cluster is N1 (including the
source node and destination node). - Each node in source cluster transmits with equal
power P/(M1)
20Analysis of capacity ratio -Phase I
Transmission time for Phase I
Source node transmits to cluster members and
Destination node
Source node
21Analysis of capacity ratio -Phase II
- Phase II Inter-Cluster Transmission
Transmission time for Phase II
Inter-cluster transmission between transmitting
cluster and receiving cluster
Source node
Receiving cluster
Destination node
Transmitting cluster
Transmitting cluster
22Analysis of capacity ratio -Phase III
- Phase III intra-cluster transmission in
destination cluster
Transmission time for Phase III
Intra-cluster transmission for soft symbols
Source node
Destination node
Transmitting cluster
Receiving cluster
Note Q is of bits to represent a hard symbol
as soft symbol
23Capacity ratio
- Total transmission time and the capacity is
- Thus the system capacity ratio is
24The relation of capacity ratio and major system
Note Tx cluster size (M1) Rx cluster size
(N1), incl. of src/dest
- Introduction
- Cooperative Diversity
- Our Contribution
- Asynchronous cooperative MIMO communication
- Overhead Analysis
- Cooperative MIMO systems with STBC and code
combining - Cooperative MIMO systems with Multiple Carrier
Frequency Offset - Conclusion
26Cooperative MIMO system with STBC and code
- Key Challenges in Cooperative MIMO
- node coordination in sending and receiving group
- gtcluster recruiting algorithm and asynchronous
scheme - Achieve distributed MIMO gain by utilizing both
transmitter and receiver diversity - distributed space-time coding in senders
- data combining in the destination
- Solution
- distributed implementation of space-time block
codes (STBC) in sending group - STBC only change the order of information bits
- gt suitable for distributed implementation
- code combining in receiving group
- Use convolution code and Viterbi decoder
- provide not only spatial diversity but the MIMO
27Proposed DesignStep 1 Broadcasting
- Before transmission, the sending and receiving
group have been formed - The source node encodes information bits by FEC
and broadcasts to select neighbor nodes - Number of nodes required by STBC is selected
- Gives order for selected helper nodes so each
helper node will choose the corresponding row in
space-time block code (STBC) matrix.
Receiving Group
Sending Group
Source node broadcasts data and sends control
message to destination node to forms receiving
28Proposed DesignStep 2 STBC MIMO transmission
- The helper nodes in sending group use the
corresponding row in STBC code matrix to change
the permutation of data bits - Transmit space-time coded data to the receiving
group - Note STBC is applied properly with distributed
implementation because of knowing exact sending
group size and assigning order to each node
Sending group
Receiving Group
(b) MIMO transmission
29Proposed DesignStep 3 Data Collection
- Each node in the receiving group decodes the
space-time block coded (STBC) data. - After decoding for STBC, the helper nodes in
receiving group relay their copies to the
destination node. - The destination detects them as soft symbols.
- Then the destination uses code combining and
chooses the most possible codeword based on
received soft symbols.
Sending group
Receiving group
(c) Data Collection and Code Combining
30BER and energy consumption
Although cooperative MIMO communication has more
control-message overhead, the total power
consumption is low due to low BER and fewer
As sending/receiving groups increase, BER
decreases faster because of transmitter and
receiver diversity
31Energy Consumption
- Energy for unsuccessful attempt
- Energy for successful attempt
Proposed system utilizes both transmitter and
receiver diversity gt lowest power consumption
when transmission power is the same
Total Energy
- Introduction
- Cooperative Diversity
- Our Contribution
- Asynchronous cooperative MIMO communication
- Overhead Analysis
- Cooperative MIMO systems with STBC and code
combining - Cooperative MIMO systems with Multiple Carrier
Frequency Offset - Conclusion
33Cooperative MIMO Systems with Multiple Carrier
Frequency Offsets
- Key challenges in proposed cooperative MIMO
system design - Each sending node has individual electronic
circuit for carrier frequency generation - Distortion from multiple carrier frequency
offsets - Most of current techniques consider single
carrier frequency offset, such Phase Lock Loop
(PLL)gt Multiple CFO estimation is desired - The sending group implements space-time block
codes (STBC) in a distributed manner - Each receiving node will receive STBC-coded
signal under the distortion of multiple carrier
frequency offsets - Solution
- Estimation of the multiple carrier frequency
offsets - Use uncorrelated pilot symbols
- MMSE Detection of space-time block coded (STBC)
data under multiple carrier frequency offsets
34Using PN sequence as uncorrelated pilot symbols
- Each receiver needs to estimate the multiple
carrier frequency offsets (CFO) from senders - We propose to use pseudo-random noise (PN)
sequence as uncorrelated pilot symbols for
multiple CFO estimation - Use shift register to generate PN sequence
- Different initial state in shift registergt
generate uncorrelated sequence - Thus each receiver only requires information on
shift register length and initial state of shift
register in each sender to obtain uncorrelated
pilot symbols gtsuitable for distributed
implementation - To send pilot symbols, source node first decides
the length of shift register and assigns the
initial state of the shift register for each
sending node - Include this information in MIMO RTS so receiving
nodes can obtain pilot symbol information
35Design of estimation algorithm for multiple CFOs
- Sending group starts pilot symbol transmission
and all receiving nodes use the received mixed
signal of pilot symbols for multiple CFO
estimation - Assume M sending nodes and N receiving nodes
- Denote pilot symbols and carrier frequency offset
in sending node i as pi and fi - Thus receiving signal at receiving node r is
where n is the symbol index - Then compute the discrete-time Fourier Transform
(DTFT) of the received signal - The cross-correlation of the DTFT of receiving
signal and the DTFT of pilot symbols is - The above function has maximum at lag 0 and can
use to estimate CFO
36Iterative estimation algorithm for multiple CFOs
- In each iteration, use estimated information from
last iteration and estimate the multiple CFOs
sequentially - Algorithm stops when small estimation error or
large of iterations
37STBC decoding under Multiple Carrier Frequency
- After obtaining the information of multiple CFOs,
the receiving nodes need to detect receiving
signals. - With STBC-coded data x, the received signal at
receiving node r, yr, is given by
,while N is noise and Hr is the matrix of
path gain - The element in position (t,tt(i)) of Hr is the
path gain of symbol xi transmitted at time t by
sending node tt(i), - where ? is path-loss component and ai,r is
fading gain - Hr become non-orthogonal and time-variant matrix
due to impefect carriers - We propose to use a linear MMSE detector to
detect the STBC-coded data under multiple carrier
frequency offsets
38Detection algorithm of STBC decoding under
multiple CFOs
- At time kc, the signal received at receiving node
r is - To simplify the computational complexity in
receiving node r ,use - The mean square value of detection error is
- So the MMSE detector can be rewritten as
- Thus the linear MMSE detector is applied to
received signal, -
- and the ith element in the output vector above is
detected as xi
39BER Simulation result
- Compare proposed system with a) Cooperative code
combining without STBC and b) Cooperative MIMO
systems without code combining - Proposed system has best performance
- No full transmitter diversity guaranteed due to
multiple CFO and non-orthogonal path gain matrix - But STBC coding, FEC code combining and the
proposed linear MMSE detector still improves BER
40Comparison of simulation result with different
estimation algorithms
- Compare with results of no CFO estimation and
non-iterative estimation - No CFO estimation cannot detect symbols due to
distortion of multiple carrier frequency offsets - Non-iterative estimation cannot precisely
estimate when multiple senders - Iterative estimation estimate precisely even
under multiple senders. gt Performance of
proposed iterative algorithm is significantly
41Simulation result of energy consumption
- We compare the energy consumption in different
system design - Energy consumption in cooperative FEC system is
lower than it in cooperative relay because
cooperative code combining improves BER
performance and require less retransmission. - The proposed system has lower energy consumption
- Proposed system uses more control messages in
node coordination - But it also has better BER and require less
retransmission - Thus proposed system provides reliable low-power
- Cooperative communication systems achieve lower
transmission power, extend battery life, and
improve network connectivity and throughput - Our works consider to design the cooperative MIMO
communication step by step - Cluster recruiting algorithm form clusters for
cooperative MIMO communication (shown in the
thesis) - Asynchronous cooperative transmission deal with
the synchronization problem in sending nodes - Overhead analysis Consider the system overhead
and performance analysis - Cooperative MIMO with STBC and code combining
fully utilize both transmitter and receiver
diversity to achieve MIMO gain - Cooperative MIMO system with multiple carrier
frequency offset Consider the distributed
senders and provide CFO estimation and signal
detection scheme for proposed system design - Theoretical analysis and formulas are provided in
43Related Publications
- IEEE DCDIS, Guelph, Canada, July27-29, 2005,
Cluster Recruiting for Ad Hoc Cooperative
Networks, Hsin-Yi Shen, Babak Azimi-Sadjadi, and
Alejandra Mercado - IEEE WiOPT, April 16-20, 2007, Limassol, Cyprus,
Asynchronous Cooperative MIMO Communications,
Hsin-Yi Shen and Shivkumar Kalyaraman - IEEE Globecom 2007 Ad-hoc and Sensor Networking
Symposium - Globecom 2007 Ad-hoc and Sensor
Networking Symposium "A MAC Protocol for
Cooperative MIMO Transmissions in Sensor
Networks" Haiming Yang, Hsin-Yi Shen, Biplab
Sikdar - IEEE Globecom 2008 Ad Hoc, Sensor and Mesh
Networking Symposium - IEEE Globecom 2008 Ad Hoc,
Sensor and Mesh Networking Symposium "A
Distributed System for Cooperative MIMO
Transmissions" Hsin-Yi Shen, Haiming Yang, Biplab
Sikdar, Shivkumar Kalyanaraman - The 28th IEEE International Conference on
Computer Communications - INFOCOM
Mini-Conference, "A Threshold Based MAC Protocol
for Cooperative MIMO Transmissions", Haiming
Yang, Hsin-Yi Shen, Biplab Sikdar, Shivkumar
Kalyanaraman - Hsin-Yi Shen, Shivkumar Kalyanaraman and Biplab
Sikdar, Asynchronous Cooperative MIMO
Communications System Design and Overhead
Analysis, submitted to IEEE IEEE Transactions on
Wireless Communications
44Comparison of Cooperative Diversity Scheme
- Decode and Forward
- Simple and adaptable to channel condition (power
allocation) - If detection in relay node unsuccessful gt
detrimental for detection in receiver (adaptive
algorithm can fix the problem) - Receiver need CSI between source and relay for
optimum decoding - Amplify and Forward
- Achieve full diversity
- Performance better than direct transmission and
decode-and-forward - achieve the capacity when number of relays tend
to infinity - Coded Cooperation
- transmit incremental redundancy for partner
- Automatic manage through code design
- no feedback required between the source and relay
- Rely on full decoding at the relay gt cannot
achieve full diversity! - Not scalable to large cooperating groups.
- Other methods are proposed to use spatial
diversity by node cooperation
45Energy consumption analysis
- The energy consumption for an unsuccessful
transmission attempt is - And energy consumption for a successful
transmission is - where Emrts, Emcts, Eack, Errts and Escts are
the energy spent on sending MRTS, MCTS, ACK, RRTS
and SCTS packets. - Ecol energy spent by each receiving node
during data collection. - M, N size of source and destination clusters,
respectively - Ebr energy spent on broadcasting data to
nodes in the sending group. - Edata energy spent on data transmission
between sending/receiving groups. - Assume the length of all control messages is Lc
and the size of a data packet is L. - The data rate is R and a convolutional code with
rate Rc
46Energy consumption analysis- Cont
- Thus the equation of unsuccessful and successful
transmission can be rewritten as - And the total energy consumption for transmission
in cooperative MIMO system is - where Pe is the packet error probability.